Tai Ruins

Chapter 158 Two-level jump

"Ka..." The film was broken, and a whirlwind-like energy layer crossed over the power of the soul, and the whole power of the soul was boiling. When Mu Feng advanced to the seventh level, the change in the body continued, and ripples kept ripples towards the chaotic zone, but the change of spiritual power did not It's as big as I imagined, but the changes in the body now are enough to make Mu Feng feel happy.

"Level 7 intermediate?" Feeling the surging power of the original soul in his body, a smile appeared on Mu Feng's face. Unexpectedly, the elixir not only made him break through to the seventh level, but also broke into the intermediate strength in one fell swoop. How could he not be happy? In fact, Mu Feng himself just didn't know that he had been wandering at the peak of the sixth level for a long time, and the breakthrough was inevitable, and the elixir was only a potential introduction.

Quietly feeling the change of this power, time is slipping away quietly. When the first sun shines on the ground in the morning, Mufeng slowly opens his eyes. Jumping off the roof, Mu Feng called Baishui and Croti to go to the mercenary general venue, because Sister Hua said that she would meet with the employer this morning, saying that there was a task, and the employer was very mysterious at that time. She only said that the task depended on whether the mercenary was suitable. Sister Hua didn't think much about it and asked Mu Feng to have a look.

The other party is a luxuriously dressed and red-faced middle-aged man. After seeing Mu Feng and the three, the middle-aged man also nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's the three of them. Let me talk about the task: Late tonight, in the suburbs of Bauhinia City, I will lure out a domineering 'steel armor beast' with bait to take both Your task is to successfully subdue it. By the way, its strength is super-level junior. Do you have any problems?

"Let's take it!" Originally, Sister Hua wanted to stop Mu Feng and the other three, but she didn't expect that he promised so quickly. It was absolutely necessary to ask the head for orders for tasks above the super level. This is mainly because Sister Hua knows too little about Mu Feng. Although he took over the task, Mu Feng was a little curious. The middle-aged man in front of him felt that Mu Feng should be very strong. Why didn't he take action and entrust mercenaries by himself, but he didn't ask much.

"Mufeng, is there any problem for the three of you? Do you want to ask the head of the delegation!" After the middle-aged man left, Sister Hua asked Mu Feng on the side.

"Of course, how can this kind of task make it difficult for us?" Mu Feng replied confidently, as if he had just forgotten that he had failed in a single task, and then the three of them went to the Bauhinia City Arena. Now Mu Feng urgently needs a battle to experience the newly grown strength.

According to the rules of the arena, players with little difference in strength will be selected in random matches. Of course, Mufeng is not so lucky. His opponent is a seventh-level senior opponent, and the opponent's age of the opponent is only a few years older than Mufeng.

In the simple power and speed competition, Mufeng did not use instant killing skills, otherwise the battle ended too quickly and did not mean much at all. The golden energy filled Mu Feng's hand, and the opponent roared and rushed towards Mu Feng. The rich energy also lingered on the fist, with a faint and substantial trend. Look The opponent has stepped into the threshold of the super level with half a foot.

"Bang..." With a deafening roar, the opponent flew directly backwards, and Mufeng only moved back a small step. In the first time, it was obvious that Mufeng occupied the upper hand and stepped on the seventh-level Mufeng. The power of the original soul in the body was opened up again, but the capacity was much larger. Originally, Mufeng's physique was more special than that of ordinary people. The supply of his soul with the Taihuang Heart Sutra is continuous. Unless it is a one-time squandering trick, it is used casually.

After several collisions, the opponent was slightly surprised, but he did not see Mu Feng use martial arts. Is he a pure martial artist? No, even so, he should have the corresponding martial arts skills. Is he detempt for himself? If that's the case, it's much easier to do, and the opponent thought happily.

"Eye!" The wind broke out from the opponent's body, and the blowing Mu Feng couldn't open his eyes. His body involuntarily moved back, while the opponent floating in mid-air looked at Mu Feng with a gloomy smile. At this height, it was difficult to touch his body with the other party's martial artist status. This is a genius of magic and martial arts.

Move to the wind, the power of the original soul in the body began to overflow out of the body, "Five percent? Isn't it enough?" Mu Feng muttered that he didn't look at his opponent at all. The wind blade mixed in the strong wind hit Mu Feng's body from time to time. How could this level of damage cause substantial damage to Mu Feng? When 50% of the power of the original soul was released, Mu Feng had stopped moving back.

The other party seemed to be muttering something, but Mu Feng didn't care. It's time to end..." Mu Feng's body disappeared in place, and the opponent's long-brewed attacks hit the ground, losing his opponent's figure in sight. Instant kill!" There was a slight sound from his body, and the opponent who just wanted to move was surprised to find that his body was imprisoned. The golden energy kept wandering around him, and a strong pain came, but even so, his body could not move.

The wind dissipated all over the sky, and Mu Feng did not do anything else, but looked at his opponent imprisoned over the ring. After a long time, Mufeng's voice came and muttered, "Well, it's okay..." The imprisonment was lifted, and the opponent fell straight to the ring from the sky. His breath was weak, and the seventh-level advanced strength could no longer get rid of Mufeng's imprisonment.

After staying in the arena for a long time, after lunch, several people left and agreed to meet again late at night. At this time, the snow-white beast had been lost in the room, and Mu Feng was also very happy. His spirit shot into the skeleton card. As soon as his eyes were closed, he entered a state of retreat.

At night, a round of the remaining moon rises, but the black clouds block most of the moonlight, filled with faint sadness. It is not until the remnant moon is high, and the three people slowly walk out. The location of the task is very close. Outside Bauhinia City, there is no need to go so early. The cold wind is always so strong in the middle of the night.

At the gate, the middle-aged man was already waiting there, and then the three people led by the man to go to their destination. This is a large locust tree. The thick branches stretch out, which are about ten meters wide, and the man has put the package on the ground. Several ores with strong elemental fluctuations were taken out, and then the man began to fiddle with them on the ground and said, "Steel armor beasts like these concentrates the most, and they have evolved by this kind of thing. We just need to wait quietly on the tree, and we also found it from the traces it left. This should be an adult. Don't let the steel armored beast slip away, otherwise it will be very difficult to seduce it again.

The steel armored beast has two huge pliers, which can also easily dig for ore. Its defense is very high, and it is difficult for the monks of the same level to break its defense. Moreover, under normal circumstances, the steel armored beast will only go out for food after midnight, and it is timid. If it is disturbed, it will wait for the opportunity to slip away.

After a long wait, the land on the edge of those rare ores began to surge, and there was something underneath, and the man signaled to the three people at this time. Then the newly trembling soil stopped squirming, and another period of waiting, slowly emerged from its original position. The goal of the line's mission - steel armor beast. However, it is still very cautious. The two ** eyes look at the four directions from time to time, and the body is still in the soil. After fully confirming its safety, it pulls out the whole body, grabs those rare ores and nibbles on them.

Now, Mu Feng's body disappeared in place, and then a disk flashed out of thin air, and a faint white light fell down. The body of the steel armored beast that was just enjoying food was imprisoned. At this time, the white water and Crotty had also flashed down. The white water beside him reached out and grabbed the steel armored beast, even if it was not imprisoned. It is also impossible to get rid of the white water's sub-sacred weapon boxing and then throw it in a specially prepared cage.

"Papa..." The applause came from the tree, but it fell into the hands of the three Mufeng, because the applause was obviously not from one person. At least three people were on the tree, and they didn't know it at all. Then several people on the tree jumped down and stood not far from Mufeng, with the faint moonlight. After seeing the person coming clearly, Mu Feng's heart thumped.