Tai Ruins

Chapter 30 Qiu Shuizong

The higher up, Mu Feng found that the flow speed of the power of the soul in his body became extremely slow, and some people on the side gradually couldn't resist the cold on Tianshan Mountain and fell down one after another. The old man in gray robe walking in front of him just looked at them faintly and said nothing more. There was obvious disdain in his eyes.

Under a steep cliff, the gray-robed old man walking in front of him stopped.

"At the top of the cliff is Qiu Shuizong. Go up by yourself." The old man in gray put down this sentence and left.

Mufeng and his party, but only six young people came here. Looking at the cliffs steeped in the clouds and fog, someone finally began to take action.

A wind magician in white took the lead. At first, the rise was still very stable, but the higher the pressure, the greater the pressure. When it reached a height of about 50 meters, it was impossible to go further.

The other five people, including Mu Feng, were also surprised. They didn't know what the situation was. The fruitless wind magician also slowly landed on the ground, and Mu Feng also cast their surprised eyes on the man in white.

"There is some mysterious energy on it to stop me from continuing to fly up." The man in white said helplessly.

"Haha, this time I was wise to bring the spatial positioning scroll from the family." A young man with fiery red hair said to Mu Feng.

The red-haired man took out a roll of silver-white scroll and shook it in front of the group of people, and then opened the scroll with a crash. The violent space wave rippled away. The next moment, the red-haired man disappeared under the cliff out of thin air.

"Is this okay?" Looking at the red-haired man who disappeared in front of him, this was obviously cheating. Just as everyone was indignant, there was another space fluctuation under the cliff, and the red-haired man rolled out of it awkwardly.

"Well, what the hell is this situation?" Everyone's voice.

"Damn, I almost lost my life." The red-haired man patted his chest with lingering heart and only heard him continue to say, "The space transmission energy was disturbed by mysterious forces. An error occurred. He was transmitted to a strange space and was attacked by unknown creatures."

"That's it." Everyone was relieved.

It seems that speculation is not feasible here. Although everyone has already seen the vines hanging on the cliff wall, no one knows what he is doing. It seems that this is the only road to Qiushuizong.

Without hesitation, everyone grabbed the vines and climbed up. Although the magician's physical endurance is definitely not as good as that of the warrior, no one wants to shrink back now that they have come here.

The vine in my hand feels very light, as if it will break at any time. The air here is very thin, and the energy supply in the body is also limited. It takes a lot of power to climb up a meter. The higher you go up, the more you have to face a sharp cold wind like a sharp blade.

Looking at the cliff that can't be seen at a glance, no one knows how far it is on the clouds. Three young people who also went to Qiushuizong have given up halfway because of physical exhaustion.

"Hu..." A cold wind blew, and the vines in his hand also shook violently. There was no force on the steep cliff wall at all. They could only step on the rock wall with their own physical strength, and they could not use too much force.

"Cun..." The sound from nowhere echoed on the edge of the cliff.

"Magic claw snow eagle!" Some people who know exclaimed that the claw snow eagle is a fourth-order advanced warcraft that will only move in an extremely cold environment. Although it is cold in this place, there will not be such a warcraft. Looking at the magic claw snow eagle hovering high in the sky, it is obvious that three people have been found on the vines. If Mu Feng usually fights the claw blood eagle, he can definitely kill it in a few rounds, but now he is hanging in mid-air, which is hard to say.

"Gong..." The sound became more and more violent. One of them rushed to the young man on the left under the cover of another magic claw snow eagle next to him, feeling the threat from the sky. The man's face also changed. The energy in his body was supposed to be suppressed in the face of the cold wind. It is undoubtedly worse to face two fourth-order advanced magic claw snow eagles.

Mu Feng also wanted to see how the man dealt with the emergency in this situation. The man was filled with a light blue light, and then wrapped around the man like water lines, which should be a defensive water spell.

Seeing the fog-like water wave on the man's body, the magic claw snow eagle did not retreat. "Zi..." The sharp iron claw collided with the energy wall, making a sizzling sound. With no results, the magic claw snow eagle hovered in the space again, waiting for the next opportunity. At this time, the man's whole body was swaying in mid-air because of the impact, and there was a possibility of falling down at any time.

This time, two clawed snow eagles attacked the man together. At this time, the "ka" water shield turned into debris all over the sky, but instantly turned into ice particles and fell under the cliff.

"Ah..." He only heard a scream from the man's mouth. The hand holding the vine was also relaxed under the many attacks of the magic claw snow eagle, and the man fell straight down the cliff.

