Tai Ruins

Chapter 15 White Heritage

"Is that?" Not far away sits a heavenly altar, and the towering altar goes straight into the sky, as if to break the whole seal. There are some complex and mysterious words depicted on it, revealing endless magic. To Mu Feng's surprise, some words can be understood by himself, but some have only left shallow marks because of the baptism of the years. Unlike other places, this place looks very quiet. There is no sound of insects and beasts, and they gently approach the altar.

"Wow..." Mu Feng also took a breath, because he clearly saw a period of ancient secrets, and only saw the words on the altar: "Honghuang remnants, troubled times..., Yongzhen..."

"Is it possible that what is sealed here is..."

Furthward, a fiery desert appeared. Red smoke filled the air everywhere. From time to time, unknown creatures broke into it and were melted in an instant.

It has been more than ten miles along the edge of the wilderness. Green plants have appeared in this bloody world. From afar, you can faintly see some petite blue creatures moving in it. Slowly leaned over. The blue creatures in it seem to have not found anyone approaching and are still doing their own. Things.

"What are they?" Mu Feng was surprised to find that these strange creatures seemed to be carrying something somewhere.

After seeing what was going on, Mu Feng's heart was also beating faster, because he clearly saw what the blue creatures were doing? Yes, they are helping an ancient tree with colorful light to fertilize, and on that ancient tree, one of the items of this task - the three holy fruits, is clearly growing. This is a holy fruit. As far as Mufeng knows, the growth conditions of this fruit tree are extremely harsh, and the non-spiritual land is not long, and it needs regular care. At the same time, it needs the essence of life after the death of three or more powerful masters, which has the effect of rejuring the dead and refreshing the soul.

He suppressed his inner excitement, and Mu Feng also slowly leaned towards the holy tree, "What's going on?" Mu Feng muttered, because he didn't feel anything there. Is this a place that doesn't exist at all? Or is the real sacred tree not here due to the refraction effect produced by the desert projection?

I smiled helplessly. It seems that I really need an opportunity. Continuing to walk to the side, there is a broken wall in front of it, and the black wall is all made of black fine gold, emitting a faint metallic luster. This is an extremely rare ore in the outside world. Its quality is heavy, and it is a necessary item for building advanced weapons and equipment. I didn't expect that anyone would spend so much money to build such a city, but it still can't stand the years and man-made destruction. The walls are already full of holes.

I didn't see a suspicious creature wandering around me. After thinking about it, Mu Feng walked in. As soon as I stepped into the city, a breath of historical vicissitudes came to my face, and some damaged weapons made of unknown materials could be seen on some roadside. Continuing to go deep, Mufeng was also very shocked along the way. Why didn't you see a skeleton in such a large city? Even if it had experienced a terrible battle here at the beginning, at least something had to be left, as if it had been artificially cleaned up.

And since Mufeng stepped into this dilapidated city, he vaguely felt that some creatures had followed him. This feeling made Mu Feng feel very awkward. Several times he tried to find the unknown existence, but he always couldn't grasp it, as if it existed and didn't exist. The feeling of shield.

A large flag was inserted on a huge stone platform near the city, and the whole flagpole was inserted into the stone platform. Although the flag was a little damaged, it was still intact.

"Is this?" Mu Feng was also very confused and slowly walked towards the stone platform. After entering and seeing the flag clearly, a ferocious green beast with long tusks reflected into Mu Feng's eyes.

At the same time, a magical force seems to be summoning himself to pull out the flag, step by step as if his mind is bewitched and feels that his body is not controlled by himself. Close at hand, Mufeng's right hand also suddenly grabbed the flagpole, "It's so heavy..." This is Mufeng's first feeling when he touches the flag. As soon as the flag was moved, a roar that seemed to come from Jiuyou came from under the stone platform.

When Mufeng's body was out of control, a dry hand gently put on Mufeng's hand holding the flagpole. A strong force was also transmitted to the flag in front of him through Mufeng's body, and the usual calm was restored under the stone platform in an instant.

"Young man, this is not the place you should come."

Mu Feng, who heard this sentence, also looked around doubtfully, but there was no figure. Just now, that was..." Only Mu Feng, who experienced it, could feel how strong the power just now was, and he would never be weaker than the predecessors of the Yan clan he knew.

Affected by what happened just now, Mu Feng also felt a little scared and planned to leave here first.

Continue to walk forward, but this time Mufeng is much more cautious. This is not a good place. If you are not careful, you may die at any time.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Feng stopped, because there was a void fault in front of him, and the faint black light kept swallowing in it, as if he had been cut off by the two connected worlds. The reason why Mufeng stopped was that he saw something that appeared on the void fault - empty flowers, dark branches and leaves, snow-white stamens, and yin and yang perfectly blended together without any support, as if they were growing there out of thin air.

is also a rare treasure. Although its effect cannot be compared with sacred objects such as the Three Holy Fruit, it is also priceless in the outside world. It can extend the life span of 20 years, which is 20 years.

