Tai Ruins

Chapter 50 Yin and Yang Reincarnation Fruit

"Is this?" Looking at the brocade box opened by Mu Feng, an item similar to fruit appeared in the brocade box. The fruit was black and white and tightly entangled with each other, as if two different forces were mixed together. The black was as ink, and the white was crystal clear. At first glance, it looked very strange. When you looked at it carefully, you only felt that the brocade The box was full of confusion, and no breath overflowed from the fruit.

Moved his hand to the fruit. When he was about to touch the fruit, the two colors on the fruit were changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a confused breath emanated from the fruit. West Asia only felt that a piercing coldness spread all over her body in an instant. There was a shiver, and the outstretched hand retreated back.

"I didn't expect this thing to really exist." Sia muttered and fell into a brief loss of mind. Hearing Xi's words, Mu Feng was surprised and said, "What the hell is this?"

"Yin and Yang reincarnation fruit." Xi'an continued to explain: "This is what I accidentally saw on an ancient book. At that time, I just browsed it roughly. This is a strange fruit, and it is said that the place where it grows does not belong to this world."

"Is it so magical? What does this thing do?" Mu Feng then asked that the West Asia boy has a whole "encyclopedia" and knows most of the things in the world. I really don't know where he got this knowledge. Is it related to his background? What is his unknown side?

The fruit of yin and yang reincarnation is born in the realm of the underworld. It blooms for thousands of years and bears fruit for thousands of years. It can only grow in the reincarnation of the extreme of life and death. This fruit and the three sacred fruits, the fruits of heaven and earth are called the three god-level fruits, among which the fruits of heaven and earth are the most. Yin and Yang reincarnation fruit can balance the power of yin and yang. I heard that after taking this fruit, it can instantly restore people to its peak state. Of course, during cultivation, this fruit can help people break through the bottleneck.

"It's so magical..." Compared with the soul training of the three holy fruits, the effect of the white bones of dead life, the effect of yin and yang reincarnation fruit is also unyed.

"Westia, during my retreat, has Uncle Erdo come to me or left any information?" Mu Feng continued to ask.

"The uncle who came back with you last time came to you a few days ago and asked me to convey that he would go to the Bounty Branch of Liuli City to find him when you leave the customs."

"Is that really the case?" Just a few steps out of the city owner's mansion, several breaths hidden in the hidden place of the city owner's mansion followed. He thought that the other party would know where he had been, but Mu Feng ignored it and went straight to the Bounty Branch of Liuli City.

After Mu Feng walked into the bounty branch, those breaths retreated. A second-rate force will still avoid the world-famous bounty branch. After explaining his intention, Mu Feng walked towards the back hall under the leadership of the messenger.

Entering the back hall, the messenger retreated and saw the literary master, Uncle Erdo and the old man surnamed Xu of Mandala Business in it.

"Little guy, you're finally here. How's your body recovered?" The first to speak was Uncle Erdo, an uncle who took special care of Mu Feng.

"Thank you for your concern. Thanks to you, the boy is fine." Mu Feng also has a good impression on this uncle who has always taken good care of him.

"Dado, the potential of this boy you brought is very good? It's been a long time since I've seen him, and his cultivation has improved. This speed of cultivation really makes me ashamed." The speaker is the old man who is a literary teacher.

"Ha, the future is terrible, and the future is terrible!" The old man surnamed Xu also praised that it hasn't been long since the last time we met in the mandala business, but he didn't expect that the little guy's cultivation was refined again. High-ranking people like them would never pretend to be pompous.

With two dry laughter, Mufeng's cheeks were twitching slightly. Isn't there any need for these old men to do this? At this moment, he changed the topic and said, "Uncle Erdo, why did you call me here this time?"

"It's about the last 'Sanshengmen'. Don't you want to make a difference in Liuli City? We have an opinion. Do you dare to try it? Uncle Erdo asked with a mysterious look.

"What is it?"

"The three of us have discussed it. If we can give you the strength to compete with the Sanshengmen, do you have the courage to eradicate it?" Uncle Erdo's words turned around and said seriously, "But that will put you at the forefront of the storm and become the target of public criticism. Any force that has dealings with Sanshengmen will become your opponent. Unless you have the absolute strength that they are afraid of, there will never be peace."

Hearing Uncle Erdo's words, Mu Feng fell into meditation. As the lord of a city with a false reputation, he did want to stand up his power when he first came to Liuli City, but this was a little like attracting butterflies. Moreover, he did not have the strength to compete with them. I heard that Uncle Erdo wanted to provide himself with corresponding forces. This was Good news, but it is also an unstable bomb. In a word, the local forces of Liuli City will never allow other forces to intervene here.

