Tai Ruins

Chapter 88 The Counterattack of the Earth

The body of the dragon in the void disappeared in an instant and appeared behind the carbi bear out of thin air. A thick dragon breath swallowed straight towards the carbi bear. The speed was too fast and the action could not keep up with the idea. The attack came, and a piece of hair on the back of the carbi bear stained with dragon breath was instantly Burned clean, then a cold dragon claw patted down the Kibi bear, and his arms were met. The Kibi bear, known for its strength, fell down under this claw. Wow..." The Kibi bear that crashed into the lake splashed out a large area of the lake, lost its trace in an instant, and lurked in the lake waiting for an opportunity to act.

In the mouth of the dragon in the void, it began to condense energy. The energy elements within a radius of a radius were instantly emptied and slowly began to compress. The nourishing electric current kept coming out of the dragon's mouth, and the devastating breath overflowed. The three people in the distance rushed out of the forest.

Finally, a black light ball with a strong sense of death burst into the lake. "Bang..." The black light ball steadily collided with a huge light blade condensed by earthy yellow energy. The space was collapsing, and the black plane fault appeared at the collision, but soon the power of the world Repair and restore the original appearance.

A surprising scene appeared. The strength of the holy level was made by the earthy yellow light blade of the sub-holy weapon. After touching the black gas light ball, it failed to hold on for a few seconds, and then collapsed in the void, and the black light ball continued to fall down.

"Bow..." is like the sound of water dripping. The black light ball sank into the lake. After a brief silence, a light spot began to expand and spread from the falling point, and a banging explosion resounded through the sky. Even so far away, the three people who were still in the Mercedes-Benz experienced the baptism of rainstorm, but Fortunately, all three of them were capable The protective layer is in the body.

A bottomless gully appeared in the lake, and the lake water disappeared under this blow. It can be imagined that the destruction of the black light ball was not seen. The figure of the carbi bear was not seen, and the demonized dragon body of the black water python was quietly suspended in the void.

A few seconds later, as soon as the awakening time of the bloodline passed, the black water python demon that lost the dragon body returned to its original appearance and stood above the bottomless gully waiting for something.

"Don't pretend to be dead. How can the bear of the earth kneel down so easily?" Seeing the movement below for a long time, the black water python shouted loudly under the ditch.

The earth is shaking, and a huge figure crawled out of the earth on the edge of the gully. It is the Kibi bear lurking in the lake before. It is actually fine, but looking at the beast's body, the shocking scars and blood are trickling. Even the Kibi bear, which claims to be the strongest defense, can't resist the destruction power of the black light ball. However, since it is called the bear of the earth, there is continuous energy support when stepping on the earth.

"I didn't expect you to have this trump card, but I was careless..." Looking at the figure of the black water python in the void, Kibi Bear said lightly.

"At the end of the crossbow, do you think you can defeat me now?" In the posture of a winner, the black water python in the sky said puzzledly.

"You have your Zhang Liangji, don't I have my ladder?" Kibi Bear sneered. The black water python in the sky changed his face. Does he still have an unknown card?

"The good show has just begun..." Kibixiong shouted, but his body turned into a human shape. This is the first time that Mufeng and the three have seen the humanoid appearance of Kibixiong. Just now, after seeing the dragon's breath disappear, Mufeng and the three of them lurked over, although they can't hide the black water python demon. Perception.

"The power of the earth..." I saw an earthy storm blowing around the Kibi bear, and the continuous power of the earth surged from the ground to the body of the Kibi bear. Although the specific changes in the storm could not be seen, the breath emanating from it was increasing.

Looking at the changes in the distance, the situation is changing subtly. Mu Feng said softly, "The consistent Warcraft race is really extraordinary..."

"Oh, how can you succeed? Look at me, I won't break your law!" While talking, the figure of the black water python disappeared in the void, and the breath of the Kibi bear in the storm grew beyond his expectation. According to this situation, the original advantages would disappear.

The overwhelming corrosive mucus swept towards the carbi bear in the storm, but only a little slowed down, and the corroded energy was once again compensated by the continuous power of the earth. The scaly tail slapped down towards the layer of soil storm, with a bang, and most of the storm's earth wall was destroyed, revealing the illusion inside. Kibi Bear.

The black water python demon grabbed the Kirby bear inside, but saw a ghostly smile. The Kirby bear's thick but thin hand under the black water python demon itself grabbed the snake's tail. Out of the black water python demon's expectation, under normal circumstances, both the power and speed of the humanoid will drop by one level, Kirby Isn't the bear looking for his own death?

The black water python demon who just wanted to get out was surprised to find that the snake tail that was caught seemed to be pressed by a mountain, endless and endless, and could not be shaken at all. That was the power from the earth. Can the black water python demon alone fight against each other? Next, Kibi Bear's behavior is even more crazy. With the human body, it can shake the huge black water python, which is the real strength of Kibi Bear.

