Tai Ruins

Chapter 13 Crazy Thunder VS Silver Snake

For the next period of time, Mu Feng has also been practicing in the trial tower, and he is also considering whether to go to the blue trial tower for assessment. With his current strength, he has full confidence. However, when the period was coming to the end of the month, Mu Feng still decided to go to the arena to earn some money to subsidize his family.

The wind was gentle and the sun was beautiful. Walking out of the door of Qingfeng Magic Martial Arts College, Mufeng also took a deep breath. I have been practicing in the college, and it is also very pleasant to walk on the street so easily.

While admiring the flowers and plants on the roadside, it didn't take long for Mu Feng to come to the location of the arena. Unlike the past, there are also a lot of people this afternoon.

"Hello, I want to register for the competition." Front desk service.

"Okay, please wait a moment." After taking over the grade badge handed over by Mu Feng, the staff began to register routinely.

"Miss, why does today's audience seem to be much more than ever?" Mu Feng asked the staff.

"Don't you know yet? There is a golden battle this afternoon, but your game is earlier than theirs. The staff explained.

"That's it."

After registration, Mu Feng waited for the start of the game in the iron lounge.

"The game begins..."

"Bum" tough confrontation, "Is the strength of the iron five-star duel only this?" Mu Feng said lightly to the big man who flew backwards.

Feeling that his dignity was insulted, the big man rushed to Mu Feng like crazy and moved sideways. His backhand was a hand knife, and the big man fell straight to the ground.

"This player is so powerful that his opponent has no power to fight at all, and his absolute strength is suppressed." The audience said in the stands.

"It's Shura. He's back." The audience who knew Mu Feng also shouted.

The strongest strength in the iron battle is the strength of the fourth intermediate level. At present, the strength of Mufeng's fourth intermediate level is also too unchallenging. The players with strength have been promoted to the silver or higher level. It seems that they should also improve the corresponding badge level.

Get certain points and gold coins, but your badge level is still at the iron level. It seems that you can get more points only by challenging the level.

"Gold-level battle? I think it should be quite interesting." Mu Feng muttered.

In the next two hours, more and more spectators came to the arena, vaguely occupying all the seats in the venue.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and distinguished guests, welcome to the Qingfeng City Arena. I think everyone here has a certain understanding of the next heavyweight game. Yes, they are the 'silver snakes' from the polar regions and the 'crazy thunder' of our breeze city.

"Crazy Thunder, Crazy Thunder..." There are already crazy fans shouting and cheering.

"Silver snake, silver snake..." Fans here are not weak.

"There are still five minutes left to make your final choice." While constantly inciting the emotions of the audience, the host did not forget to pull the 'sponsorship fee' for the venue.

"The exciting moment has come. Let's welcome them with the warmest applause." The host roared crazily. At this time, the audience in the stands was also completely boiling, cheering one after another.

Under the light, the two figures also stood quietly on the ring.

It's different from Mu Feng's imagination. Crazy Thunder does not belong to the five-three types. On the contrary, he gives people the feeling of a delicate and weak book-like temperament. But this is only superficial, known as Crazy Thunder. The sixth-level advanced strength is also a rare opponent in the arena. More importantly, he is a real illusionist. Although the silver snake standing on the other side of the ring has never seen him take action before, it is not inferior to Crazy Thunder in terms of his momentum alone. Both of them are masters.

"The game begins."

The first shot was the silver snake, which rushed to the crazy thunder on the other side and condensed into a silver-white spear with one hand and stabbed the crazy thunder. Without hard carrying it, the mad thunder chose to retreat and dodge to the side. The purple lightning also formed in his hand in an instant, and the roaring lightning bit the silver snake. With a few dull sounds, the lightning collided with the spear and suddenly exploded.

No one took advantage of the simple temptation. Thunder condensed out of thin air over the golden arena and hit the silver snake with lightning. At this moment, the silver snake's whole body was flowing with silk silver-white light, and the thunder fell on it and kept making a dull bombardment sound, but It can't cause him any harm. The silver snake moved again this time, and its roaring fists bombarded the crazy thunder, but passed by.

