Tai Ruins

Chapter 92 Tree of Life

The vines wrapped in rich white light swept towards Mufeng, as if they could automatically pursue the breath of their opponents, but they seemed to slow down, leaving a deep engraving on the lawn everywhere. Mufeng's heart was depressed, that's it? You can't hit yourself at all...

"You're tricked..." I only heard the elf man say to Mu Feng not far away, while Mu Feng stopped to be wary and looked at the elf man doubtfully.

"Frozen..." When Mu Feng heard the voice of his opponent, he saw that the original engraving left on the ground shined white light, and then a complex inscription was outlined by white light. The water elements in the air were rapidly solidifying, with an incredible face, and Mu Feng's whole body was frozen.

The elf man waved the vines in his hand and shot straight towards the ice-sealed Mufeng. The white vines shot into Mufeng's body through the ice. The original smiling expression solidified at this moment, and the vines in his hand were actually involved by a strong force. No matter how hard he tried, he could not pull it out and sealed it in the ice. The teenager inside looked at the elf man and saw a face with an evil smile.

"Bang..." turned into ice crumbs all over the sky and dissipated, and a black virtual shadow roaring up to the sky loomed behind the bath wind, as if to come out through the body. The vine in the elf man's hand grabbed the hand of the teenager in front of him.

"Hmm?" The elf sacrifice, who had been sitting on the wooden rattan chair, showed surprise when he saw the virtual shadow behind Mu Feng, and the virtual shadow with thick blood and evil spirit made people feel bored.

"Die..." The elf man only felt an inaudible voice in his ear and looked behind him with horror. Poof..." The black hands had stabbed into the back of the elf man, and blue blood gushed out, and in an instant the elf man fell down softly.

Seeing the changes in the test field, the elder took the lead. He grabbed Mu Feng with one hand and did not retreat. In the current state, Mu Feng did not know what fear was at all. The thick black fist lingering around him collided with the elder's slender hand, and a huge breath of life swept towards Mu Feng's body. Mu Feng was shocked. Just now, there was indeed an involuntary moment. Mu Feng smashed and crashed into a big tree in the distance. A burst of blood surged in his body, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood flew.

The elder wanted to continue to kill, but he was blocked by the second elder and said, "Cullen, isn't it too bullying young people to do this? Please respect your identity!"

"Oh!" He left sullenly and dodged to the elf man who had just been almost killed by Mufeng. The wound on his back was still black, and the huge force of life surged towards the wound. The elf man showed pain, and then slowly calmed down.

Anyone can see that this game was won by human teenagers in front of them, so that all the elves present have questions in their hearts: Are human monks so strong that they can challenge the seventh-order advanced with their sixth-level intermediate strength?

"This game was won by the two elders, so the elves will only guard this peaceful land from now on and live a peaceful life for generations." At the end of the test, there was the voice of the elf sacrificing the old man, and then turned to the second elder and said, "Bring that teenager to my room." Then he left with the support of two elf waiters.

Take West Asia back to the residence first, and later the two elders will take Mu Feng to the residence of the elf sacrifice. Now should also be the time to fulfill their promise.

To the destination, it was a wooden house built on the ground. The door was half-closed. The two elders knocked on the room and walked in with Mu Feng after getting the permission of the great sacrifice.

"Great Sacrifice..." The second elder said respectfully and wanted to leave.

"Hill, you brought him in. You can listen to it together." The voice of the elf sacrifice came faintly.

The two sat cross-legged in front of the great sacrifice, and the vicissitudes of voice came, saying, "Young man, where are you from? What's wrong with coming to the elves forbidden place?

"I come from Qiushui Kingdom. I came to the forbidden place of the elves just to escort the nobles back." After a pause, Mu Feng continued to reply, "Of course, I asked the nobles for some moon well water, that's all."

"Yes, the great sacrifice. When this teenager was brought back by the law enforcement captain, the condition for promising to play on our behalf was to get three moon well water." The two elders on the side interrupted.

"Is that so?" The elf high priest's wrinkled eyes looked at Mu Feng and asked, as if he could see through people's hearts, but he did not continue to ask.

Mu Feng, who was a little guilty, did not continue to struggle with this issue, so he changed the topic and said, "I don't know what you think of the Great Sacrifice?"

"Well, you can go to the Holy Land of the Elf with me first. The moon well water is in it."

