Tai Ruins

Chapter 210 City of Moonlight

"Did you ask him to agree? It's not that you force others, is it?" The middle-aged man asked curiously that the fierce names of his three daughters are well known to everyone. If they are willing, it is definitely rare. The last one "invited" them here by himself.

"Of course, I didn't force you, did I?" The girl pulled the corner of Mu Feng's clothes and motioned Mu Feng to say a few words, and Mu Feng also said cooperatively, "It's voluntary. What Miss San said is right."

"Well, let him be the assistant tutor of the three of you from tomorrow, so you have to promise not to mess around like last time, okay?"

"Yes, my good father!" Then he pulled Mu Feng and flashed out of the door. When she went out of the room, the girl's appearance changed again and said, "Now you are mine. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, just report my name. Now I will take you to our school to have a look, and then ask the housekeeper to arrange a room for you."

Out of his mansion, the road is only east-west. When it comes, it comes from the east, and this time it goes west. Originally, she could take a carriage, but the girl refused. After walking for about ten minutes, a huge stone arch appeared. The pattern of the room here is generally facing south, opening the road from east to west. It is inevitable that there is a "private school" here.

"I'm on vacation today, so there will be no one, but the main tutor is still there. I'll take you there to see it." When the girl walked inside, she saw that the classrooms were arranged in an orderly manner. Although the scale was not very large, it could accommodate at least two or three hundred people to sit.

"Are there so many people in your family? Although there are so many rooms to teach?" Mu Feng asked doubtfully.

"You don't know this. There are only 20 people in class. There are only three of us in my family. In addition, there are also young children of several influential forces in this 'Moonlight City' will study here." The girl explained to Mu Feng as she walked.

"Your family is so rich, why do you want to start a school together?"

The girl stood still, looked at Mu Feng, and then spit out a few words and said, "Don't you know? Any change in the building of the main city needs to be instructed by the superior, that is to say, buildings cannot be built in the name of individuals. This school can only be approved by several families together.

"Is the 'house price' here very high? It needs to be like this." Of course, these situations are unknown for Mu Feng, who has just arrived in the dark space. Mu Feng now decides to talk less so as not to appear unsociable.

"That's not true. This should be just for the convenience of management. The management system anywhere in the world is very strict. If you can meet an enlightened Lord like me, that's a blessing you have cultivated in several generations." What the girl said was really like that, and then she continued to walk forward.

At first, the facilities here are still complete, and there are all kinds of research, and there are also special places for actual combat behind the school, including trees, mountains and water...

"Teacher, teacher..." The girl looked around and shouted away, and then Mu Feng only felt a virtual shadow swinging in front of her. The man's strength must be unusual.

"Youyue, what's the matter with being so anxious to find a teacher? Who is this person next to you? Why haven't you seen it before? You don't know that idle people here can't get in and out at will, do you? This man is young, only in his early thirties, but his strength is good.

"Of course, it's business. He is the auxiliary tutor I hired for the teacher, and my father has also promised."

"In that case, let him come over. Remember not to be late." The man was also very cheerful. Seeing the man agree, the girl also looked very happy, and then left with Mu Feng. Go back to his mansion, call the old housekeeper and ask him to help Mu Feng arrange the room.

Everything was arranged, and the girl found Mufeng again. Mufeng didn't care when her charm was already so great. Well, you can go shopping with me this afternoon. This is also your work area. I will come to you in the afternoon. Don't run around. As the girl said, she left Mu Feng alone in the newly arranged residence.

Afternoon? That means that you still have about an hour to understand the world, and there is no restriction on your personal freedom here. Mu Feng left the mansion. Now he is penniless and can't pay his salary in advance. Mu Feng turned around and thought about how to make his pocket bulge.

There is a black sun in the sky of this world, which should also be the root of maintaining the operation of this space. Of course, Mufeng's first stop is still the arena. In this world where strength is respected, the competitive atmosphere is prevalent. If you can win a few games, you should have a good income, and you still know nothing about the battle in the world except for watching the battle between the Beast King and the three strong men.

After many inquires, maybe Mufeng's pure appearance really played a role. The last woman finally told Mufeng where the arena was, but she didn't expect that there were three arenas at the same time in this moonlight city. Walking towards the nearest arena, the facade of the standard arena is carved with a warcraft with teeth and claws on the stone arch. Fortunately, there is no need to charge tickets here, otherwise Mu Feng can't even enter the gate.

Sitting casually in the seat of the stand, Mu Feng turned his eyes to the arena below. Unlike the well-known arena style, the arena here is only divided into four pieces. Although this is less than the trial, the efficiency of the ring has been improved.

The human body inherits the physique of Warcraft, which is an advantage of talent, but Mufeng does not feel that his physique will be worse than theirs. Compared with his opponents at the same level, Mufeng's body, which has been tempered too much, is absolutely superior to that of his peers.

The battle in the field is low-key but gorgeous. The elements that exist in the world also exist here, but the strong dark atmosphere here is one that the world has never had. Looking bored, Mu Feng walked to the registered competition staff.

After registering his information, when the other party asked Mu Feng to charge a black Lu coin as a fee, Mu Feng was depressed and had no son in him. Excuse me, can I use something else to replace this black coin? Mu Feng scratched his head and said shyly.

"Dear guests, our arena does have this service, please come with me!" The registrar motioned a companion on the side to temporarily take over his work, and then took Mu Feng out to a hidden secret room. When he came to the door of the stone room, the other party motioned Mu Feng to enter by himself and retreated to the original road.

Opening the stone door, there was only an old man playing with something at a long table, and when Mu Feng came in, he stopped the work at hand. If there is anything good, take it out directly. I will give you a suitable price, and I will definitely be satisfied. The old man said with a smile, but his eyes sparkled with a different light.

"Excuse me, senior, will the market value of that kind of goods in the market now be higher?" Mu Feng was uncertain and asked rhetorical.

"Of course, the rare ones need to count some best weapons and armor, and then some drugs are also relatively popular, because we all know that at this time, because dark elements dominate, it is certainly not easy to extract elixir for the human body, and there are also things that can improve their own cultivation..." The old man said Let's talk about the current general market and listen to the wind.

Mu Feng, who originally planned to become a seller's property, was overjoyed after hearing what the old man said, but he didn't expect that the elixir he had searched could be of great use in the world. Then he took out a well-packed porcelain bottle from the space and handed it to the old man, "I don't know if this bottle of elixir, can you see it?"

Then the elixir handed over by Mu Feng. As soon as he opened the red porcelain bottle, a burning smell of fire element came to his face. A fiery red round Xuandan appeared in the old man's hand, and the light flowed like a small ball of fire burning in the palm of his hand.

"Where did you get this elixir?" The old man asked foolishly.

"Do you still want to inquire about this source, senior? If the senior doesn't like it, the boy will leave. Mu Feng said and grabbed the old man's hand with one hand. Unexpectedly, he was easily avoided by the old man.

"I want, of course, why not? I'll pay 50 black coins for this elixir. What do you think?" Of course, the old man is reluctant to give up such good things and offer his own price.

"It seems that you are not very sincere. This elixir, also known as Xuanhuo elixir, can not only save people in difficult times, but also help people study hard. The price is really low." Mu Feng smelled the huge smell of fire elements and pure energy fluctuations and replied.

"Xuanhuo Dan?" The old man muttered in his heart that he didn't know what the elixir was, but the buyer was really right, saying, "70 black rupees, this is the highest price, otherwise I can't help it."

"Okay, deal!" Mu Feng promised that there was no need to force it too tight. There are still a lot of this elixir in his space ring, and what he lacks now is black coins.