Tai Ruins

Chapter 267 Seeds

"There's nothing we can do about it." Mu Feng looked at the changes around him, muttered, and shouted loudly. The breath of Mu Feng after demonization was rising until it rose to the super advanced level. The dazzling golden light lingered on the stone blade. Mu Feng communicated with the martial soul. The originally silent martial soul was actually excited and promised Mu Feng.

"It's about to go!" Mu Feng shouted loudly, and a faint white virtual shadow wrapped around the surface of the stone blade. The golden dazzling light was restrained, and there was a shocking roar. The original wolves were furious and lost their feet under a roar. With the teleportation of Mufeng's limit, even the blood wolf with speed still can't get rid of the attack of the simple stone blade.

"Puff, puff..." Mu Feng is like a killing god wrapped in gold. The golden light is restrained. A thin figure keeps shuttled under the moon shadow, and his hand rises and falls. Each time the ordinary knife can directly cut off the powerful beast body of the blood wolf. Standing still, more than a dozen surviving blood wolves wrapped the wind in an instant.

An unexpected scene appeared. At the moment when they hit Mu Feng, all the wolves were imprisoned and could not move. However, this situation only maintained two or three wonderful things. The stone blade drew an opening from it, and the two blood wolves were cut into two sections in an instant.

The whole body was stained with blood, and Mu Feng slowly walked towards the wolves. The stone blade pointed out that the demon blood wolf could not withstand the pressure and ran away with its tail. When other blood wolves saw Mu Feng stepping forward step by step, they felt that they were harvesting life.

"Wow..." The rest of the blood wolves dispersed as birds and beasts. Seeing the threat retreat, Mu Feng breathed in his heart. A deep sense of collapse came, and he almost staggered directly to the ground. Looking at the same time, he imprisoned so many weak blood wolves, and still spent too much power.

Several figures fell from the sky. Jin Ling and several other people stepped down into the air. After seeing Mu Feng's state at this time, Jin Ling said lightly and said, "Take a break for a while. Continue after dawn. Mu Feng, come with me!"

"Hmm?" This was the first time that Jin Ling called Mu Feng. Mu Feng was puzzled. He didn't know what Jin Ling called himself this time, but he still followed. In a mountain stream, Jin Ling stopped, and a faint golden light flashed. Mu Feng and Jin Ling were completely wrapped in the golden aperture and isolated from the outside world.

"Can the short confinement just now be done every time?" Jin Ling asked lightly.

"That's not true. Just at the moment, I just felt very quiet. Originally, I had skills to spread out, and the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned, but this state could not be supported for too long." Mu Feng thought for a moment and replied.

"Well, do you know how the domain is generated?" Jin Ling's next sentence stunned Mu Feng, and then the latter's voice said, "What field? Is that the dominant move made by Jin Ling?

nodded, and Jin Ling continued to say, "The emergence of the field is not as simple as it is. Roughly judged, with the enhancement of strength and their own understanding, very few people can have this ability, and this power called the field is rare in both the world or in the dark space, unless it is great wisdom. Otherwise, there is no hope for them all their lives.

"Is it so difficult?" Mu Feng muttered, but he was also smiling. If he wanted to get that kind of powerful power, he turned around and said, "What's the matter with me coming here? Is there a secret method in the direct field?"

Jin Ling said coldly, "There is no shortcut to cultivation, but I still have good news for you, that is, you already have a 'seed' at this level of the field, and it's up to you to understand it."

He despised himself fiercely in his heart, and Mu Feng continued to ask, "Can the five spiritual beads be put together to open the door of heaven?"

"That's not the case. The power of the five elements of spiritual beads can open the upper and lower bounds, but that channel is the only one, which means that you still need to find the door so that you can go up."

"In this way, does Jinling know the strength of our upper world, and can we survive in my current state?" Mu Feng was somewhat looking forward to the issue he was most concerned about, but next, Jin Ling said that he would completely beat Mu Feng into the ice and said, "I heard that if you go up to conflict, you will die!"

After being silent for a long time, although it was difficult for Mu Feng to accept it, it naturally became a reality from Jin Ling's mouth, and then said, "I know, let's go back first."

Several people went on the road again, and the bloody full moon was shrouded in black, and the faint projected light rendered the sky gray. Although the northwest is remote, it is vast. Although the main cities established are not as many as those in the southeast, there are also many. The supplies of the elderly along the way are also solved in these main cities.

As it goes to the northwest, the plants have also changed from a tall and lush continuous mountain forest area to a more adaptable environment to the cold and high pressure in the northwest due to the geographical gap. Along the way, except for some particularly unwise Warcraft dolls who would attack Mu Feng and his party, they did not find other bandits blocking the road. Generally speaking, the previous journey was smoother than expected, and the threats encountered were almost all managed by Mu Feng alone, which was also thrown by Jin Ling to exercise Mu Feng.

"What? Why did you stop?" Mu Feng asked curiously, and the old man who had been leading the way in front suddenly stopped, and this was the seventh day. The old man's voice came and said, "It will enter the scope of attack not far ahead. I think we'd better slow down to deal with the crisis that may occur at any time."

After nodding, the group slowed down, and the location of the old man when he spoke was that he had not seen large buildings such as the main city for two consecutive days, but he could often see others along the way. The further northwest, the smaller the people they could see. They hardly saw him half a day before arriving here. One person.

"Be careful, there are a few figures with a good breath." Walking into a forest that is still flourishing, Hong Chuan beside him reminded him.

"Well, let's keep going!" Mu Feng did not feel the enemy approaching, but Hong Chuan said that naturally there would be no mistake, he said.

"Wh..." Strong magic arrows shot at Mu Feng and several people at the same time, scratching the sound of breaking the wind and rushing forward with unabated power. The cyan wind flashed and banged... Several bursts in a row, and the light flashed, but Mufeng didn't do any harm.

Five figures flashed out and quietly suspended above the sky. Without any words, they rushed to the people below again. Mu Feng faced a man who was much stronger than himself, while Jin Ling chose to protect the old man, one against two. Hong Chuan faced one of them, while the other chose the six-tailed charming fox, who was ruthlessly abandoned as a soul ghost.

The ordinary arm blocked the attacking enemy twice in a row, and the old man also sighed. His physique only recovered to be strong. If he really wanted to fight with an opponent of that level, he could not do it before, and he could not do it in the future. The momentary move away from the place, the simple stone blade appeared, and the golden light flowed and cut behind the opponent. The speed was simply a little, but Mu Feng still underestimated the strength of the opponent. The man who felt the threat gently avoided Mu Feng's attack.

Get out, Mu Feng shouted loudly, " Stop, if you are from the Beast League!"

Several figures immediately stopped attacking and flashed into the sky. If it hadn't been for the first time they walked here, Mu Feng had ordered Jin Ling and Hong Chuan not to kill, and now several opponents would have been killed.

"Who are you? Why do you know our existence? The leading middle-aged man said loudly.

"Because we are the same, because you have been guarding here, you have never disappeared. I am the sacrifice of the world this year." Except for the limited Jin Ling, others don't know it.

"Are you confident that you can open that channel and not be known by others in the world?" The man in the high sky asked loudly.

The doubts of Hongchuan and Six-tailed Meihu below are the biggest, but they still can't subjectively judge what happened.