T-type hero legend

261. Reason

It's just that at this time, it is impossible for Lao K to fully take care of Vera's emotions, because the "child outside" in Vera's mouth is his son - in that brief contact just now, Lao K has completely put aside biological and physics restrictions and other things, but simply accepted this child emotionally. Zi. Anyway, he always thought it was his son, but he was a little dizzy before, and now he felt that he had figured it out. It doesn't matter.

"What the hell is going on?" The tone of Lao K's question is nothing special. At present, Vera seems to be unable to perceive Lao K's inner thoughts as usual, so she has not noticed Lao K's favoritism to little Julius at all.

When she heard Lao K's question, she answered cooperatively: "This is a racial improvement plan."

In the final analysis, it is caused by the desire of the Li family itself.

As a family that has been passed down to this day, it has finally been awarded the title of quasi-gover by the alliance. Politically, unless it can enter the headquarters of the alliance, the development of this family alone is almost over. In the current civilized system, the quasi-jury is above the great lord. Only by being awarded the great lord can it be possible to obtain the seven-year qualification selection of the alliance headquarters star domain. And a person or a family will only have the opportunity to find a job in that star domain after obtaining the qualification to live in the alliance headquarters star domain.

This is actually similar to Lao K's memory of the concept of having a registered permanent residence in that city to study and work in that city. However, in Lao K's era, it was difficult to obtain the qualification to move in a city. As long as you have enough money to buy a house in that city, and then pay enough handling fees to get that The household registration in the city will not be too restricted.

Here, no matter how much money you have, if you want to enter the star domain of the headquarters, you must accept the qualification examination, and the conditions for this qualification examination are more stringent. Money is one of the criteria. Other requirements such as contribution to the alliance and the promotion of the whole human society process are required. .

That is to say, if you were not born in the star domain of the headquarters from the beginning, then the efforts required to move there are extremely considerable. In many cases, it is impossible to achieve it alone.

In this way, the headquarters star domain becomes a real aristocratic star domain. If life is born there, then fate has been almost planned since before birth. Even if you don't fight for strength in your life, just by reaching the standards given to you step by step, assuming the responsibilities you need to bear, and completing the mission you need to complete, you can successfully live a life that a poor star can't struggle for in three lifetime.

Of course, there are more self-conscious or rebellious people everywhere. Therefore, the headquarters star domain does not mean that you can only go in and out. Even if you were born there, you can take the initiative to give up the right to live there. It's just that once you take the initiative to withdraw and want to enter again, what you need to pay is not what ordinary people can afford.

After so many years of development, the ultimate expectation of the Li family is to become a member of the headquarters star domain, but at present, this wish is just a wish.

Although Julius was dissatisfied at the beginning, he would still obey his old fox boss. One of the reasons is that the old man's family came from the headquarters star domain. The old man was just put down to work in the ordinary star domain. No matter whether he was unable to stay in the headquarters star domain because he was not strong enough or for other reasons, he was sent out. This still could not erase the fact that he was a member of the headquarters star domain, so he naturally made him superior to ordinary people.

Although Julius is dissatisfied with the Li family, he and the Li family have no disagreement on the hope that he can enter the star domain of the headquarters.

Just as Julias decided to seriously flatter his annoying boss, the Li family also had their own plans. Although the status of the quasi-jue family is already a noble among ordinary allies, for the real aristocracy, the Li family and the ordinary people are just the difference between the common people who can talk and Pingming who are not even willing to talk. This is an unbearable humiliation for the Li family, who have always been proud of their family history.

In order to achieve their goal of successfully advancing to become a real aristocracy, Li has been looking for capable children in the clan for specialty training since the generation of Julias' father, hoping to achieve truly influential results in some fields. Unfortunately, there was no breakthrough in this plan until Julias' body was returned to Li's house.

may be the reason why it was parasitist on Lao K in the middle. The body that should have been rotten tomorrow not only not broken, but also made some quite special changes.

Here, because the planet development technology is relatively mature, the "great" initiative to develop a desolate small planet, establish a management system, and then completely turn that small planet into a cemetery has long been implemented. Without the problem of insufficient soil, many rich and capable families have naturally restored the ancient burial customs of earth people - this is probably the extremely ancient memory preserved in genes, and there is a complex that hopes that their bodies will not be destroyed even after death.