"Okay." After weighing the pros and cons, Mu Feng decided that he could not be a man with his tail in his life. Sooner or later, it would be a matter of time to collide with other forces in Liuli City.

"Since it's your own choice, I hope you can have a good journey." Uncle Erdo is talking.

"Come to the gate of the Mandala business tomorrow morning, and I will take you to a new place." The interface is an old man surnamed Xu.

"Can I take someone there with me?" Mu Feng asked that he asked Xia to help him manage the city owner's mansion for so long. He was like a shopkeeper, and now he should also fulfill his original promise step by step.


Back to the city lord's mansion, he saw West Asia. When it mentioned tomorrow, West Asia nodded and agreed. In terms of Mu Feng's contact with West Asia, he did not see West Asia take action, but from the words of the slave owners at the beginning, West Asia's strength would not be too weak.

"Master, the little guy in the city lord's mansion entered the bounty branch, and the old man who injured me first seems to be a member of the bounty union." In a hall, the middle-aged man who had been making trouble in the city lord's mansion said respectfully to the figure in a black robe in the hall.

"Go down first and withdraw the spies placed near the city lord's mansion. Don't act rashly without my order." The man in black said lightly and couldn't see his face clearly.


The next day, Mu Feng and West Asia walked out of the city master's mansion early in the morning, and the figures that had been lurking in the shadow seemed to disappear out of thin air. When he came to the gate of the mandala business that had been agreed in advance, he saw the old man surnamed Xu already waiting for Mu Feng. When he saw them coming, he said, "Let's go!"

All the way, the two quietly followed the old man surnamed Xu and did not ask where they were going. After taking a space transmitter, he came to a strange city, and then hired a luxurious carriage to drive under the order of the old man surnamed Xu. On the edge of a barren mountain, several people got out of the car and walked to the lush forest in front of them under the guidance of the old man surnamed Xu.

"This is a psychedelic array. Ordinary people can't see the situation inside outside. Even if someone enters it, they will always be lost in it. Unless someone opens their eyes, they will only be trapped to death." Taking Mu Feng into a lush area, the old man surnamed Xu said lightly.

"Xuanqing Dayan Array." Sia said at this time.

Looking at the side, the old man surnamed Xu continued to lead the road and stepped on his unique footsteps. After a while, a closed stone door appeared in front of the three people. The stone door was directly embedded on the top of the mountain, surrounded by green shade.

The three walked straight to the stone gate, and two figures suddenly appeared in front of the three, blocking the way of several people.

"These two people are very strong and will not be lower than the strength of the seventh level." I didn't find any special breath when I entered here just now, but since it was brought by an old man surnamed Xu, I don't think there will be any problem.

"Who is coming?" The two figures were dressed in black and white, and the black figure took the lead in asking.

Without answering, the old man surnamed Xu took out a token from his arms and handed it over. He took over the token handed over by the old man. The figure in black instantly lowered his head and said respectfully, "Thirteen Elders!"

Waving his hand, the two figures went away. Entering the stone door, the stone door opened automatically, and the three of them stepped in.

is completely different from the scene outside. Inside, it is all artificially opened space. In the center is a huge ring. Several people are competing on it. Under the ring, some people are chatting and closing their eyes slightly quietly.

I glanced at it, and there were about hundreds of people gathered here. Seeing someone coming in, almost everyone looked at Mufeng, and several people in the ring also stopped moving.

"What is this place?" Feeling that the atmosphere was a little dull, Mu Feng asked in a low voice behind.

"Don't talk and follow my instructions." The old man surnamed Xu replied.

Follow the old man surnamed Xu to the ring and glanced at these people in this space. The old man surnamed Xu pointed to Mu Feng on the side and said loudly, "This is the new city owner of Liuli City next to me. I hope you can help him. Unless your sentence expires, this will be your only chance to go out early."

Hearing the words of the old man in the ring, the crowd below suddenly exploded.

"These are the forces I refer to. Don't underestimate them. They are all outlaws. I hope you can successfully take them out." The old man surnamed Xu said in Mufeng's ear, and then threw down the confused Mufeng and West Asia.

When the old man surnamed Xu left, the crowd immediately returned to the same appearance as they had just entered. The noise was endless. Mu Feng and West Asia, who were hanging aside, looked helpless and dared to say that these people here did not take what had just happened seriously.

"What can I do?" Mu Feng asked West Asia.

glanced at the imprisoned place again, and a thin figure rested alone in the corner. He was one of the few people who had not been disturbed by what had just happened just now. He said, "Come with me." West Asia said to Mu Feng.