T-type hero legend

296. Escape

Holmlanders are definitely at the expert level in terms of caution. Even if Lao K's current ability is definitely not as good as them, locking Lao K's sampling warehouse is also a heavy defense, and it is impossible to break through by himself alone. Fortunately, they did not drag him directly to the laboratory, but first received a place that looked like a specimen storage room. And someone came to brainwash Lao K.

Anyway, Lao K is also a high-level intelligent creature, and his own ability is not weak. If he really ignores his will, he will and directly takes him to the experiment. In case he is determined to break the net, it is estimated that the final result will be that everyone will not be good. Concerned about this possibility, they finally sent someone to try to convince Lao K. Of course, if Lao K doesn't agree, then they don't mind letting him agree in another way. Anyway, in terms of his current ability, it's easy for Homeland's researchers to think about his ideas.

Naturally, Liu Cuier also knew about this plan. When she "persuaded" Lao K, she even followed her colleagues to watch in the next room. It's just that although she has made up her mind, feelings really don't mean that she can be restrained immediately, especially she knows very well that if Lao K doesn't cooperate, what will be waiting for him.

Although Liu Cuier really hopes that Lao K can cooperate, in this case, it is impossible for a slightly bloody person to be soft immediately. Old K is no exception, and because he didn't have any hope for these Homelanders from the beginning, he basically ignored the visitors from beginning to end. Such an attitude will naturally make the people waiting for the result dissatisfied, and finally decide to brainwash him.

Liu Cuier has been controlling her emotions and watching the development of things among her colleagues, but now, she originally thought she could survive directly, but found that this did not seem to be the case.

It is not easy to brainwash Lao K, even for the Homeland people, so they will not do it immediately, because it will take some time to prepare. Naturally, everyone assists with each other, and the assembly of instruments and debugging programs to fill energy and so on will cooperate much faster, so that there is no need to wait until the next day.

Originally, if the process went smoothly, the brainwashing program would start after a while at most, and it would be too late for Liu Cuier to regret it. However, perhaps God suddenly favored Lao K at this time, and Liu Cuier, who should have continued to watch the whole process, was suddenly arranged to assist in the debugging of the program.

Program debugging is the most critical part of the whole brainwashing process. The program is divided into several parts. The first is to test the program to determine the energy frequency band of the object itself; then the frequency band matching program to find the energy band that best matches the processing object in the vast database; and then the next step is to call the energy source stage. This stage requires a certain waiting time so that the energy supply station can transmit the required energy in place; finally, it is the formal brainwashing process.

Because the preliminary preparation design is in place, generally speaking, when you enter the final stage, you only need to wait for the results to appear, and there will basically be no accidents.

Liu Cuier is naturally familiar with this program, but today when she looks at these programs, she feels completely different.

The situation of Lao K being locked in the sampling warehouse is broadcast by the monitoring equipment at any time, which is a complete three-dimensional projection. The sense of the scene is very strong, and even the subtle changes in the expression on his face can be seen very clearly. Liu Cuier clearly looked at the expression on his face from disbelief to sadness to now. Every slight change made her feel as uncomfortable as if someone had used a slight but irresistible force to take down the energy mass from her body. I can't say how painful it is, but I can't ignore the pain at all.

It's just that when she just watches, she can still control her emotions and maintain a calm and objective bystander mentality. Now when she stood in front of the console and finally checked the program running, this kind of uncomfortableness finally turned into into intolerance.

After all, what was locked in that transparent cover was the man who had supported each other for many years. Previously, she chose to give up the other party for the so-called national righteousness, but at that time, what they told her was completely different from what is happening now!

At that time, they just felt the need to study Lao K, and considering that he was not an unconscious life, they had also said that they would respect Lao K's will to the greatest extent. Even if you can't reach a consensus with him, it won't really cause any specific harm to him when forced research.

But things have come to this point, and it is obvious that they no longer intend to respect Lao K's own wishes. To be clear, if they force the experiment on Lao K under the premise of Lao K's disapproval, it is only for the strong to bully others; but if Lao K doesn't agree, they plan to simply turn Lao K into a guy who will bow down to them. This kind of thing has completely turned into deception.

What's more, Liu Cuier still has extremely secret and unreliable things in her heart. Old K naturally knows how she is doing to her, and she also knows who can treat her like this for so many years. She knows even more clearly how difficult it is for someone to value herself like this. So in her heart, she actually doesn't want Lao K to change.