Although Julias does not have a good relationship with the Li family, he is at least the eldest son and grandson of the Li family. Naturally, the body will not be cremated or degraded more thoroughly. The Li family has its own cemetery, and even spends a lot of money on the maintenance of the cemetery every year. When Julius dies, he naturally has to enter the ancestral tomb of the Li family like his brother. Therefore, his body was directly put into a vacuum container and sent back to the Li family, and was parked in the Li family for a period of time until the construction of his tomb was completed.

It was during this parking time that the Li family found something strange about him.

Initially, through the probability of a biological robot near the equipment where his body was placed, it suddenly stopped the work in his hand or suddenly became chaotic. Two days later, the electromagnetic field environment in the whole room was chaotic, and even the equipment that placed his body fell into chaos and could not work properly at all.

In this case, the Li family naturally had to take out his body and replace it with a good facility to continue to preserve it. In the process of moving, they noticed that the large and strong electromagnetic interference was actually emitted from the body of the deceased.

As an ambitious big family, the Li family has equipment that many ordinary aristocratic families may not have. After this high-energy level of electromagnetic wave overflow occurred, the scientists under the Li family were naturally ordered to investigate the situation. Then they soon found that after the electromagnetic waves were collected and explained by certain rules, they actually fed back a group of picture images, which seemed to belong to The memory of Julias's life.

It's just that they don't know that this information is no longer the memory of the real Julias, but part of the energy left on Julias when Old K was occupied by Old K. These energies were no longer restrained after Lao K completely left, and gradually "voladed" out.

And if it is about the memory of old K, then the most common thing that will occur is naturally not other things, but various experiences of the spiritual body separation from the body.

This is undoubtedly a blockbuster discovery for the Li family, which has been seeking a breakthrough. This kind of ability that still only exists in mythology, the eldest grandson of their family, who has passed away, actually has it! And it looks like it can be done easily! On that day, all the informed researchers were sent to the small building at the back of Ainburg and closed, and the body of Julias was immediately buried. Of course, what really went down to Julias' tomb was just a substitute, and his real body was sent to the small building behind with those researchers.

However, for research, such a body is naturally not enough, especially in fact that this ability is not really owned by Julias. Old K's remaining energy on that body has been in for about a week, and it is almost emitted. Even if those scholars have seized the time to collect and store as much as possible, it is still impossible to use it for their planned large-scale research. Soon Julias's body itself was completely dissected by them. Of course, the result was still nothing.

At this time, Liya suddenly appeared with the so-called Julias's posthumous son, and Lord Li naturally had no way to refuse any request she made. In particular, Liya also pointed out the problems of the Li family and proposed that she has very key research products. As long as the Li family cooperates fully, she can completely hand over the right to use the final research results in this time and space to the Li family.

These contents are exactly the parts that I felt missing but could not be obtained when I listened to what old man Li said before.

Lao K has exchanged information with Sa before, and naturally knows this section. At this time, when he heard Vera burst out, he was quite "so" sighing. No matter how the times develop and how civilization progresses, some things do exist in blood genes, not to say that you can change them if you want to.

For example, this kind of greed is one of the persistent diseases.

According to his understanding, even if it is only at this time, human genetics has been studied and improved in this regard for countless years. In addition to the development in the medical field, this tireless research has also led to the overall physical quality of human beings getting better and longer and their life expectancy at the physical level. In terms of psychiatry, it does make people more active and have a healthier mentality.

These are extremely effective improvements to the foundation of the human population. However, no matter how active the personality is and how friendly the personality is, selfishness cannot always be completely eliminated. It's not that it is impossible to use tough means to directly remove this part of the gene directly, but that people after such genetic modification can't even survive smoothly.

People have conducted such experiments to follow and observe a group of experimenters who voluntarily accepted genetic modification in this field, but the results were shocking.

It is expected that these people will show humility and courtesy, and even in the small community where they live, they will form a truly communist-like society. But in fact, these people have completely become a mess in their daily life. They suddenly lose interest in life, and their mutual attention to each other has fallen to the lowest. The concept of "society" has become completely nihilistic for them; more seriously, they will forget the most basic survival activities such as eating and drinking water. It will also directly lead to your own death for some trivial reasons. For example, even if he can't swim, someone will suddenly want to save the ants that fell into the river, and then he will drown himself alive. And before he drowned himself, he didn't even have the most instinctive act of asking for help.

Only then did people realize that sometimes desire is a very important condition for urging people to maintain a normal life. Just like the exchange price for people to live, while enjoying the benefits it brings, human beings also need to take responsibility for this condition. If you can't control yourself, then pay for your own ideas.