Tai Ruins

Chapter 179 Magic "Elf"

"There are wonderful things in this million mountains that can make you walk here. When you successfully get out of it, you will get the opportunity to pass it on in person. Otherwise, I will take you out in person in a year, but the consequence is disqualification. I am the emperor." Some old voices echo in this space.

Mufeng walked aimlessly in a certain direction of the forest. The other party did not indicate what a wonderful thing it was, and it was in millions of mountains. The question is how to find it? Is it digging three feet or jumping into the sky to pick stars? All of this is unknown.

Standing on the top of a big tree, looking at the continuous mountains in the wind, I couldn't help sighing. Only a cyan-covered mountain was printed in my eyes, and I couldn't distinguish the north and the south. It's good to walk through almost one-tenth of this million mountains in only one year, so you can find it? Without a trace of thoughts and hints, Mu Feng simply sat quietly on the branches, and the faint spiritual power spread, and there must be something strange in it!

It was not until the night was hazy that the wind set out again. The Taoist breath that appeared in the spiritual perception would not be too lonely in the forest. He deliberately avoided all kinds of powerful or weak warcrafts. During this period, Mufeng also summoned fire, but this guy was also calm. He did not run around, but wandered not far from Mufeng, emitting a faint smell of fire, which can also make Mu Feng feel at ease and don't worry about the harassment of warcraft.

"Wuhun, I heard that there are extremely special and wonderful things hidden in this million mountains. Can you sense them?" Mu Feng's spirit sank and asked the martial soul in the stone blade. At first, Mu Feng initially judged that this should be a good weapon, and the tip of the martial soul's nose may be smelled.

"Millions of mountains? This continuous mountain can't see the end at a glance!" The martial soul said meaningfully, while the Mu Feng beside him tapped his head, and then came the roar of the martial soul and said, "What do you think I am? Such a large range, try it yourself!" Then, the martial soul hid his body, and no matter how Mufeng called, he pretended to ignore it.

"Really, I don't give any hints." Mu Feng was extremely dissatisfied. Unexpectedly, it seemed that God was favoring Mu Feng, and a pillar of fire was shooting towards the sky, and this place was not far from Mu Feng, which was like people's curiosity. He often made such actions when he was at a loss.

It took about an hour to get closer to the place where the pillar of fire was emitted. Although the vision is not very far, the actual distance is still a long way. Controlling the flow of the power of the soul, Mu Feng lost his breath in an instant and slowly leaned towards the destination.

"What is this?" Mu Feng looked at a huge warcraft swallowing the pillar of fire and the head of the triangle in the distance, and wondered that the huge pillar of fire was actually caused by it. Looking at its appearance, it should be some kind of adult warcraft. This kind of power of warcraft has often opened its own intelligence, that is to say, it has reached the strength of the Holy Level. It's no problem to communicate, Mu Feng said in his heart.

Slowly leaned towards it, and a pair of lantern-sized eyes threw tightly towards Mufeng. In the dark night, there was a red demon firelight. Mu Feng sighed secretly, but he still did not stop walking. It is rare to see creatures that can communicate, and he can't give up anyway.

"Who are you? What happened to my territory?" Hongliang's voice came from not far away and exploded in Mufeng's ears. The power of the original slowly flowing soul seemed to be completely imprisoned. Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, stood still and replied, "Dear Mountain King, I just came to this mountain to find a way out and entered your land by mistake."

"Human, there is nothing you are looking for here. Leave quickly." The other party did not intend to take care of Mu Feng at all, and the fire pillar he swallowed may spray on Mu Feng at any time.

"Don't be excited. An old man said that I should look for that wonderful thing in these millions of mountains, and this thing can lead us out of here. Of course, I mean you and me." Mu Feng said carefully for fear of adding fuel to the fire.

Do you know where this is? And with your insignificant strength, you dare to say that you want to take me out. Do you think this is in line with the rules? Triangle Warcraft said disdainfully.

"Well, the old man really didn't tell me." Mu Feng scratched his head and replied shyly.

"This does not belong to any continent. Even if you can walk to the end of the mountains, you can't go out, because the border is surrounded by the famous sea of death. Even the holy strong will have to take off a layer of skin when they enter, and then pass through the sea of death are three connected continents, so the exit he said should be left behind. The strange space transmission method here. Triangle Warcraft may have not talked to anyone for a long time, and unexpectedly solved the doubts of Mu Feng. What Mu Feng didn't know was that it, which was also playing with fire, was actually a little afraid of the fire floating on the edge of Mufeng.

"Is it at the place where I landed?" Hearing the explanation, Mu Feng thought to his heart, and then asked, "Then how can we find out the transmission method?"

"I don't know this, and I don't need to know. This is the place where I grew up, so the condition you said is not attractive enough, and that's all I know." After saying that, Triangle Warcraft closed his eyes and ignored the wind.

"I don't know what happened to them?" The night was completely shrouded in the mountains. Tonight, it was dark, and Mu Feng chose a good place to enter the state of cultivation. It was impossible to connect other space channels here, as if it was cut off by mysterious forces. The person who can connect with the outside world here will definitely participate in creation.

When the crisp sound of birds interrupted Mu Feng, who was still in retreat the next day, taking advantage of the morning time, Mu Feng walked towards the unknown again. If there is white water on the side, this trip may be much easier, and the ability to communicate with low-level monsters can also play an unexpected effect on specific occasions.

In front of him is a large-scale lake. He came to the river and washed his face. Mu Feng sat on the rock and looked at the lake in front of him in a daze. A two-headed monster suddenly flashed in the lake. After visiting the lake, he dived into the bottom of the lake again, but the stunned wind did not notice it.

A faint virtual shadow floated out of the jade pendant on Mu Feng's body at this time, and the stunned Mu Feng did not notice it. Then the voice of the elders of the Yan clan came and said, "Little guy, why are you in a daze here? What's wrong with your mind?"

After seeing the person who came, Mu Feng was overjoyed and said, "Senior, how did you come out? How is your injury recovering?"

"The recovery is quite smooth. Now that 50% of the strength has been restored, the soul power will be strengthened again soon. Have you encountered a problem?" The elder of the Yan clan asked with a smile.

"Yes, it was transmitted here for no reason, saying that it was looking for a magical thing that could lead me out, but there was no hint, so I don't know where to start." Mu Feng said helplessly, but at this moment, the predecessors of the Yan clan took the initiative to appear, which might surprise him.

"The magical mountain surrounded by the sea of death has also been visited by old man in the past. There is a strong sealing power here, and it is almost impossible to cross it. At that time, I came down here once under the leadership of someone due to fate. That is the transmission method left in the distant era, and today's ordinary biography There is a world of difference in sending the instrument. Then the elders of the Yan clan grabbed the void on the side with one hand, and the free light particles were captured. Although they slowly condensed, it turned out to be a mini-type transmitter.

"This...?" Mu Feng was shocked. How could this be possible? Is this magical thing a light particle free in the void? They were able to guide themselves out of here successfully. When Mu Feng told his thoughts to the predecessors of the Yan clan, the other party also nodded with a smile.

"The method of going out has told you whether you can go out and hope you can understand it by yourself." As the predecessor of the Yan clan said, the body slowly began to fade, and finally completely integrated into the jade pendant.

Seeing that the dawn of Mufeng settled in place, he carefully realized the magical "elves" in the world. His breath was restrained, and time passed by seconds. Even the low-level monsters passing by Mufeng did not feel the anger of Mufeng.