"Whoo..." The Kibi bear swung the body of the black water python demon, and finally smashed into the ditch below, and then the figure of the Kibi bear also jumped into the ditch. The earth was trembling, and the endless soil slid into the gully, wanting to bury the two at the same time.

After a burst of silence, Mufeng and the three were also nervously watching the change of the war situation. How could the strength of the Holy Step be killed so easily? Bang..." A huge figure of a black water python was thrown out, followed by a khaki blade that cut through the sky and hit the black water python.

"Cough..." A few mouthfuls of blood spit out, and the black water python turned into a human body and said, "I'm so stupid to compete with a stupid bear for this abandoned forest. Well, everything here is left to you..." After saying that, the yellowish black gas began to spread over the forest, and flowers and trees were contaminated with these gases. They withered one after another, and the figure of the black water python disappeared into the void.

There is no intention of chasing. If the master of the holy step wants to leave, he can't stop him at all. Looking at the devastated scene of his former home and the lifeless land, the Kibi bear will inevitably have a heartache. Although he succeeded in driving away the black water python demon, he did not think of leaving this kind of injury.

Mu Feng and the three came from afar after the black gas dissipated. Looking at the scene in front of them, Mu Feng took the lead and said, "Dear Mr. Kibi Bear, I'm sorry to cause you this kind of trouble..." Indeed, if it weren't for the reason of Mu Feng and others, although the owner here is the black water python demon , but after all, it is still complete, not so much.

With a slight sigh, he looked at the three people in front of him and suddenly fixed it on a beautiful woman and said happily, "Dear elf guests, I don't know if they can..." Kibi Bear rubbed his hands back and forth, and his face showed greed.

Mu Feng and Westia looked at Yingluo's reaction. After a long time, she said, "The moon well is in the holy land of our clan. It is impossible to get it without the permission of the high priest. Yes, you are right. With the moon well water to moisten this forest, you can be reborn soon."

"Even if it's my ruthless invitation, I'll lead the three to the elf forbidden place in a moment." Knowing the preciousness of the elf well water, the carbi bear did not mean to force it.

Then, the three sat on the broad shoulders of the carbi bear and walked to the depths of the twilight forest under the leadership of the carbi bear. They did not deliberately hide their breath. They were safe all the way. The other monsters in the forest wisely chose to avoid far away.

"After the previous road, it is a forbidden place for the elves. Only the elves will lead the way will not get lost. That's all I can do. As long as I break this scroll when I come out, I will appear and take you out." As Kibixiong spoke, he took out a scroll and threw it to Mu Feng.

He took the scroll handed over by Kibixiong and played it several times. He couldn't see why, so he handed it to West Asia beside him. At first, West Asia only thought it was an ordinary signal scroll, but when the scroll was started, there was a burning feeling. She carefully stared at the rune depicted on the top, and suddenly lost her voice: "This is the 'Flame Red Lip' - the primary fire range scroll of the heavenly level."

"Mr. Kibi Bear, are you...?" Mu Feng asked puzzled.

"It's useless for me to keep it. This is what I got from a human monk who broke into here. It hasn't been of any use. It's just a gift for you." Kabi said honestly. Put away the "flame red lips" and say goodbye to the Kabi Bear, and go to the forbidden place of the elves under the leadership of Yingluo.

"Carefully follow me. Here is the unique confusion array of the elves. The elf array inherited so far has been refined and strengthened by the patriarchs. Even if the holy strong man stray into it, he can only be wiped out by the power of the array. It is almost impossible to forcibly break the array." Walk carefully ahead, Yingluo explained.

"It is worthy of the creation of seizing heaven and earth..." Even the erudite West Asia can't see the operation and reproduction mode of the large array. In the array, as long as you take a wrong step, different killing moves will follow. It is almost impossible to save yourself in this continuous attack.

But fortunately, there is Yingluo of the elf clan leading the way. Otherwise, wouldn't Mu Feng and Xi't it be pure to die if they want to enter with their current strength? The two only feel like walking on Century Avenue, and the scene around them is constantly changing, but the road that Yingluo walks is just a path full of grass. No matter how the surrounding scene changes, the path seems to be eternal and calm.

"Haha, we're here..." Yingluo walked in front of him, suddenly dancing in front like a child, shouting at Mu Feng in the back.

Until I walked to Yingluo's side, the light flashed, and all the surrounding landscape disappeared. Looking back, there was only a confusion. I didn't know the depth in the clouds and fog, and the scene in front of the wind was another. This was a harmonious world. People were not surprised. What I saw was the towering ancient trees, which were dense and spread out. When you walk here, you are like walking into a sea of forests. Although the sun can't penetrate, the various light balls in the air can render this place like a fairy tale world, which is extremely beautiful.