Tai Ruins

Chapter 151 Black Fortress

"Send you to the periphery of the mission, and you can move freely. It's better for you to be together, otherwise it's easy to die. You are already the third batch of adventurous mercenaries. I hope you can come back alive." On the way, the middle-aged man who led Mu Feng said that the mercenaries were not tough men who lick blood with knives. They were used to accompanying dangers when walking on the edge of life and death.

This ancient mountain range is not strange, but the route I took last time went to the periphery. This time, the feeling is obviously different. The surrounding trees are towering, and even the size of the warcraft that comes out from time to time is particularly huge. If it is not close, it is easy to get lost.

"Did you see that dark fog?" The middle-aged man pointed to the distance, asked the group of people behind him, and then said to himself, "It is a place known as a 'black forbidden place'. Even the strong holy steps can't be spared to enter. Few people there are people there, and no one knows what exists in it."

"It's no wonder there is a palpitating feeling so far away." Someone in the team said.

After about an hour, the voice of the middle-aged man in front of him came again and said, "Okay, I'll send you here. You just need to go straight ahead. I wish you good luck!" This group of people stopped on the edge of a stream.

Then the group automatically divided into seven or eight strands and slid towards the stream, and the three leading the way also returned to the same place. Ah..." With a heartbreaking sound, an unknown aquatic creature suddenly rushed out of the grass that was originally covered with grass to tear a mercenary's thigh, and then disappeared in an instant.

"Be careful, white water, look at it. Your sense of smell should be the most sensitive here. If there is danger, you should remind or stop it in time!" Mu Feng said to the white water on the side. In fact, Crotty doesn't need to go through the water, but there is no need to expose so much in such a large public.

The mercenary who had just been bitten went ashore with the help of his companions. His right calf was already bloody. If he is not treated as soon as possible, his whole leg may be scrapped. In fact, there are a lot of medicine bottles in the Mufeng space ring, but he doesn't know what the purpose is, and Mufeng is not a kind of giver.

"Leave the army first. So many people's targets are obvious, and it is easy to cause friction or be targeted by the existence here. Be careful." Mu Feng said to the two people around him, and then chose a path by himself.

Gradually far away from other mercenaries, several monsters jumped out of the lush branches from time to time and looked curiously at the strangers who broke into their territory. Mu Feng, who couldn't figure out in the southeast and northwest, looked doubtfully at Crotty, who also said that he knew nothing about it. This kind of place where birds don't shit may not come once a year.

Then the three rotated aimlessly in the forest, and later disappeared from the shadow of the black fog in the distance, which means that they have been far away from there, and the white water has a strong sense of living creatures nearby, but dead things such as the black fortress cannot be generalized at all.

Until this evening, no information was found to help the task. At night, it was the golden time of Warcraft, and Mufeng and the three chose a good-looking tree, rested on it, spread their spiritual power, and felt the pulse of life here. Mufeng with wooden beads is also extremely sensitive to the changes around them.

"Wra..." Many birds originally perched on the big tree seemed to be surprised, and many running warcrafts appeared on the ground, and the white water beside it seemed to have smelled the unusual smell and pointed to Crotty: "This is a very powerful warcraft, should It should be better than him, but as long as it is not found by it, it should be out foraging at this time.

"Wow..." did not come towards Mu Feng. Mu Feng, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, then heard a cooing sound, and the white water beside him scratched his bald head shyly. Take out the food prepared in advance from the space ring. Because it is a mission to go out, it will certainly not contain so much food, and then the three people will distribute it, and they can only put it down first according to the amount of white water.

"White water, doesn't your family have a special way to find targets? Or ask other creatures to help. After eating dry food, Mu Feng asked the white water beside him.

" Let me think about it!" Then Baishui fell into meditation, and Mufeng did not make a sound to disturb him. For a long time, Baishui patted his forehead and suddenly realized, "This is really..." Then Baishui jumped off the tree, drew blood from his fingers in the palm of another hand, and said something, like a professional stick, and finally suddenly Shoot on the ground.

The two people on the tree are looking forward to such a lengthy secret method. What kind of surprise will Baishui bring to them? Soon, they will only see a snow-white rabbit jumping in front of Baishui, while Baishui bent down. The two beasts were talking amicably, saying words that Mufeng and Crotty couldn't understand. Finally, Baishui stood up. , said to the two people in the tree, "It said that the dark castle has a long way to go, and the elders of their family should know the details."

After hearing Baishui's words, the two also jumped down from the tree, and then the three walked under the leadership of the White Rabbit. Mu Feng was also a little depressed. Why didn't he directly summon the elders of the White Rabbit family at that time...

It's only about half an hour's journey, and the wind brings it to a special place: this is a completely desolated place, surrounded by trees are messy and horizontally, as if they were man-madely destroyed. Standing in place, the snow-white rabbit drilled into a hidden bush and would not bring out three white rabbits.

White water spoke to the slightly larger white rabbit in the middle, and then turned his head and said, "Ok, as long as we follow it, he will take us to the black fortress." Although the three people went under the leadership of the White Rabbit, the scenes they could see along the way were very different, but under its leadership, the three people did not encounter any danger. Such a weak existence has a special means to survive in this dangerous forest.

"Roar..." A roar that made the white rabbit run directly to the side, but the fast-eyed Mufeng still followed and looked at the white water with doubtful eyes. The latter said, "There is danger on the road. It makes us take refuge here first."

About a quarter of an hour later, the three set off again. Although the road under its leadership will be longer, it is definitely the safest. The towering trees on both sides seem to be slowly getting shorter and thinner.

"Wuff!" Three figures flashed out of thin air and attacked the strangers who appeared on their territory. The speed was incredible, and the most important thing was that none of the three Mufeng sensed their breath in advance. Mu Feng teleported away from the place, and Bai Shui greeted him directly with his fist. Croti had no intention of retreating, and his slender hand also greeted him.

"Instant kill!" Mu Feng shouted softly and appeared behind the enemy out of thin air. The golden energy broke out of his body. The enemy's body was imprisoned. The golden energy was like hitting the hard metal. In a few seconds, the opponent broke away from the imprisonment and waved his fist and attacked Mu Feng's face. His golden fist met him with a domineering force. The quantity comes. Now Mu Feng finally saw the appearance of his opponent. This is a puppet made of mechanical metal, the size of a humanoid. They have no consciousness, but just carry out the order imprinted in their hearts.

White water is the first to open the deadlock. White water with sub-sacred weapon boxing gloves, coupled with domineering power, the most feared opponent is the power-type opponent. Kacha..." The manip that broke through the opponent's manip and waved it straight to its heart, which should be the core mechanical part. Sure enough, the mechanical puppet whose heart was caught lost its energy supply and fell to the ground.

"Break it!" The stone blade appeared in Mu Feng's hand out of thin air, and the golden light broke out, directly breaking the mechanical puppet two sections, but the other upper body was still barely moving. With a bang, the heart was pierced by the stone blade. When Mu Feng's side was cleaned up, Croty's side had also ended the battle.

"Be careful, everyone, maybe our whereabouts have been revealed." Mu Feng said in a low voice to the two people on the side. A distance forward, a black castle reflected the eyes of Mu Feng, and the white rabbit said goodbye to the white water and went back alone.

"Master, the No. 7* mechanical puppet has lost contact!" A light curtain actually spit out and said to a short ground spirit in front of him.

"Ha ha, it's really getting more and more interesting, and there are people playing again!" Shaking the red wine in the glass, the goble muttered, and then drank one of them.