T-type hero legend

176. Slaughter

The dispute on the other end is still going on. After listening to it, Old K gradually understood that Pritches and others seemed to find out that the Merry would have a problem because the time positioning device on the ship was secretly tamped. As for who did it, no one can say, only the jammer that Prisace removed from a very hidden place of the spacecraft. The function of the jammer itself is not very complicated, but it is better than its small size. Even if Prisace has professional exploration equipment, it took a long time to find it.

Sa seems to have found them for a while, but his role in this whole thing does not seem to be an ally of old K. When everyone guessed how this thing appeared, he was the first to propose that there was an insider on the spacecraft; when everyone thought about the possibility of an insider, he began to imply that there were outsiders on the ship who were not actually citizens of Glilang; before everyone thought it would be old K, he also put forward the idea of outsiders, believing that it was from outsiders. It is difficult for people who join Glilang halfway in the world to say what their nature is.

Among them, Gu Li seemed to be quickly incited and stood on the other side of Sa. Because Xiaoding was relatively close to Lao K, he was also involved and became the object of suspicion. White hair sandwiched in the middle to try to persuade, while Prismes had been silent and did not say anything. The two children, Ita and Little Curette, cried for nothing. A soft sob made the whole atmosphere worse.

Old K felt angry. It's not a sasting provocation, but an unbearable lack of trust.

I have been with everyone for a while. Speaking of Jianghu, he has always thought that they are taking good care of each other. But now he has been forced to separate from everyone. It has only been a long time since he was provoked by a few words and implicated others because of himself. Fortunately, he always thought that everyone could be a good person with a deep friendship, but he didn't expect that there was such a dark distrust of others.

But he felt confused, and the situation was really quite strange. Even if you don't think about this guy you haven't known for a long time, Gu Li usually doesn't look like the kind of person who will run away as soon as he is incited. Unless he was on guard against himself from the beginning, how could he suddenly turn against himself as a traitor?

But will Gu Li be on his guard from the beginning? Old K thinks this is really incredible, not to mention 100%, but at least more than 90%. He can be sure that this situation does not exist. From a certain perspective, Gu Li may be the weakest one in the whole team.

Just by looking at the way he looked at the little Phoenix in his eyes, you can know that this is a guy who rarely cares about the environment around him, otherwise he will not take the risk of getting everyone in trouble together and insists on taking the little Phoenix away. If such a guy will beware of someone from the beginning, then that person must be a very serious threat to him. Old K repeatedly recalled what he had done and found that nothing could make Gu Li so nervous, so this possibility should not exist.

When his heart was entangled, Lao K did not notice that the surrounding environment had changed again. The strange scenery that was originally full of different colors is now gradually stained with orange. Going forward, orange gradually turns into bright red, as if it were blood, and the lines entangled together pointing high in the mid-air are miserable. White like a white bone.

Old K was called back to his senses by a low voice. Hearing the sound, he subconsciously wanted to look around, but his body still couldn't move, but now there is a different scene from before, and he seems to have finally arrived at the place!

The Merry was parked less than 50 meters away from him. Everyone was not on the ship, but stood outside the cabin, surrounded by a circle of arguments.

The voice that used to sound like a murmur is now much clearer, but it is still very subtle, with an indescribable strange feeling like persuasion. It asked Lao K, "What do you want to do?"

What should I do? What Old K wants to do most now is to rush over!

But the voice immediately denied: "I can't let you go there. I can only do what you want to do to them instead of you. What do you want to do to them? They are so unwilling to trust you."

In another occasion, basically no one will be hooked by this level of demagogy. However, at this time, Lao K felt that his mind began to be confused, and he began to feel that the voice was right: "But what can I do?"

"Anything is fine. Kill them and break them to pieces. I can help you do it."

The voice became quite sweet and greasy. On another occasion, Lao K would definitely feel that the greasy feeling made him disgusting. However, at present, he felt that his mind was more confused and could hardly think, but there seemed to be a trace of clarity in the depths of consciousness: "Kill... them? Why..."

"Because they don't believe you," the voice was a little erratic, but it wrapped around him like a parasitic vine. "It's been a long time since you left, and they doubted you. These people don't deserve your trust at all. Kill them and leave after grabbing the spaceship."

"Kill them...leave..."

Old K felt that there was something against this idea in his mind, but he couldn't tell it clearly. The voice obviously didn't want him to think more and continue to urge him:

"Yes, kill them, and then you can leave. So, let me help you kill them?"


Old K's original intention was not to agree, but now he is so drowsy that he can hardly make the reaction he wants. After subconsciously repeating the words of the voice, the voice suddenly became sharp: "Okay! That's what you said. I'll kill them for you!"

Old K was thrilled and recovered a little from the state of deep sleep: What did I just say? Am I in trouble?!

It seemed to respond to his worries. What happened the next second immediately made him completely wake up and his eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he saw.

The pale lines around me curled down from mid-air into the open space in front of me, quickly rolling up the crowd up into the mid-air. The place where everyone was strangled gradually oozed blood, and at the same time, the pale color of the lines gradually stained with light pink.

The blood-soaked lines came alive and wrapped tighter. The white hair was the largest, and soon those thin lines were embedded in his body. The blood mixed with fine strangled rotten skin and skin fell from the air, and the white hair screamed as if it couldn't bear it, but the next moment the lines were immediately strangled into his open mouth, and he could no longer close his mouth, and the sound was blocked in his mouth.

The lines were entangled hard. Gradually, not only the muscles on his body were transformed, but also his head was strangled in half by the position of the mouth. From the gap of the lines, the bursting eyeball protruded, hanging outside the eyes, and the same suspended tongue. Echo.

It was not only the white hair that suffered such a tragic situation, but also others were not spared. However, mechanical subspecies like Gu Li are closer to the dismantled parts from the perspective of Lao K, which is relatively less exciting; and the two children look particularly miserable. I don't know if they are directly pulled into the upper and lower halves by those lines, and the organs in their stomachs are scattered and bloody.

Old K's eyes were about to crack, his heart was burning, and he almost died. In any case, in front of him were his partners who had been born and died together. Even if there was distrust, he wanted to scold them, but he never wanted them to die because of such distrust, not to mention such a tragic way to die.

At this time, he wanted to catch the voice that had just deceived him. Although his eyes were red now, the feeling in his heart was the clearest after entering this strange place, so he knew that the problem was the sound without thinking more. That voice has a certain ability to confuse people's minds, which can make people unconsciously make extremely wrong decisions. Maybe Puliss and the others would have such an argument because they were bewitched by this voice, and now they have died in front of themselves!