The two magic claw snow eagles who had just finished their murder this time aimed at the man in the middle, the one not far from Mufeng.

The two clawed snowhawks that keep flapping their wings in the sky are also continuing to look for opportunities. Obviously, when the man in the middle is killed, the next target will definitely be Mufeng's turn.

They rushed towards the man in the middle. In contrast, the man in the middle did not panic as imagined. Yellow energy overflowed from his body and condensed into a thick layer of energy on his right hand, and his left hand grasped the vine tightly.

"bang" pure power competition, the man did not fall behind at all, but the fruitless magic claw snow eagle also continues to look for opportunities. The battle under the favorable conditions occupied by them is obviously more beneficial to them, and the protracted war is the capital on which they rely on.

"Bang Bang" is another two barbaric collisions, and the man's hands are also drawn with blood. It seems that several continuous collisions are also extremely consumed by men. Moreover, the energy in his body is suppressed in this environment, and the speed of recovery is also extremely slow.

Just as the two clawed snow eagles attacked the man again, the golden hand appeared in the sky out of thin air and grabbed one of the claws. The magic claw snow eagle, which focused on attacking men, did not expect that the small human not far away would launch a sudden attack at this time. The golden big hand patted it directly, and the suddenly damaged claw snow eagle also swayed twice and fell straight to the bottom of the cliff and saw his companion fall. Next, the other claw snow eagle also temporarily abandoned its attack target and roared towards its partner under the cliff.

"Thank you for your help!" This is from the bottom of my heart. Mu Feng has never been related to this man. Being able to help himself also makes that man admire Mu Feng very much.

"Hands up."

Just as the two continued to climb up, another magic claw snow eagle that had flown off the cliff also flew back and hovered over Mu Feng's heads.

The rapid and long cry of "cao quack" has not dissipated for a long time. What is it going to do? Mu Feng and the two are puzzled at the same time.

Not long, a white shadow appeared from the distant sky and gradually approached. Mu Feng found that the white shadow was actually composed of a group of magic claws and snow eagles. Good boy, this guy died and his companion moved the rescuers.

Looking at the white shadow hovering over him, Mu Feng also smiled helplessly. It is impossible for him to escape from such a large-scale situation. Is he really going to die here today? At this time, the man's face was also bad. Unexpectedly, he had just killed a magic claw snow eagle but attracted a large group, and the chance of winning was almost zero.

Just as Mufeng and the two were preparing to fight to the death, a melodious sound of flute suddenly came and echoed in the whole space. Affected by the strange flute sound, the white shadows above them slowly disappeared into the sky after hovering a few laps.

"Wow..." Mu Feng and the two breathed a long breath at the same time. Although they didn't know where the strange sound of the flute came from, they were finally saved.

Continue to climb up the cliff. At first, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour to climb the cliff. Do the people of Qiu Shuizong like to climb the cliff when they have nothing to do, which makes Mu Feng very depressed.

Gradually, the bitter cold wind around me decreased, but the running speed of the power of the soul in my body was suppressed more powerfully, and I could hear the sound of birds.

"Strive harder and you will arrive at your destination soon." Mu Feng thought so in his heart.

Mu Feng, who had just climbed to the end of the cliff, took a deep breath again. Looking around, Mu Feng found that he had come to a place with wild plants. There was also a stone pavilion on the edge of the plant. There was a long path behind the pavilion. I didn't know where to go. An old man in the pavilion sat in the retreat, with his eyes closed. Originally, he thought that he could see the hall of Qiu Shuizong when he went up the cliff, but to Mu Feng's disappointment, Qiu Shuizong's position was much higher than expected.

"Senior, do you know how to get to Qiu Shuizong?" Slowly walking towards the stone pavilion, Mu Feng asked the old man.

The old man slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Mu Feng, and then closed his eyes.

"Why is there such an old man?" Mu Feng muttered in his heart that even if you don't tell Qiu Shuizong how to go, you have to make a sound to show respect.

Looking at the path behind the pavilion, and at the same time, they glanced at the old man with their eyes closed. Mufeng walked towards the path. Unexpectedly, when Mufeng and Mufeng just wanted to walk over, the path behind the pavilion disappeared out of thin air.

Looking at the path that disappeared in front of him out of thin air, Mu Feng also turned his eyes to the old man who had been closing his eyes for retreat. It must be the old man's ghost.

Just as Mu Feng wanted to argue, the old man in the pavilion spoke at this time.