Tai Ruins

Chapter 123 Half Demon "White Water"

"I am not a pure Qilong family. My mother is the third princess of the Qilong family. I have not seen my father since my birth, and my mother has not mentioned it. My living environment is not in the clan, but in the octopus country of mainland Sri Lanka. Two hundred years ago, the change directly sent the Qilong family to an eternal place. In the end, even the environment in which I live can't be exempted. I want to find the enemy who killed my mother and beat her ashes!" At this time, a bald man burst into a strong hatred all over his body.

"Indeed, the hatred of killing your mother is not the same, so how can you find your enemy?" Mu Feng felt the anger of the other party and said.

"As long as you find him..." The bald man didn't say who "he" was. Only now did Mu Feng remember a terrible thing, that is, the bald man in front of him was not wearing clothes. He took a set of clothes from the space ring and handed them over. Although it was a little bloated, it was much better than nothing.

"Well, let's go back first." It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. The two went to the garrison of the traveler mercenary regiment under the leadership of the little beast. This time, he did not deliberately hide his breath. When Mu Feng approached, the two people on patrol were already ready. After seeing the people coming, they sighed. The breath just now has exceeded the limit that the five of them can compete with.

"Who is he?" One of the men asked Mu Feng that the stranger who was not in his team just exuded from him.

"A friend agreed to meet today, you don't mind." Mu Feng said casually, and then got into his tent. There was no problem to accommodate two people.

The next day, when it was slightly dawn, Mu Feng and his party embarked on the journey again. This bald man was called "White Water", and Mu Fengsu was rescued by his companion.

"Tonight is the last night. After tonight, you can enter the mainland of Sri Lanka. This commission is completed. Good luck!" Then suddenly thought of a very important thing and reminded him, "When you first enter Sri Lanka, you may encounter a vicious horse thief. Remember to be careful."

There was nothing to say overnight. Mufeng's work was smooth. He did not encounter danger in this mountain range. On the road, Mufeng learned what the concept was in the 200 years in Baishuikou. It was equivalent to the 20 years of human life, that is, his age was about the same as Ling Bu. When asked how strong he was, Baishui said I don't know what level it is equivalent to in the world. After all, he was sealed here as a child.

Farewell to the traveler mercenary regiment, Mufeng went to Lanfeng City, the hub city of Sri Lanka mainland in his memory. I learned from the mouth of the mercenary regiment that there is a continuous desert in front of it. Beyond the desert is the target city, where there is a space transmission device, which will be much more convenient.

The sunlight is particularly dazzling in the desert. The sand here is roasted by the sun all year round, emitting a strong smell of fire. This is a good choice for fire repair. However, Mu Feng's body with water beads can be immune to the attack of fire elements, while the white water next to him seems to be nothing. **'s feet are stepping on the hot sand without any abnormality, and the snow-white beast is nestling in Mufeng's arms and sleeping soundly.

The desert can't be seen at a glance, and it can be passed in an hour without accident. The two lonely figures are so prominent, walking slowly in the desert, but there is no hurry to bathe in the wind. There is still half a month left before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and time is enough.

As soon as they came out of the desert, a group of people rode horses towards Mu Feng. Mu Feng ignored them and went straight to Lanfeng City. There were already sparse shrubs on the edge of the desert. Unexpectedly, the target of this group of people was Mu Feng and Baishui.

"Two people in front of you, please stay!" A middle-aged man led by shouted at Mu Feng and the other two. He stopped and turned his eyes to this group of people. There were about 20 people in total, and it was obviously malicious.

"What's the matter?" Mu Feng asked faintly.

"Are you from Tianxuan mainland to Sri Lanka?" The leading man asked.

"Yes, what?" Isn't this nonsense...

"Well, we are willing to buy valuable jewelry and gold and silver jewelry on you at a high price. What do you think?" The leading man spoke politely.

"I'm sorry, no." Mu Feng directly refused, but he really didn't.

The two people in front of him are still dressed very well. Although the bald man is a little strange, the material of the clothes is expensive. The leading man will not let go of the fat in his mouth so easily. At this moment, his face darkened and he said, "If not, hand over other valuable things on his body, otherwise... You know Of."

"Ha ha, is that so?" Mu Feng sneered and said that his nature was exposed. The politeness just now was just a play. It seems that this group of people are not good. Is it the legendary horse thief?

"I won't let you die if you hand in something valuable." The leading man shouted at Mu Feng, and the 20 men behind him were also fierce and ready to take action at any time.

Except for the leading man Mufeng who can't feel his breath, the rest of the people are in about the sixth and seventh levels of strength. Mufeng's mental particularity can feel the breath beyond his first-order strength. The leading man is obviously not among them. The answer can be imagined.

"Don't you feel ashamed to be a super-level strong man who is so willing to be a thief?" Mu Feng said lightly regardless of who his opponent was.

"If you are presumptuous and young but so talk so big, then stay today." Although he was a little surprised that Mufeng could guess his strength, Mufeng's strength was not worth mentioning at all. However, the bald man next to him was a little unable to see through, but there were many people on his side, so he didn't think much about it. In fact, he still neglected the snow-white beast that was still sleeping in Mufeng's arms.

Without waiting for Mu Feng to speak, Bai Shui took the lead in welcoming the leading middle-aged man, and Mu Feng disappeared in place. I don't know when the figure of the snow-white beast disappeared in Mu Feng's arms. A white light and shadow kept shutting through the melee. When Mu Feng finished cleaning up the three, Mu Feng was surprised to find that except for the super-level strong man who was fighting against Baishui, all the other people had been lying on the ground and moaning, dodging proudly holding their heads on Mu Feng's shoulders. Mu Feng stretched out and gently stroked his hair. It's a compliment.

Baishui, who newly joined the Mufeng team, is not as strong as expected. He thought that he was a thre with holy attack power. Can't he transform his real body? The last man's face became obviously heavy after seeing the wounded soldiers all over the ground. Originally, he thought he had met a fat sheep, but now it has completely turned into a bubble. Withdraw..." The leading man shouted and took the lead in galloping towards the original road. The others rolled and retreated towards the same road, and Mu Feng did not mean to chase.

"How do you feel about the confrontation with the opponent just now?" Mu Feng said to Bai Shui, who had just entered the world.

"I seem to be about the same strength as the man just now, but if he turns into the real body of Qilong, he will definitely not be my opponent." Bai Shui thought about it and said.

"Not an adult qilong has the strength of the holy level, coupled with super defense, other opponents of the same level have little chance of defeating him." Mu Feng was surprised that Baishui only had the super-level primary strength, which was completely inconsistent with his imagination.

"Only half of my body is the blood of Qilong, and the other half is flowing human blood, so I can freely switch between human body and beast body. Although the strength of turning into a beast will increase a lot, I hate that body."

"What's the wonder?" Mu Feng muttered that the white water that just appeared did not have the pressure of the strong man of the holy step. If Bai Shui, who is half-demon, wants to revenge, unless he steps into the strength of the holy step into the holy level, because his goal is really too strong, and Mu Feng's goal is the same. To make those old antiques of his family value themselves again, he absolutely needs to surpass everything. Li, otherwise, what qualifications do you have?

Then, Mu Feng followed the missing horseshoe seal of the group of horse thieves just now. There is only one city nearby. Where else can they go if they don't go back to Lanfeng City?