Tai Ruins

Chapter 73 "Son of Light" Lingbu

"Little guy, you did a good job." After saying that, the angry elder stared at Mu Feng a few more times, which made Mu Feng feel a little creepy. When he was stared at by such an old man, goose bumps fell to the ground.

"Why? The boy is indeed a little handsome, but you don't have to do this first. I won't do that..." Mu Feng said and wanted to stay away.

"Is your boy looking for death? So your master, I ask you how many other unknown secrets you have?" The angry elder said with a smile that he was not an angry person, but on the contrary, there was a kind of satisfaction from the bottom of his heart. Indeed, Mu Feng, his disciple, has been promoted to the top four, so there is no doubt that his status in the sect will rise a lot. Everywhere is very realistic and his strength is respected.

"No comment, I said that you are too boring, Firehead Master, and even the old bottom of your disciples will be exposed..." Mu Feng poked his nose. Even if you are your own master, this is your biggest secret in the world, and you must stick to it.

Without saying anything, Huotou turned his eyes to the next competition on the round platform. With the decreasing number of participating disciples, their strength will become higher and higher, and they will better understand their opponents to make corresponding countermeasures. This is the reason why the two are not in a hurry to leave. The monster in the second game is still **, and the primary strength of the seventh level is only defensive in front of him. Sooner or later, it will be defeated. Sure enough, after only five minutes, the man could not withstand the pressure of the monster and automatically admitted defeat. The third game was the woman who defeated Sister Xiaofeng before, but his opponent was a seventh-level intermediate man. I have to say that the woman's luck is very good, but there are no ordinary people in the quarterfinals. In a few rounds, the woman couldn't stand it and automatically admitted defeat. In the last competition, Mu Feng recognized both of them. It turned out that they were silver-haired men and men with extreme speed. In terms of absolute strength, men with hair knots are better than silver-haired men who were defeated by their own hands. They have seventh-level primary strength and have never left any hands on their opponents. As soon as they came on the stage, the aura of the two had friction, cold-eyed and silent collision. The two disappeared in place at the same time, and the speed of both of them has reached the extreme, but it is obvious that the man with hair is much faster than that of the silver-haired man, which is a talent advantage.

With a bang, pure physical collision, the two figures retreated at a touch, and the two were evenly matched in this round. In the process of retreating, the silver-haired man's figure first disappeared on the round table, and the knot man stood still, but gently closed his eyes.

"Here..." The knot man opened his eyes, quickly moved back, and grabbed a space. With a bang, the transparent hand and the knot man's hand collided firmly. The figure of the silver-haired man appeared and stood on both sides of the round platform!

"The Mirror of a Thousand Prohibitions!" Then, the silver-haired man directly greeted the big move, and the round platform fell into darkness in an instant. Thousands of mirrors blocked the man's body, and the space was imprisoned.

"The art of prohibition?" Looking at the mirror that appeared out of thin air, the knotted man did not panic and muttered.

White light reflects each other in the mirror, gradually illuminating the whole forbidden space. Some dazzling white light has fatal restrictions on men with hair knots.

"You have lost. Don't you know if I can be the master in the world of light?" The knotted man spoke inaudible, but the next moment his figure disappeared to the same place. Chasing Yuan..." Hearing the voice of his opponent, the silver-haired man hidden in the mirror frowned slightly, because he had indeed lost his opponent's breath.

In the middle of the silver-haired man, a figure suddenly appeared behind the silver-haired man in the mirror and slowly walked towards him. The silver-haired man clearly saw everything in the mirror. How could this happen?" The silver-haired man was shocked. How could his forbidden technique be invaded by the other party?

"You are proud enough. I have never used this move against opponents below the seventh level..." The knot man was not impatient and slowly walked towards the silver-haired man. He only heard him whisper: "Angel Holy surrender..." The silver-haired man only felt that his hidden mirror was full of strong sacred breath, even his opponent The face is changing, and it is extremely enchanting. Wah..." Two lifelike feather-like wings spread out, and I couldn't hear what the opponent was saying. The next moment, the silver-haired man completely lost his opponent's breath again.

With a muffled sound, the silver-haired man was hit by a slender and extremely smooth arm, clicked... The sound of broken bones came. The silver-haired man only felt that the blood in his body was surging, his throat was sweet, and a large mouthful of blood burst out. During the flight, the silver-haired man was surprised to find that his opponent had stuck to him again. The opponent's hands seem to be unshakable, as heavy as a mountain. The silver-haired man who was carried high in the air was thrown down heavily. At this time, the mirror could not stand such pressure and collapsed, and the usual drowsiness was restored again over the round platform. It was not until the crowd outside the field saw the situation on the round platform that the silver-haired man was hit on the ground unconsciously, and the extremely hard round platform unexpectedly There are silk cracks. Although the scale is not very large, the destructive power just now is undoubtedly huge. The silver-haired man is already unconscious.

