T-type hero legend

252. Old things

This chapter is actually just to explain some*, because some friends thought that the previous setting was unreasonable, so here is a special Orz


What kind of wrong choice is that? In fact, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than that problem. In the final analysis, it is still caused by interests.

The time here is about two years after Julias Lee's funeral. Sa knows this person and the connection between him and Lao K. After all, as a qualified space-time traveler, he doesn't care much about his own business.

The status of Julias Lee in the whole Lee family is actually a little embarrassing. Li's family, strictly traced back, can be counted in the bloodline of old K. But of course, he is not a direct descendant of Lao K himself. It's the result of a distant cousin's family of his bastard father. And that family was very prosperous. After so many generations, it not only did not decline, but grew stronger and grew until it became a hereditary nobleman.

However, the Li family became an aristocrat only about a hundred years before the establishment of Aniuburg. That is to say, their aristocracy passed on to Julius Lee's generation, which was only the third generation. Therefore, although there is asset accumulation, it is still somewhat weak in many other places. Especially when it is necessary to pay attention to connections, such as the promotion of juniors.

Julias Lee is the eldest son and grandson of the Lee family, but his identity was not confirmed until he was nearly four years old. There will always be one or two such families, and generally no one cares about them. However, he was very unfortunate. He was two months older than the original eldest grandson, so his position suddenly became awkward.

His mother is actually quite resourceful. Although she usually looks a little submissive, she is very thoughtful. That weak appearance became a good way for her to avoid people's eyes, so Julias could grow up safely until she was three years old. After that, he was taken back to the Li family by his mother and wanted him to recognize his ancestors as soon as he opened his mouth.

The timing was very good. At that time, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Li family had just died in an aircraft accident, leaving a two-year-old son. Julias' mother originally went to the Li family to apply for a nanny, but it was said that she could no longer control her emotions after seeing the owner of the Li family at that time, so it was finally exposed.

After being "exposed", the woman did not take her son as a threat, but only hoped that the Li family could accept the child, and even agreed to help modify her son's date of birth so that he would not threaten the status of the current eldest grandson in the future.

Women can hook up with the young generation of the Li family in those years, and they also have a certain family background. Although they are a little declining at present, it is only a relatively luxurious big family. For ordinary people, women's families are still very powerful. That's why she went to participate in the recruitment of the Li family, because at that time, as a new rich family, taking care of the young master could not be left to ordinary "vulgar" ordinary working women.

In this way, it was the Li family that was in trouble. At that time, the owner even wanted to not do this nanny recruitment.

Because the Li family has just been awarded the title in the grandfather's generation, the current head of the Li family has not even successfully inherited this title. Now there is such a sudden event. If they really do it according to the woman's suggestion, they will definitely fall into their opponents in the future. Moreover, the ruling team at that time highly advocated the protection of human relationship, and gossip was fine, but if there was a problem of children, unless it could be confirmed that it was planted, it would be bound by relevant legal provisions. Refusing to admit or abandoning will be severely punished.

At this time, the Li family's face is not good. Because they know that since this woman dares to run, they can't refuse and can't deal with them casually. As for the woman's "proposal", it was obviously just a good idea at that time. If the Li family really did according to her proposal, no one would know whether she would go back and sue them directly.

So Julias entered the Li family.

No one knows what Julias thought about what happened in those years. But the relationship between him and his mother is only average, which may explain something more or less.

The Li family had no choice but to accept him as the eldest grandson, and even had to accept the eldest grandson's mother. Of course, at the beginning, they accepted him as Julius' brother's nanny.

However, this woman is indeed very skillful. Only two or three months after entering the Li family, she not only had a good relationship with the original young master of the Li family, but also unconsciously was entangled by her when she first saw her standing in front of her son.

So half a year later, the young family owner announced that he would get married again with this woman. From then on, Julius also became the real eldest grandson of the Li family.

Unfortunately, Julias' IQ is not low, but his EQ is less than one-tenth of his mother's. Since he was a child, he has fully demonstrated his talent for learning and physical fitness in the family, but in the eyes of the servants, he has never looked like a good young master. Because he is very indifferent, not only to his subordinates, but also to his half-brother. And this indifference will naturally be understood as disdain.

