Tai Ruins

Chapter 141 Bloody Unity

Throughout the whole audience, except for the obvious advantages of Big Kibi Bear and Fire, the other people are equally divided, but this is the most fatal. The original exquisite courtyard has been completely destroyed under this level of battle, and a bottomless gully in the middle is the "masterpiece" left by the knife just now.

"Is the fairyland really going to be destroyed by me?" Looking at the devastated headquarters, the heart of the owner of Xianyu was dripping blood. Puff..." The earthy energy passed through the body, and the old man flew out backwards. How can the pain on his body make up for the scars in his heart!

Determined to stand in the void, the owner of Xianyu said loudly to several other backbones, "Four best friends, please leave as soon as possible. The opponents are not what we can compete with. I will do my best to delay them."

"Life and death, how can we abandon you, the master? If we want to die, let us defend the reputation of the fairyland together!" One of the middle-aged men dodged Uncle Erdo's attack and took time to reply.

"Those who dare to violate our fairyland are bound to make him pay the price of bleeding!" Another older man also echoed.

"..." At this moment, the only five remaining heavenly strong men in the fairyland who can fight actually have such a high awareness that they are bound to shed the last drop of blood to defend the fairyland.

"In this case, let the enemy who violates the dignity of the fairyland pay the price of blood." After saying that, the other four figures rushed towards the edge of the old man, but Mufeng lost his goal, while the big Kibi bear of the holy level stood in the void after the retreat of the owner of the Fairyland Gate and looked at his opponent with interest. It was rare to come out. This level was not enough to warm up!

"Five Spirits!" The leader said lightly, and there was an indescribable smell, and it echoed in the whole battlefield for a long time, as if he were dying. The four heavenly strong men stood in the void around the owner of the fairyland door, and the strong energy was constantly instilled in the old man in the middle, while the breath of the fairyland door owner was constantly climbing, thunderous intertwined, and there was a squeaking explosion on the red-faced old man. The five people are like a whole evolving, golden big The hand condensed in the void, but at this time, Mu Feng wanted to explore the reality. Unexpectedly, it had collapsed in the void before he got close to him. The earthy giant condensed again and grabbed the five people, emitting a confused breath to block the giant from the afterlife.

"The five spirits fairy art should be a unique secret skill of the fairyland. Four strong men of the heavenly level strength instill energy into a strong man at the peak of the heavenly level. If I guess correctly, when this spell is completed, the owner of the fairyland should briefly have the strength of the holy realm, which is a later step-level improvement, and it is almost difficult to break!" Seeing the mutation in the void, West Asia stared at the change and said lightly.

Not long, I saw four heavenly strongmen who were still fighting in the sky. All four of them were paralyzed on the ground, and their breaths were extremely weak. Looking at the changes of the doorkeeper of the fairyland in the sky, their faces were full of expectation. The old man in the sky is more sacred against the white light. His eyes, which were closed when they received energy, suddenly opened at this time, and they became deeper and deeper! A greater breath than before broke out from the owner of the fairyland, a sea-like feeling. The weak West Asia and Mufeng only felt that they were suppressed by a mountain, and they were a little breathless, but then a khaki breath came to block the pressure. Yes, this is the power of the Holy Step.

The crystal sword burns a more dazzling colorful light in the hands of the owner of the fairyland. This time, the target is still the most threatening big Kibi Bear, while the others wisely chose to watch. Regardless of the power and speed, it rises by one level. Its strength is slightly weak as the wind. You can only see two streamers flashing, and the sound of impact is continuous, and then it quickly separates and stands in the void.

"Although you have briefly obtained the strength of the holy level, you can't control this power skillfully. Although your magic is amazing, it is basically harmless to the Kibi Bear family as the favorite of the earth. Unfortunately, you can't beat me anyway, and you have also implicated several of your old subordinates!" The big carbi bear's strong voice came.

"You..." Looking at several people who lost their fighting ability on the ground, the old man couldn't say anything else for a moment. Indeed, as Kibi Bear said, in several confrontations after his promotion to the Holy Level, the opponent's strong strength and defense were deeply imprinted in the heart of the doorkeeper of the Fairyland. Even with the sub-sacred weapon in his hand, the victory was almost zero.

He appeared in front of the four immortal elders who lost their combat effectiveness and said lightly, "You go first. Don't worry about me. I have a way to delay them!"

"But do you think we will retreat at the most dangerous time in the fairyland...?" One of the oldest old men replied.

"There is no need to worry about firewood. Go quickly. This is an order!" The old man's face was anxious, and then he saw that everyone took out a space and pinched it in front of Mu Feng, and violent space fluctuations came.

"Do you think this trick can work on me for the second time?" The faint sound of the big Kabi bear came, and then four thick earth walls pulled out from the ground, and the giants that had been condensed with earthy yellow energy in the sky grabbed the disappeared void.

The four newly disappeared figures reappeared on the ground, and the four earth walls on the side began to press towards the four people. How could they stop the attack of this intensity when they lost the battle? Ah..." With a few heartbreaking hiss, the four figures were buried under the earth wall, and the breath became weaker and weaker.

"Ha ha" The owner of the fairyland who saw this scene actually laughed hysterically. The fairyland headquarters has been destroyed. That's because of his hard work is the current scale. The scenery inherited by the older generation was destroyed by his own hands. Two days ago, he was still vowing to say that God's good. The opportunity to unify the glazed city has come, but now this situation has happened.

A strong anger filled his chest, and a strange voice came from the doorkeeper of Xianyu, saying, "Go and bury with me!" The old man's body flashed on the edge of the big Kibi bear, holding the body of the big Kibi bear with his hands. Vigorous unstable energy fluctuations came from the main body of the Fairyland Gate, and a breath of destruction rippled away.

"Flash, the self-explosion of the holy strong man!" Westia next to her whispered to several people on the side, and then swept towards the periphery. This intensity of self-explosion was enough to blow up the whole fairy mansion. Even the close-range damage of the holy-class strongman will never feel good, and will even be directly destroyed, not to mention others who are slightly weaker.

Today's night in the glazed city looks so extraordinary. The dark night is rendered and transparent, like the hot sun falling on this originally dim land. The white light has not dissipated for a long time. A strong man who once dominated most of the rivers and mountains here has fallen, but he can still see the gate of the holy steps before he dies. It's enough to be proud after death.

"Bang..." There was a roar through the sky, and this unusual sound could be heard in Liuli City. Mu Feng and others had already run far away and would not go back until the storm passed. The earthy yellow lingering around the big Kibi bear had all collapsed, and the bright blood stains were so shocking that they stayed straight in the void without moving at all.

"It's over!" Mu Feng looked at the Xianyu mansion that had moved to the ground and muttered, and then said to the big Kibi bear in the sky, "Mr. Big Kibi Bear, are you all right?"

"It's okay!" Big Kibi Bear dodged and appeared beside Mu Feng and said, "Was it the self-detonation of the strong man of the human holy order just now? The power is really extraordinary. If it hadn't been for the strongest defense, other holy steps might have been blown up on the spot!"

"For good, you are fine. This time, thanks to your help, Mr. Kibixiong, otherwise it is really difficult to unify it so quickly." Mu Feng said lightly, and then took the group back with him. As long as the next aftercare work is handed over to Juetian, such a big movement at night, a little powerful force is absolutely known, so the next thing can be imagined.

The next day, there were indeed a lot of people who came to visit, and most of them were unknown to Mu Feng.