Tai Ruins

Chapter 113 I want to join the group

At the entrance of the national border, Mu Fengliang sent Mu Feng in respectfully after giving out the mainland privilege pass of the Bounty Guild. Looking for a space transmitter, Mu Feng sat down to the space passage to Bauhinia City. Not long after, he arrived at the destination of the trip. He hired a well-decorated carriage and told the driver where he was going, and the other party raised his whip and galloped away.

" distinguished guests, this is the general venue of the mercenary regiment you mentioned." As soon as the carriage stopped, the driver's words came.

Opening the curtain, Mufeng walked out of the carriage and looked at the open square in front of him. He couldn't help sighing at the greatness of the high country. There are many people coming and going here, and this industry will be very popular in any country.

Entering from the tall stone arch, there will be a noisy sound from time to time. Mu Feng is searching for useful information. This is like a super venue. There are many people walking around, and some mercenary regiments are taking tasks on the side. Why is it so easily recognized by Mu Feng, mainly The uniforms or badges they wear are too conspicuous. Of course, the logos of different mercenary regiments are different, which is also easy to distinguish.

There were four large light curtains standing there in the middle of the venue. According to a rough estimate, this should be used for the mercenary information of the search group. The specific Mufeng was not very clear, so he went straight over.

The information of the mercenary regiment kept sliding on the light curtain, which was nothing more than the name, the number of people and so on. After roughly looking at it for a few minutes, they casually walked towards the mercenary regiment station office on the side. The other party was a man and a woman. When they saw Mu Feng coming, the two stopped communicating.

"Delegated tasks? Our Fire Scorpion Mercenary Corps is a little famous in this industry!" The woman next to her took the lead in asking when she saw that Mu Fengren was also handsome and well dressed.

"I'm sorry, I'm not here to entrust the task, I just want to ask something." Mu Feng said and threw a handful of gold coins in front of them.

"Inviting about things is also among the content we entrusted. If you have anything to say, please tell me?" It's the previous woman who talked to Mu Feng.

"I would like to ask, what is the nature of the mercenary regiment here? Also, if you want to join the mercenary regiment, can you find a member like you?

Hearing that Mu Feng's question was so unnutritious, the man next to him was surprised and said, "Are you going to join the mercenary regiment?" Then he began to take a closer look at the teenager in front of him. He was good in height, a little thin, and his strength should not be big. His face was a little handsome, and he was very well dressed. Was it the second ancestor who came to join the mercenary regiment?

"If you have a plan in this regard, see if there is anything suitable." Mufeng interface.

The two looked at each other, and the man said, "I'm sorry, now our Fire Scorpion Mercenary Corps is full, only receiving tasks, and the newcomers are not considered for the time being. You'd better find someone else! If you want to join the mercenary regiment, you only need to get the approval of their management.

"Oh? Really? That's really a coincidence." Since the other party said so, Mufeng can only find someone else to try.

"This kind of boy must not join the mercenary regiment. Maybe if you are not careful, it will bring us a disaster, and you usually have to be careful to serve him. Who has that spare time!" When Mu Feng completely came out of their eyes, the man said to the woman.

As a result, I asked several mercenary regiments, and the results were the same as the reaction of the Fire and Scorpion Mercenary Corps. Mu Feng even thought that there was something wrong with his appearance, which led to such a result. Mu Feng really didn't believe that he was the owner of the glazed city, and the members of the bounty union could not even add the mercenary regiment. Go in and continue to hang out.

In front of a table, there was a man and a woman. They took a nap in the cluster of venue. They didn't even notice that Mu Feng passed by. They stopped and looked curiously at a man and a woman in front of them. There was not even a corresponding chapter of the corresponding mercenary regiment in front of their table. Driven by curiosity, Mu Feng knocked on the table.

"Who, who...?" I felt that someone was disturbing me, and the man rubbed his eyes and said confusedly.

"Do you need mercenaries here?" Because of the previous impact on the wall, Mu Feng tried to pretend to be amiable and said.

"You, do you want to join our mercenary regiment?" As if hearing the most incredible thing in the world, the man hurriedly woke up the woman beside him and said, "Hey, Sister Hua, is there anyone going to join our mercenary regiment?"

"Don't make any noise, what are you shouting in broad daylight!" Moving her body, the woman didn't even raise her head and continued to sleep on her stomach. The man smiled awkwardly and whispered in the woman's ear, as if he had taken a big tonic pill. The woman named Sister Hua jumped up and said, "Where? Where's the person!"