"You were fooled." A faint voice came from the mouth of the silver snake, and the crazy thunder's face when he heard the words also changed slightly. At the same time, another figure seemed to grow behind the silver snake, but it looked exactly like the silver snake. The crazy thunder that could not be avoided was also hit hard.

"Ha ha, interesting." He casually wiped away the trace of blood that fell from the corners of his mouth and said frantically.

With a cold look, the silver snake rushed towards the crazy thunder again. When it was about to reach the opponent, three identical silver snakes appeared strangely in the ring, showing a triangular trend.

The "Thunder Shield" shouted softly, and a light shield shining with purple light was also formed in front of the crazy thunder. Bang Bang "under the attack of two silver snake phantoms, Lei Shield can't stand such a barbaric force to collapse. Bang hit the crazy thunder again, and the crazy thunder's body was also blown away under this blow.

"In terms of martial arts alone, you are very strong, but you forget that I am an illusionist, known as an invincible illusionist of the same level." The crazy thunder dusted off his body and said to the silver snake.

"So what? I'm going to break this legend today."

"Rapid cutting" was accompanied by a long roar of the silver snake, and six illusory shadows appeared in the six directions of the crazy thunder, while the silver snake itself has disappeared from the ring.

"Sneak..." Like the sound of a silver needle passing through the thin paper, the whole person of the crazy thunder was thrown to the ground and turned into a clear smoke and gradually disappeared into the air.

"No, what's the situation?" The silver snake said to himself, but no one responded to him, and the noisy shouts of the audience around him seemed to disappear out of thin air. Quiet, absolutely quiet, the silver snake can even hear its own heartbeat.

looked around and found that the whole arena was empty. The silver snake shouted for a long time, but there was no reaction. Suddenly, a mad thunder appeared on the originally quiet ring, two crazy thunders... Thousands of crazy thunderstorms rushed towards him, as if to swallow him alive. Just break up one, and the other quickly makes up for the original gap, which is endless.

"Ah..." With a roar, an explosive energy also rippled on the silver snake. The silver energy is flying, and the crazy thunder that was originally attacking itself also turned into nothingness when it touched these energy bodies. The whole arena became quiet again. The next moment, the silver snake found itself in a bloody ocean and stood alone on a small boulder.

"Silver snake, give me back..." A bloody body from the bloody ocean grabbed the silver snake.

"Noise" casually knocked the flesh away and fell into the ocean.

"Return my life..."

"I want to avenge my child who was killed by you..."

"Return my life..."


The dense blood body grabbed the silver snake. As soon as it broke up, then several blood bodies rushed towards it. The silver snake was instantly submerged, the sound of the body being bitten, and the sound of bone breaking came.

"Ah..." The heartbreaking voice echoed over the whole bloody ocean.

In contrast, the comments of the audience outside are also endless, but in their eyes, the situation on the gold ring is that the crazy thunder stands still and his eyes are closed. The arm of the silver snake on the other side kept swinging, and its mouth roared like a beast from time to time. A trace of blood overflowed from his body and gradually dyed the whole body of the silver snake red.

"What the hell is going on?" This should be the voice of the vast majority of the audience at this time.

Mu Feng is also an exception, because he has been in contact with Emily, a genius illusionist, but obviously Emily's fire is far from as pure as Crazy Thunder. The first thing he must have as an illusionist is the spiritual power beyond ordinary people. And some powerful illusionists can make the fantasy reality, and the crazy thunder player in front of him can be regarded as the type of first glimpse of the doorway.

This situation lasted for about a moment, and the voice of the silver snake gradually lowered, and at this time, a dense sweat appeared on the forehead of the crazy thunder.

Not long after, with a thump, the silver snake fell straight to the ground and opened its eyes wide. Obviously, it was overstimulated.

"Wow..." He breathed a long sigh of relief and stood up with crazy thunder. Obviously, dealing with the strong man of the same level was also extremely powerful for an illusionist.

"Crazy Thunder Win!"

"Wow..." There were also continuous cheers from the audience.

When the referee had not announced the result, Mu Feng left the arena. With his current fourth-level intermediate strength, he can't be his opponent at all. Now the most important thing is to practice hard.

After adding some daily necessities to the outside shop, Mu Feng returned to the college.