After defeating the opponent, the man was not too happy, but with a gentle sigh, his body disappeared on the round platform. The battle just now was shrouded in the art of prohibition, and it was almost difficult for outsiders to see. On the top of a mountain in the distance of Tianchi, a slightly thin and graceful woman suspended on the mountain out of thinness. For two periods of the year, she comes here to watch the comparison of Qiushuizong. I don't know why she is. In the battle, there was something softly whispering in the woman's lips.

"At the end of today's test, your winning disciples will go back to have a good rest. I hope there will be greater gains this year." The long-lost elder appeared over the round platform again and said to the few inner disciples present.

On the way back, the fire elder also loved his picked up disciple and said, "Little guy, what are you going to do in the next test?" According to the intention of the fire elder, he is willing to listen to Mu Feng's arrangement and then make his own appropriate suggestions.

"No, my opponents are quite strong, and I don't have a choice. You should know this master?" Mu Feng said casually. Indeed, as Mu Feng said, the weakest opponent also has the seventh-level primary strength. I really don't have any confidence. Instead of worrying about fear, it's better to let nature take its course.

It's true that the fire elder thought about it carefully. Mufeng did not help much. At present, he did not continue to ask. This road had to rely on Mufeng to go on by himself.

Returning to the other courtyard, Mu Feng said goodbye to the fire elder and came to the old place. The aura here was extremely abundant, as if it was endless. No one knew such a treasure-like treasure, and even if he knew it, he would not make good use of it (thinking of Sister Xiaofeng, Mu Feng immediately added a sentence to the back).

"Wow... it's almost there." Greed greedily took a breath of aura again, and Mu Feng disappeared in place, appeared on the outer wall of the courtyard, and then walked inside. Yes, the fire elder seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.

"Let's go." Speaking, the fire elder nodded slightly, and the fire elder took the lead in leading the way. To Mu Feng's surprise, the fire elder actually put on a new suit today, which made Mu Feng a little down, but to be honest, today's fire elder walks so vigorously.

When you come to the edge of Tianchi, today's people are indeed extremely lonely, because except for the last PK, the disciples can watch it freely, and the rest of the competitions are prohibited in principle.

"No more nonsense, today's test begins." The elder put down this sentence and stepped aside.

The first to play are Mu Feng and the knot man, which is also arranged in the previous order of appearance. After being hit by the knot man, Mu Feng was not surprised. His sixth-level junior strength is indeed too dazzling here.

"Mu Feng..." Mu Feng reported to his home.

"Ling Bu..." The always taciturn man actually said his name, which is definitely a manifestation of the recognition of his opponent.

Mu Feng moved first. His opponent Ling Bu did not mean to take action in a hurry. Maybe he thought that his opponent was much weaker than his own strength. If he still took the lead, he would be a little bullied and weak.

A remnant shadow was left in place, and Mu Feng swept towards his opponent. It was not until Mu Feng's attack arrived that Ling Bu moved his body. His body twisted and unexpectedly avoided Mu Feng's attack to the limit. He grabbed Mu Feng directly with one hand. The speed was as fast as lightning crossing the night sky and teleported! Mu Feng flashed to the side and could avoid Ling Bu's attack.

The golden big hand appeared behind Lingbu and shot down at him, but it was obvious that this attack was futile. On the basis of not restricting the opponent's action, it was difficult for the golden big hand to photograph people, unless it was at the level of a white level.

"Isn't it still possible?" Looking at the golden big hand that hit the air again, Mu Feng suddenly felt that Taiyi's first style was a little chicken ribs. I don't know why he was so embarrassed!

"Instant kill!" Mu Feng muttered gently, and his body flashed behind Lingbu out of thin air. Ling Bu, who had the ultimate speed, could not predict the trajectory of instantaneous movement in advance. Ling Bu's body was frozen, and the silky golden energy roared towards Ling Bu's body. The silky white light point overflowed from his opponent's body, and the golden energy was blocked during the invasion process. However, many wounds were still cut open. When the space collapsed, the golden big hand was about to arrive, but this time it was not as smooth as expected. Lingbu with extreme speed could catch the hole, and his body disappeared in place, and the golden big hand fell empty again.

"Good skill..." Ling Bu flashed to stand aside, looked at the many subtle wounds on his body, and praised Mu Feng, but anyone knew that this was just a short silence before the storm.