"Isn't this appropriate for the great sacrifice?" The second elder hurriedly stopped him. Although he promised Mu Feng three parts of the moon well water, there was no need to take a human to the holy place of the elves, which was absolutely impossible.

waved his hand and didn't call anyone to accompany him. The great sacrifice took Mu Feng to the holy place of the elf clan, the holy place that human beings have never set foot on.

Seeing that the great sacrifice was about to enter the holy land of the elves, the two elves guarded did not say anything, even if they were human beings. After walking, the scene Mu Feng saw was not as good as expected. There were no lush plants. Everything inside was a little depressed, and some places on the grass had already exposed sand. According to reason, the moon well water with huge vitality should not have happened here.

Seeing the doubts in Mu Feng's heart, the voice of the sacrifice came and said, "As you can see, everything that happened here is enough to threaten the survival of the elves. Except for the elders of the elves, the clan do not know it. That's why there will be a battle between the two factions."

While talking, under the leadership of the great sacrifice, the two came to a well made of unknown stones. This should be the moon well water unique to the elves. When Mu Feng cast his eyes into the well, he saw an incredible scene, but the well water in the huge moon well was already poor.

"Is this...?" Mu Feng asked the great sacrifice around him.

"This was a long time ago. Now the moon well can produce less and less well water every year. If even the last well water disappears, it should not be far from the extinction of the elves." When the sacrifice spoke, a faint sadness was revealed. How could he bear to destroy his race in his own hands after surviving for so long?

"What's the matter with that great sacrifice?" Mu Feng didn't think that he just brought himself here to see the experience of the elves and then refused his request. He definitely had other intentions.

Turning around and looking at Mu Feng, the voice of the sacrifice came and said, "You guessed well. I really want to ask you to do me a favor. It's also a favor for the whole elf clan. Do you think it?"

"Tpeak and listen." Mu Feng paid more attention. Is there such a good thing on himself? It's better to find out clearly.

"Come with me..."

Follow the Great Sacrifice towards it. The moon well is only in the middle of the holy place, and there is a passage behind it connecting the unknown depths.

"This...?" Looking at another flowery world in front of you, any flowers and plants here grow extremely tall and lush, and the scene you see in the first half is completely two different worlds. Isn't the moon well shrinking? How can there be such a lush place?

"This is the reason, but I can't find the answer. You seem to have a skill that can get a glimpse of the source, right?" The elf sacrifice said to Mu Feng, and there was no room for Mu Feng to argue.

nodded and acquiesced, and Mu Feng continued, "I may not be able to guarantee that I can catch the source of the disaster. I can only say that I will do my best."

"In this case, I'll go back to deal with the affairs first. You can figure it out here. You can leave here at any time." The elves sacrifice wisely chose to leave. Since everyone has their own cards, it is inconvenient for them to be on the side.

"This old man is wise and not afraid that I will steal the moon well water and go out?" Then I was relieved when I thought about it. Without the exclusive utensils of the elves, I can't get them. The most important thing is that even if I get them, how can I go out without the leadership of the elves?

The silver eyes were fleeting, and the whole space returned to its origin under the irradiation of broken silver pupils, which surprised Mu Feng. In this whole space, a blue silk wire connected to the middle of the space, as if there was an inexplicable force involved their flow, a huge blue whirlpool. The vortex is formed in the middle and is moving regularly. You can't see what the situation is. You can only see a general outline, which should be the culprit.

Walking towards the middle position, where the plants are lush, Mufeng does not see the existence of Warcraft, and the plants here are not aggressive and gentle.

Until it comes to the top of the cyan whirlpool, a tree grows lushly. Unlike other plants, both the branches and trunks are green, as if they carry infinite vitality, and the branches and leaves stretch out to cover the earth.

"It should be under here, right?" Mu Feng muttered in his heart, but just as Mu Feng was considering how to find out the culprit, an illusory figure appeared beside Mu Feng, which was the predecessor of the Yan clan. He was not too surprised. Could it be said that he saw something?

"Senior, do you know...?" Mu Feng asked tentatively that if the seniors of the Yan clan had nothing to do, they would never appear.

After carefully looking at the plants in front of him, the laughter of the elders of the Yan clan came and said, "Your boy is really blessed, and you can also encounter this?"

"Senior, make it clear, what's going on?"