Even now that she has completely betrayed him, she knows that in the depths of Lao K's heart, she should still not be able to erase it by herself.

If you don't get it, there will be no hope. Now that Liu Cuier has got it, of course, she will not be satisfied with the original state. She even has a little unrealistic hope in her private mind: perhaps after those studies, Lao K can gradually understand her and be willing to try to forgive her.

However, the matter of brainwashing will certainly fail all her expectations, because there is only one final result of this brainwashing procedure, which makes the person who receives brainwashing completely lose their self-personality.

At that time, even if they help her keep the part of Lao K's feelings for her, that person will no longer be Lao K and will no longer love her in the way of Lao K. Moreover, what's the use of a person who doesn't even have a sound self-personality, no matter how passionate his feelings are?

Looking at Lao K, who was read in the energy frequency band in the sampling warehouse, Liu Cuier's decision was made almost instantly. The next moment, the monitoring equipment connected to the sampling warehouse suddenly flashed an alarm, and the originally normal program suddenly fell into a dead cycle.

In their laboratory, there is a corresponding mature operation process for dealing with various emergencies. At this time, there is not much need for manpower intervention, and the machine will investigate by itself first. However, Liu Cuier's purpose of course cannot be so simple, but there is no way to make the machine work to make her idea succeed.

When the emergency program was started, she had already turned her eyes to her partner: "Bibry, I know you look down on a spiritual body like old K, but I didn't expect you to affect our experiment because of this emotion?"

Because of their own special circumstances, everyone's privacy is very important, and there are corresponding regulations and means to ensure the security of personal thinking information. Of course, when you are criticized, you can also choose to confess all your thoughts in exchange for your reputation, but generally speaking, no one will choose to do so.

Indeed, they may have evolved very advanced in life forms, but ideologically, they are not much different from ordinary creatures. There are also selfishness, prejudice, conspiracy and intrigue, as well as exploitation and being used.

Liu Cuier suddenly got into trouble, but she was absolutely afraid to make her ideas completely public, and as long as he couldn't do this, she could safely and boldly insect him.

Bibry naturally won't let her plant it, and he reacted almost instantly: "You! You! Obviously, you have no feelings for that guy, right?! Did you frame your companion for such a low-level guy?"

In the face of accusing Liu Cuier, he was very calm: "Who on earth is spitting blood? I can accept the loyalty test of the Presbyterian, do you dare?

Originally, if there was a problem with the program, the machine would solve it by itself, so people were not too anxious. At this time, when I saw the sudden quarrel here, the psychology of watching the bustle was the same. In an instant, everyone's attention was attracted. Some people also said, "The new code was only passed last month. Now the loyalty test does not need to wait for two weeks for approval, and the application can be answered in half a day." Bbury's original faction is different from other people here, and his popularity is indeed relatively average here. Naturally, there are people who look like they want to see him.

Unfortunately, this guy is indeed not very selfish. In the face of everyone's difficulties and Liu Cuier's very calm attitude, he can't put on such a calm high posture. For a moment, he couldn't help jumping a little: "You guys! You are collectively excluded! Just because I was originally a self-serving party!"

This argument is absolutely impossible to mention at this time, but unfortunately he is stimulated by the woman he wants to pursue, which makes him unable to keep calm. Sure enough, as soon as he said, he immediately attracted everyone's counterattack, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Old K couldn't see the chaos outside, but he also found something wrong. Previously, the energy flow around him suddenly became disordered. Although it was quickly controlled, the spying also stopped for the time being. At that time, he could only guess what had happened, but he didn't expect that there was a program failure in his sampling warehouse.

After waiting for a while, he gradually felt that the situation was different from before, and it seemed that the natural energy from the outside world began to penetrate into his place!

Old K immediately became alert, and he still wanted to escape, and if there was a passage between this closed space and the outside world, then it was definitely a God-given opportunity that could not be ignored! However, for the time being, he was still a little hesitant and dared not act immediately. He explored around and determined the location of the energy leakage. He couldn't help but tighten his spirit and was ready to go.

Liu Cuier's contact came in time. As soon as Lao K was ready, he suddenly felt the tentacles of her thinking: "Come with me!"

Even if she betrayed before, some habits and trusts were like those engraved in bone and blood. With this greeting, Lao K was almost subconscious and didn't think much about anything, so he followed Liu Cuier's tentacles out of the sampling warehouse and jumped into the air.