Tai Ruins

Chapter 230 Dark Arena

"Three people can't go upstairs without permission." The old man said lightly.

The strength of the old man in front of him is very strong. Judging from the kind of pleasant and natural gesture, the strength of the old man may even be a strong man in the Holy Land.

"Senior, the three of us are just curious about what is sealed by the powerful boundary on this roof?" With Jin Ling beside him, Mu Feng asked directly.

"How do you know that there is a powerful seal guarding things on the roof?" Now it's the old man's turn to be surprised. Although it is no secret that there are mysterious objects hidden in the Baibao Hall, no one knows that it is in the roof, and it is sealed by the powerful.

"The younger generation is just curious. If the seniors don't want to tell, the boy will leave." Mu Feng was also interesting, and he motioned Jin Ling and Luo Ke on the side to leave. After seeing the three, the old man also looked solemn. He watched Jin Ling's figure fade away and disappeared at the third stairway.

After leaving the scope of Baibaotang, Mu Feng asked Jin Ling beside him, "What is the thing in the seal just now? How can it need such a big fanfare?"

"There should be a living creature in the seal, but I'm not sure what it is, but his breath is very unstable." Jin Ling replied.

Then, under the leadership of Luo Ke, Mu Feng and the two went to a place with a large number of people in the imperial capital. At the beginning, the scale of the building in the imperial capital was several times the size of other main cities, and any industry reached its peak here. After only a small half of the range, the dark red moon has risen and taken a taxi to the courtyard.

At night, there are fewer people in the manor. It is likely that the two people who are still friends today will become opponents tomorrow. The hard-won quota is just for the excellent performance in the next few days. Each candidate in the main city has a house, and the room inside is for the participants to rest.

Sitting in the room, Mufeng sinks into his own world. The power of the original soul in the body still only flows slowly, and the golden half moon emits a faint light. Since breaking into the super level, Mu Feng obviously feels that his cultivation speed is slowing down. I don't know when he wants to advance to the super intermediate level. Things.

When Mu Feng opened his eyes, the sky outside was already full of sporadic dark light. When Mu Feng got up and finished washing, he pushed the door out. Unexpectedly, there was already someone walking around in the manor, and there was a figure that seemed so abrupt. His golden hair was windless. He only looked up at the blood wheel in the sky that gradually turned red and black. I don't know what he was thinking about. Mu Feng has been silent on its side, but this can't hide the unfathomable golden spirit, the most After hearing a helpless sigh, Jin Ling turned his eyes to Mu Feng.

"What do you think is the meaning of human life in this world?" Jin Ling suddenly asked Mu Feng an esoteric question.

The meaning of living? Everyone has a different existence value. For example, I live just to prove myself, and those who have been worthy of me will pay the price of bleeding. Mu Feng paused for a moment and replied.

"I have my own ideals or goals so that I won't lose my way, and what is the meaning of my existence? This is fate and reincarnation that can never escape. Jin Ling sighed, indescribably sad, and Mu Feng beside him didn't know what to say. The height was extremely cold.

Not long after, the participants in various main cities have also gathered, and the Golden City is no exception. When asked how many main cities there are in Luo Ke's dark space, the other party's answer is 36 main cities, plus ten places in the imperial capital, a total of about 370 places, and It is said that the top three rewards of the Dark Competition are extremely generous, but there are no rewards other than the top ten. The rules are cruel, and it is not so easy to stand out.

The ten people in the Golden City have also been integrated. Looking at the confident state of the people, the old man also nodded with satisfaction, and then took a special carriage to the dark arena. Every year, this year is the most lively time in the imperial capital. A beautiful scenery flows in the imperial capital, and the uninterrupted luxury carriage moves towards One place to go quickly, that is the dark arena.

An hour later, the carriage stopped and the dark arena appeared in front of Mu Feng. Four-style sculptures of different shapes stood on the huge square. Looking at the unknown creature with a fork halberd on the right, the old man proudly said, "This is the iconic demon statue of our dark temple."

"What are the three buildings?" Mu Feng asked in a low voice to Luo Ke beside him.

"The angel statue with two wings on the far left is the four-winged angel worshipped by the Temple of Light, and on his right is the symbol of the Killing Hall, a baby with a blood blade, and on the right is the symbol of the Wanmo Hall, a six-handed monster, and on the far right is the Dark Temple, which is the largest in the world. The four forces." Luo Ke solved his doubts for Mu Feng in turn, and his heart was also very strange. It seemed that the teenager in front of him knew very little about the world, so where did his cultivation come from? But he also thinks about it most.

A long substantive channel, each participant will be given a code card. Mufeng gets No. 32, Jinling is No. 33, and Luo Ke is No. 34. When all the number plates are distributed and all participants enter, the prelude to this dark competition will be kicked off.

The main entrance of the Dark Arena is the only channel for the contestants, and the three side doors around it are specially prepared for the audience. When the audience is full, the side doors will be closed, and the day's competition will be opened again. When Mu Feng came to the edge of the arena, the audience was already overcrowded. As a member of the contestants, there was a special waiting place, but this was also in full view of the public.

This group of Golden City was assigned to the third group. Here Mu Feng actually saw Haoyue, the eldest daughter of the Leng family in the Moonlight City, but the other two did not see it. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely lively until an old man stepped on the stage and said, "Everyone, please be quiet!" The short five words covered all the voices of the audience, and the scene calmed down in an instant, and the well-informed audience had seen who this person was.

"The annual Dark Athletic Conference kicked off again in the dark arena. This year, there are those exciting players. The audience will wait and see. The name of the strong will always be remembered. As in previous years, the rules adopted by the Dark Athletic Conference are: random, until the final king is decided, One-day competition will directly eliminate half of the contestants. After saying that, the old man lost his figure, and then came an illusory voice and said, "Then let's start the test!"

"Wang..." There were bursts of shouts in the audience, which was a simple and exciting opening, followed by the originally combined arena divided into eight venues, each with a digital marker, from one to eight, arranged in all directions.

"Then invite the contestants in the first group." I don't know when a girl appeared suspended in the sky of the arena, and her sweet voice immediately won the favor of many audiences. However, some powerful audiences also saw the filament hanging behind the girl, otherwise, at this age could reach the strength of heaven and not make everyone ashamed.

Then, 16 numbers were shouted in the sky in turn. For each group of two, the selected contestants went to their respective designated ring. Mufeng, Jin Ling, and Luo Ke were lucky. The first round did not have their turn, but this was only temporary. One person in the Golden City was very "lucky", and the first round was clicked. The venue was Field 7.

is still only on the contestants' seats. Mu Feng carefully looks at the confrontation between those opponents. The most important thing is his understanding of the winners, which may be more beneficial in tomorrow's competition, while Jin Ling beside him is stunned by looking at the noisy audience. Once upon a time, he also joined the human team. This is also to follow the man's promise.

"Has it failed?" Looking at the contestant in the Golden City in Field 7, Mu Feng muttered that the characters who could really come to the dark arena were one in a thousand.