T-type hero legend

123. The tavern is an intelligence center

Although Aurora is a galaxy with very underdeveloped technology, the foundation is good. In addition to being less automated, the comfort is not worse or even better than any planet. At least the food here is all natural, and the fruit can be eaten after picking, and there is no need to wash it. However, the people only know that because of God's blessing, the soil here is very good and life is very simple, but no one has ever thought much about how God protects them and what God has done for their current life.

For example, the glass of wine in front of Lao K is theoretically not high in alcohol content, but the taste is very mellow, which is simply irresistible. However, no one has thought that the brewed rice is not the product of ordinary seeds, and even the land planted is actually improved by high organic molecules. All this belongs to the domain of God for ordinary people, and they can't and don't need to get involved.

Because the alcohol content is not high, this kind of wine is not afraid of getting drunk. The glass containing the wine is similar to the beer glass in Lao K's memory. In more than an hour of "gathering intelligence" in this tavern, he had killed almost a dozen and went to the toilet for the third time.

"So, we're here to drink today...uh-huh!"

No matter how low the alcohol level is, he can't stand the pouring. Lao K is good at drinking and feels that his cheeks are a little hot. He has to pause under the serious protest of Xiaoding lying on his back. Almost 20 cups of white hair, who had been poured down, showed a trance smile on his face and began to talk to himself.

Pliss once said that he belongs to a thousand cups of un drunkenness, which does not seem to be bragging. He definitely drinks less than old K, and may be more than white hair, but he is still completely as sober as ordinary people.

Children like Aita and Little Curritt can't come to pubs, so Guli simply took them to another place where it was easier to dig into the topic: the parent-child center.

At present, it seems that Gu Li's intelligence collection progress is better than that of Lao K and the others. Judging from his communication, he has inquired that Goddess will hold another mysterious rally somewhere two days later, and her followers will be present. Although the exact time and place is not clear, it is much better than old K and others who only collect bills at present.

Although they didn't hear anything at present, Puliss didn't care at all. After seeing the message from Gu Li, he smiled meaningfully: "So this is our entry point."

Bai Mao finally lay down and fell on the table and began to snor. Although the tavern is lively, just like the pubs in small towns, it is full of familiar visitors. Although Lao K and others huddled in the corner as soon as they came, their three raw faces were more eye-catching. They had drunk before, and many people had secretly guessed their where they came from. Now the white hair has fallen down, and suddenly there is laughter on several wine tables.

"Concre with me." Puliss hinted at old K with his mouth, and then his voice suddenly became louder: "What's wrong with what she said? Sooner or later, we will..."

Before he finished his words, he was covered by Lao K. Lao K scolded his mother in his stomach, but his face was in place: "Shut up! Drink well!" Puliss's plan came suddenly. If he hadn't been used to frequent mental perception, he would not have been able to cooperate well.

However, this plan seems to be quite effective. He can feel it without turning his head, and several curious eyes came from around him. That's more direct, with inquiry and trying to approach psychological attention. But obviously, there are too many people in the pub, and no one will be stupid enough to stand up and contact them in public.

Since it's so easy for someone to take the bait, always give the other party a chance. Old K stood up and patted the white hair on the back: "Let's go. Bear, wake up!"

Naturally, it is impossible for the white hair to wake up. Prisace was also very cooperative and kicked the foot of the white hair stool: "Wake up! Unusable goods! Why did you bring such a fucking thing out!"

This second half of the pubs are watching them, including those who only paid attention to the movement here but dared not show it before. Old K Xin said that he had to add more firewood! He walked around Bai Mao and raised his arm and swaying him dozens of centimeters away from the table. His hand loosened, and Bai Mao smashed back to the table heavily. The loud old K began to worry that he might have to pay for the table, but Bai Mao was still quite cooperative and showed no sign of sobriety.

Pliss patched his foot on the leg of the white-haired stool and kept turning around and cursing. It seems very uncomfortable that you can't leave here immediately with your companions.

Sure enough, someone couldn't help it. A big man stood up from a group of people separated by two tables: "Let me help."

Lao K smiled secretly. That person was one of their targets. He didn't need to act and promised him directly!

"So the bonus for you to inquire about the news is this pile of bills and a sleepy guy..."

Guri changed into a pair of contemptuous eyes and matched his equally contemptuous tone. He was giving white hair a blood and sober wine. No one expected that Bai Mao could not seem to drink it. In fact, it was because he was allergic to the high organic content of the wine here. It was not until he slept for a day that he did not wake up that he was not drunk but fainted.

"But our news is very valuable." Puliss blinked. Although he was satirized, it didn't hit him at all.

Suching this, the room fell silent again. Everyone had their own thoughts. They had argued once before, but there was no result. Now they have closed their mouths tacitly.

"Anyway," Lao K thought about it and came here for a specific purpose. Unlike others, he could adjust his goals according to the actual situation. He had no way out. "I will go anyway, even if..."

"I think..." Although Xiaoding's voice was a little hesitant, he still stood on the same side as Lao K. "If you don't go into the tiger's den, I will accompany you in case."

Seeing that Puliss frowned again, Lao K said first, "I will be very careful and control my emotions, and I won't reveal any information about you." Finally, a sudden flash of inspiration appeared in his mind. In case, he was sure that he could destroy the memory energy about Prisace in a ten thousandth of a second, which was also a kind of protection he could do to these partners.

Pliss' eyebrows frowned tighter: "That's not what we care about!" Does it matter whether it is exposed or not?! We are talking about you!"

This time it was Lao K's turn to be silent. His original intention was to use any opportunity to find Lilith and then kill her directly, so as not to have many dreams at night. Originally, no one had any problem with this, but what he learned from the guy who took the initiative to send it to the door made Prisace worried.

Obviously, Lilith has a strong sense of crisis and knows the people around her very well. Because the prophet's image has always maintained is really like a god, generous and benevolent, so among those believers who accept her theory and follow her, her safety has been linked to whether the prophet is really as he has shown. Once she dies unnaturally, her followers will definitely take action and will definitely target the prophet.

One of these is currently being implemented and has achieved certain results, that is, even those who oppose the goddess Ra are paying attention to the Prophet's attitude towards Ra. At present, the tolerance of the prophet makes them feel that the Lord God is still the most merciful and kindest, but once public opinion is full of the news that Ra was killed by the prophet, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although Aurora is the product of the prophet's obsession, it has been a completely independent galaxy after so many years of breeding. It has its own planet, and each habitable planet has its own people. In addition to the fact that they have all believed in the utopian ideals of the prophet in the past few decades, each planet also has its own unique culture.

Even if people who have no feelings for here can no longer deny the existence of Aurora after seeing all this, let alone regard it as a large mass of unconscious energy floating in space. And if the existence of prophets is questioned by the whole Aurora, they will disintegrate themselves from the inside without waiting for external forces.

And if this is still caused by old K's violent impulse, it will almost be almost the same as their team directly blowing up the galaxy. Whether it is Prisace or Gully, even Eita and Little Curit are very unsupported.


Do you think it's a little jumpy?

After the prophet showed his base, everyone still had to run out to find out the news or something first. This is probably just two sentences, which is directly skipped in the book...