Tai Ruins

Chapter 55 Poetry Fighting Conference

"The clouds are green and want to rain, and the water is full of smoke. Dare to ask this gentleman, what is the solution of this painting? A handsome man asked Mu Feng, and I have to say that the three of them are really eye-catching.

"This one?" Mu Feng pointed to a landscape painting hanging on the wall and said, "The most prominent place in this picture is the father-in-law who rowed the pulp through the smoke and rain..." Mu Feng said, and the man who heard it was shocked, "A rude!" The handsome man despised in his heart, but his face echoed, "Brother's view is really different from ordinary people."

"Dare to ask Brother Tai, why are the literati here so ridiculed? Isn't there going to be a poetry party here?" Mu Feng asked the previous man. You must be here for the first time. This can only be regarded as a place to receive guests from Yuxuan. Unless you receive an invitation from the cabinet, if you want to enter the interior, you have to go through a certain assessment. Of course, it will not be easy.

"This..." Looking around, there are probably some poor and corrupt scholars on the periphery, or trying their luck here to see if they can meet the nobles who appreciate themselves and fly to the branches.

Under the guidance of the man, the three walked to the depths and listened to Yuxuan leaning on the mountains and rivers. There was a faint moisture in the air here, giving people a relaxed and pleasant feeling, which was the sweet taste unique to the mountain spring.

Not far up, a mountain gate runs through the cliff. Two petite figures played in front of the mountain gate and saw someone coming and ignored it. However, when Mu Feng and the others wanted to cross the door, they were stopped by the two children in front of them. A man and a woman stood in the middle of the mountain gate with their waists, and their pink faces were red and very cute.

I only heard the boy take the lead in saying, "The Lord has ordered that non-literati and talented people are not allowed to enter. Do you have an invitation letter?"

"No, how can Taoist children pass this door?" Mu Feng asked.

"It's very simple to meet friends with literature. As long as you can catch my test questions, you will be qualified to listen to Yuxuan!" The boy continued, "Which one of you will come first?" The girl beside her opened her eyes wide and looked curiously at Mu Feng and the three of them.

"I'll go first." It was West Asia who spoke and took a step forward.

The boy nodded slightly and looked at the drizzle that was still drifting. At this moment, he shook his head and said, "The drizzle comes from the sky..." Then he looked at West Asia's reaction. In fact, it is not difficult for the boy to make a couplet, but it is not easy to integrate into this scene, even if you use other scenery to offset it. Generation, if it doesn't conform to the artistic conception, it still falls behind.

Slightly pondered and looked at the surrounding scene. When the road came, the besmable path had been extending into the distance. His eyes lit up and replied, "Qingyun is born under his feet..." This is like explaining the purpose of the three of them this time: to come far away and step on the top of the blue clouds through this mountain gate.

"Not bad!" Hearing the lower couplet of West Asia, the boy looked very happy and clapped his hands and praised.

"I'll answer the next question. Who will answer it?" The girl said to Mu Feng and Jue Tian.

The two looked at each other and said, "I'll take this question!" It turned out that Yi Mufeng meant to go on himself first, and then together with Xi Asia to give Juetian a hint that Juetian's head reaction is very fast, but sometimes it will be blocked.

"Please listen to the question, a bull and a cow, guess three words." The girl said solemnly.

Hearing such a strange question, Mu Feng's foreheads were instantly covered with black lines, which is also called a title? Looking at Juetian in meditation, West Asia and Mufeng cast sympathetic eyes. Among the three, Juetian is the only one who went purely for the beautiful woman. Since God doesn't give him this opportunity, what else can they say?

Theoretically, a bull and a cow should give birth to a calf, but it is obvious that the number of words is wrong. After thinking about it, there is still no reason. As soon as the sky was anxious, he shouted to the girl, "Only two cows, how can three words be made?" Wait, as soon as the words came out, Jue Tian realized that he didn't think of this simplest superposition. The answer was: "Two cows." A proud smile.

"Congratulations on your success!" The girl continued, "The last question will be written by both of us, and we will be able to interpret what is drawn in this picture."

The boys and girls stood around the stone gate, their palms aligned, and a faint electric current-like real energy flowed between their palms. Gradually, there seemed to be a confused picture completely intertwined with energy in front of the three people. The silky black energy wandered from it, forming a mysterious outline.

"This is..." When looking at this picture, Mu Feng actually had a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere. "Where is it?"

This is a fragment that my cabinet owner inadvertently got. Now it is displayed in front of you according to the original version. The cabinet owner has been looking for someone who can know its origin.

"Is this it?" Mu Feng took out a fragment from his arms, which turned out to be the one photographed by Mu Feng at the last auction. No wonder he has always had that familiar feeling.