After thinking about it, Mu Feng still decided to try his luck. If he can't get it, just flash people directly. And although this is a void section, there is nothing special. The space here is also relatively stable and maintained at a balanced point. Slowly walking towards the void section, looking up at the void flower growing on the void fault, the golden light gradually overflowed from the body of the wind, and in an instant wrapped its whole body. With a gentle force, the whole person shot at the void flower. Mu Feng, who was still happy when he got the void flower, was also forcibly pulled into the void fault by a strong pulling force. After a wave, the fault that originally produced the whirlpool also returned to calm.

What Mu Feng didn't know was that he was pulled into another unknown world due to the energy fluctuation just now. This time, Mu Feng's luck was not as good as he had just come in. Mu Feng, who appeared in the sky also fell directly, but fortunately, he reacted in time and stopped his life. The trend of falling.

Standing and looking at the secret place in front of us, completely different from the original bloody world is that the world here is full of the breath of life, which is completely opposite to the breath of death over there. The only thing that is the same is that both sides have a strong aura.

The vegetation here contains strong vitality, and the creatures here are also very friendly. When Mufeng walked to them, he did not look flustered at all. He picked up the fruit on the fruit tree next to him and bit it. It was so sweet that the essence of life was integrated into Mufeng's body.

Walking along the green path, Mu Feng also saw many monsters that do not belong to the outside world.

In front is a petite figure picking up something on the ground, which looks a little like a human figure from afar. Gradually approaching, this is the first living human that Mu Feng saw in this sealed boundary. Walking over gently, the little girl also seemed to find something and looked at Mu Feng.

"This big brother, are you?" The little girl did not panic when she suddenly saw the strange man beside her.

"Little sister, I accidentally broke into this place from the outside world." Mu Feng did not lie.

"Where is the outside world?" The little girl asked innocently.

"That's..." Before Mu Feng began to introduce, he was interrupted by a rough voice.

"Erya, who are you talking to?" The middle-aged man also shouted in the distance and did not see the wind on one side.

"There is a big brother who has lost his way here." The little girl who was called Erya replied.

Soon, a middle-aged man came to Mufeng, an old farmer with a strong body and a good face, wearing a simple cloth.

When the old farmer saw the big brother referred to by Erya, he was also very surprised, because he had never seen an outsider in his life, and Mufeng's dress was obviously different from that of the people here.

"Young man, are you?" The old farmer asked Mu Feng.

"I just accidentally entered your place. Please forgive me for disturbing you." Mu Feng replied.

"Are you not from here?" When he heard that Mu Feng was not from here, the old farmer's face also changed slightly.

"I come from the outside world."

"Please come with the old farmer. You will know all the cause and effect after seeing the great sacrifice of our clan." After saying that, he took Erya's hand and walked back, and Mu Feng then followed.

It didn't take long for Mu Feng to come to the destination of this trip. The quaint building was like a gathering place of a tribe.

"Young man, the largest hut in front of you is the residence of our great sacrifice. Go in by yourself." The old farmer said to Mu Feng.

Gently opened the door and saw an elderly man sitting on the bed inside the house, with a dry face and his eyes closed.

"Young man, you are finally here." A faint voice came from the old man in front of him.

"Do you know I'm coming?" Mu Feng felt incredible.

"Our family is a nation abandoned by history, but our ancestors have already predicted that they would usher in the savior of our family one day in the future... I had already felt it when you first entered here." The old man said lightly.

"Can you make a mistake? I just came here by mistake." Mu Feng doesn't believe that he is carrying the fate of other clans.

"Ha ha, young man, there is nothing wrong with the prophecy. One day you will lead my family out." The old man said with a smile as if he could see through Mu Feng's mind.

"You see, I can't protect myself now. I don't know how to get out after entering here?" Mu Feng told the truth. He accidentally broke into here and God knew how to get out.

"Young man, I didn't say whether it was the person chosen by my family now. In fact, it's very simple. This is not a Jedi, but sealed by a powerful force and has the only way to go out in the holy land of our clan. Unfortunately, no one in our clan has successfully obtained it for thousands of years. The old man explained in detail.

"You said you could get out of here?"

"Yes, all the great sacrifices will get the same answer, and I don't know how to get out." The old man replied.

"Then let's go now?" Mu Feng is also very urgent, because the elders of the college will open the sealing power again in three days.

"That's not urgent. As the only guest of our family, we have to treat it well." The old man continued, "And to enter the holy land of our clan requires the consent of the elders and patriarchs."