When I looked at the left and right sides, I finally found that the man was actually in front of me. He was a little handsome, which was not as exaggerated as the man said, but it was a good choice. Coughing twice, Sister Hua said solemnly, "Are you going to join our mercenary regiment?"

"It should be. Please tell me the capital information and advantages of your mercenary regiment first. If you think it's okay, take me to meet your person in charge." Mu Feng thought about the next way.

"I am one of the leaders of this mercenary regiment. Because this mercenary regiment has just been established, so I don't have my own micro chapter. As for the advantages you said, it should be said that the head of this mercenary regiment is a beautiful woman, and more importantly, her personality is very distinctive. In short, it's the kind that you won't regret if you go there, how?" The woman's eyes looked forward to it, waiting for Mu Feng's answer.

"As long as you can take over the task, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad." Mu Feng is not a mercenary for a living, just to increase some social experience.

"Are you really sure?" The woman confirmed again that because Mu Feng's dress is not like an ordinary person, if she finds it halfway and leaves after playing for a few days, she will definitely be scolded by the regiment leader.

"Yes, you don't have to worry. I won't leave your mercenary regiment for a short time." As if to see through the other party's mind, Mu Feng's voice came faintly.

"Well, since you are so resolute, you can go with me first." Then he turned his head and said to the man beside him, "Xiao Han, you say hello first, and I'll take him back to the headquarters."

"Okay, Sister Hua..."

Then, under the leadership of the sister named Zuohua, Mu Feng followed him to the headquarters of the mercenary regiment that had not been named. Since he wanted to stay there for a period of time, Mu Feng felt that it was necessary to communicate with them.

"Inside is the headquarters of our mercenary regiment." When she came to a well-decorated mansion, Sister Hua said to Mu Feng behind her.

"It's not bad..." Although it doesn't look like some well-known forces, it's already great for a newly formed mercenary team. However, something surprised Mu Feng. Sister Hua turned around and came to a relatively remote place at the front door, and then pointed to a door in front of her and said, "This is our parliament hall." Then Sister Hua pushed the door and went in but didn't find a person inside. She smiled awkwardly and said, "There is usually no one here at this time."

"I take the liberty to ask, how many people are there in your mercenary regiment?" Mu Feng thought of a very serious problem. The number of newly formed mercenary regiments should not be too large.

"This, plus your words, there are five people in total." Sister Hua said with her hands.

Mufeng smells like a wrong thief ship, or ask clearly first, and then said, "You mean that except you, me, the man just now, who are the two left?"

"Of course, one is our beautiful leader, with strong strength, and the other is the sister of the leader, so our group is a beauty group. It's really cheap for you." Sister Hua said one by one.

"Well, do you have any better benefits here?" Generally, the attraction of the mercenary group is its own welfare. The higher the welfare, the more people come to the club.

"In the early stage, because it is just starting out, there will be a shortage of funds, and the corresponding commission will be given according to your task volume. In the future, when our mercenary regiment develops well, you will be our founding hero. At that time, you will have whatever you want." Some steamed buns that can only be looked forward to in the future and do not know when they will be realized are taken out as bait in advance.

"Well, what about the head of your mercenary regiment and her sister?" Mufeng asked curiously. In fact, it was revealed from Sister Hua's words that their mercenary regiment only took shape, and there was no systematic implementation plan at all. Mufeng just asked casually. It was not how interested they were in their welfare. The most important thing was that since they chose that effect, it must be reflected, which is or not. It means to do it or do it well.

"They are very busy. Almost all the tasks in the early stage were brought back by themselves. Few newly established mercenary regiments like us and have little prestige can really be seen, but you don't have to worry, the remuneration of the task is still enough to maintain the food expenses of these people." It was not easy to join a club. Sister Hua didn't want to miss this good opportunity. Then she said, "Well, they will all come back at dinner time. You can eat here with us. At the same time, you can also increase your feelings. Sister Hua's cooking skills are great!"

"Yes, isn't it?" Mu Feng's eyes are slightly twitching, but it's okay to think about it. It's okay. The well-known mercenary regiment may not even distribute a task in the early stage, or there may be more opportunities to play in such a small team, and he will help them at any time necessary.

First, he said goodbye to Sister Hua, saying that he wanted to go out for a walk and would come back at dinner. Mufeng found a quiet place. His spiritual power shot out into the skeleton card. With a flash of light, Mu Feng disappeared in place. In an independent space, Mu Feng closed his eyes and began a day of practice.