In contrast to his indifference, his younger brother's personality is becoming more and more pleasing. And the child's appearance is as beautiful as his mother. The smart, beautiful and lovely second young master is naturally more attractive than his cold-faced young master all year round. In addition, the absence of the second young master's mother, so he naturally has more lovely capital.

This situation lasted subtly until Julius became an adult at the age of 24. At that time, when he was just an adult, he ignored the opposition of his family and refused the opportunity arranged by his father to go directly to the local headquarters of the Confederate Army for internship and went to another district to sign up for the army.

This once brought the relationship between Julias and the family to an impasse, and some people said that he was an illegitimate child and later officially had an identity because his mother married into the Li family. At the same time, the family did not like such disobedient children, so the focus naturally shifted to his younger brother.

At this time, Julias' mother's panic also reached its peak. After communicating with his son many times and trying to persuade him to come back and follow the family's arrangement, about two months later, Julias' brother suddenly suffered a plane accident. Although he did not die on the spot, he only insisted on the arrival of the first aid ship. Not long after entering the first aid ship, he died before even waiting for his father to arrive.

Naturally, some people will investigate this accident, and some people compare it with the aircraft accident of the former mistress of the Li family. I just checked back and there, but in the end there was no disease. At that time, the outside world said everything, and naturally the status of Julias and his mother in the whole Li family became more and more embarrassing.

There are many branches next to the Li family, but after the death of Julias's brother, there are no other direct men in the family except Julias and his father. His father is the eldest son, but he has no brothers and only three sisters. These three aunts did have a boy, but that's not a direct line of the Li family.

So Julias' mother is reassured again. Anyway, no matter how much she fights, her son is now the only seedling. Who can do anything about their mother and son?

The reason why the group of people in front of Sa now made the wrong decision before is ultimately because of the problems left over from the events of that year.

The Li family finally split into two factions because of that incident.

Julias's mother has also worked hard in those years, so she will not be completely unable to win her support, and most of these people are still close to the Li family. After what happened, these people will naturally stand on her side and speak for her.

while others have different reasons. Some reasons can still be said, and some can't be spoken. Some of them have their own plans, and there are also many people who purely look at the current mistress's displeacity and want to get her down. But in any case, their purpose is relatively consistent, but they obviously lack the right to speak, so they turn to underground activities. Among these people, there are also people from their own family, such as the sons of Julius's aunts.

The elders of the family have always maintained a neutral attitude, because even after so many years, they still have different opinions.

At this time, everyone thinks that Julias should come back. After all, things have come to this point. Anyway, as the only man in the family, his responsibilities and obligations are there. However, even his mother doesn't know what this man is thinking. Instead of returning home, he led the mission to other star domains and left for many years.

The reason for this is that old K was originally contacted when he inherited Julias' memory. However, as an alien soul that suddenly replaced the original owner's body, many things were directly ignored by him. At that time, he only remembered the parts that were closely related to the things and situations he faced at that time. As for the affairs of these families, he really didn't care too much.

In fact, old K would have such a reaction at that time, which was more or less affected by Julias' own memory. Because he accepted the other party's memory from the beginning, there is only one most important thing in the whole article, that is, to rely on the family name to be promoted.

Under the indifferent appearance of young Julias, there is a fiery heart inside.

Strictly speaking, this person's personality is actually a little dark. Although he is talented, his ideas are more extreme, and his views on the outside world are very**. Since he was a child, he knew that his identity was in the whole Li family. Although it seemed to have been publicly recognized later, in fact, there could not be the orthodoxy of his younger brother who was born in the Li family since he was a child.

In addition to his mother's various plans this year, he has been in a very depressed state. For a long time, his personality has been a little distorted. He knows that he must rely on his own strength to make achievements anyway, otherwise, even if he can become a family owner in the future, he may not have much prestige.

But in terms of how to achieve achievements, he is very stubbornly believe that it is necessary to go through channels that have nothing to do with the family and achieve achievements in the army. Because of the interstellar pioneering operation at that time, coupled with the contact between different civilizations, the status of armed forces among the people is naturally self-evident, and even the various positions in the regular army are higher than that of ordinary administrators.

This stubbornness urged him that even when something so big happened in the family, he did not put down the things in his hand and rushed home to have a look. After that, this young man, who has been putting too much pressure on himself, will finally be reborn at a young age because of the chaos of his private life.