"This is..." The boy and girl were shocked at the same time. They didn't expect to meet fragments that exuded the same breath. Originally, the two were just playful to take a bath. The cabinet owner had never told them to listen to Yuxuan's guests with such an impossible task.

"When the poetry fight is over, you can go with me to meet my cabinet owner. Now you are our guests, please!" The boy's attitude is obviously much better than just now.

Follow the boy to listen to Yuxuan, while the girl continues to guard at the mountain gate. Until I came to a unique garden, I saw all kinds of gorgeous clothes and elegant people walking back and forth in the garden, and there was no other reaction when I saw someone coming. There were piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, pen, ink, paper and inkstone in many places in the garden, which I thought was prepared for the literati. Some people who know each other are chatting one by one. It depends on the situation that the literary and poetry fight has not officially started yet.

"Let's talk first, and I'll go shopping." Jue Tian finally couldn't stand loneliness and found a reason to run away.

The two gave a white look at the sky at the same time. They don't know what this guy is thinking? Seeing Mu Feng and Xi's reaction, Jue Tian had no choice but to laugh and change the topic and said, "It's really nice today. I'll go for a walk and come back to you."

Looking at the sky shrouded in light fresh water, the two of them turned their eyes to the sky where they took the opportunity to run away. ..." Jue Tian was completely defeated.

"The Lord is here!" A crisp voice came, and several people came from the other side of the garden. A woman with a veil was surrounded by everyone and walked towards the only pavilion in the garden. This should be the so-called Lord of Yuxuan.

"Why is it her?" Mu Feng's heart skipped. It turned out that Murong Xuan, the right sister, stood next to the owner of Yuxuan Pavilion, and Murong Liuyun was also beside him. However, when he thought about it carefully, Mu Feng was relieved. The Murong family's reputation was far-known, and it was the most normal thing to be invited, so Situ Jing, a follower, would also appear here. Sure enough, Mufeng saw Situ Jingzheng chatting with a man next to a rockery. He flashed aside and staggered his eyes.

"I'm glad that you can come to the literary and poetry fair held by the little women. Today's winners can get mysterious rewards!" Listening to the voice of the Lord of Yuxuan Pavilion is like a warbler, and the words are round, giving people a feeling like a spring breeze.

"It's my honor to be invited by your cabinet. Why should I be humble?" A man said.

Just listen to the owner of Yuxuange and then said, "This competition is divided into three items, namely: literary fighting, martial arts fighting, and weapon fighting. You can get corresponding scores according to different rankings as a unit. Of course, the one with the highest score is today's winner."

"The competition will be held after a ray of incense. Hurry up!" While talking, the woman pointed to the incense inserted in the stone box with one hand, and the curling smoke burst out.

As observed by Mu Feng, these children of famous families are basically in groups of three, and there are very few men and women. And Mufeng's group of three basically belongs to the type of golden partner. In the words of literary fighting, it is only Si Asia. In terms of martial arts, this guy can go. With the primary strength of the seventh level, how many people present can dig the front? As for the final fight, although some big families have enough background, why not themselves? The stone blade with a martial soul can definitely be killed in seconds.

"Good, let's get started." Seeing the young talents who had been divided into groups, he listened to the owner of Yuxuan.

First, dozens of people, including West Asia, entered the competition venue. The child who had brought Mu Feng in before spread out in front of the crowd with a picture scroll. A few strokes on the painting outlined the situation of the mountain, the blue of water, a small sailboat on the river gradually drifted away, and the remnant sun in the west emitted a faint red light. " With this painting as the theme, poetry and songs are based on your preferences, and time is fragrant. The child continued.

After carefully observing any detail on the picture, a flash of lightning crossed West Asia's heart: "The lonely sail is far away, but I can see the Yangtze River flowing in the sky!" ( All right, I admit it!)

After a fragrance, the child presented what everyone had done. He heard the owner of Yuxuan Pavilion sitting in the elegant pavilion and casually turning over the works just presented. When he saw a paper, his browsing speed obviously slowed down a lot. It was not until the maid beside him reminded him that the veiled woman muttered a few words in the maid's ear. After nodding, the maid came to everyone as instructed and said, "The results of that round just now have been known. The next round of competition: martial arts, one-on-one elimination system, and the final results will be announced at the end!"

elimination system, the more wins, the higher the score. The scene was a red rope tied to Juetian with golden hair. As soon as Juetian appeared, it attracted the attention of the public. Some were more nymphomaniac and of course there were malicious ones. However, Juetian did not pay attention to it and went straight to the middle of the competition field. His opponent was a delicate and slightly pale man with a pale face in his hand. A folding fan.