Tai Ruins

Chapter 275 Return Visit

In the inner fight, the old man was defeated, so some people often say that it is not that the other party is unwilling to appreciate it, but that the chips you open are not high enough. Then he saw the old man turn around and walk towards the inner room, and after a while, he came out with a black leather book in his hand.

Handing over casually, Mu Feng waved his hand and let the old man read it to himself. The main reason was that Mu Feng could not recognize the words of the world at all, and the communication was not bad. The old man opened the books in his hand and finally stopped on a page and said, "Colorful mud is produced at the end of the world. It has been nurtured by the power of the world for many years and has the ability to create." Then the old man turned back a few pages and then said, "The ethereal flower was originally formed only in the gap between life and death. Later, this rare flower can be seen at the pole of life or death, which can put the soul power of the human body into the main shell." Another four pages, saying, "And the last bloody spirit is a pure red stone, which is condensed by the blood of the strong man above 100 people after his death. Relatively speaking, this is the simplest."

"Isn't there anything in the ancient books that can be obtained?" Mu Feng asked again.

"No, just about the formation and efficacy..."

"Since someone knows the efficacy and formation, it must exist. This is much simpler. Thank you for reminding me, boy." Mu Feng said lightly, since he knows how to generate, after knowing the geography and history of the dark space, he should always know where to go.

When Mufeng and several people left, the old man was also satisfied to accept the ice crystal-like elixir. After leaving the trading market, Mu Feng thought for a moment and went to the City of Moonlight. After such a long time, he didn't know whether he went back, but the three sisters still recognized him or not. However, although Mu Feng and they didn't stay for a long time, they had a deep relationship, and the intention of making out with the Luo family in the Golden City was obviously so intriguing.

Following the caravan, Mu Feng can only say that he is not so familiar with geography, and there is no convenient instrument like a space transmitter in the dark space, so the long journey is also necessary. On the way to the Golden City, the road was smooth and there was no accident. When I reached the Golden City, it was already the sixth day. Without further delay, I went directly to the City of Moonlight and quietly understood the meditation all the way. Time passed quickly, and this time Mu Feng was lucky to meet the two mountains that intercepted him last time. Bandit, this is really a narrow road for enemies, but it is not what it used to be, and Mu Feng has no intention of worrying at all.

"Put down all the valuable things on your body and I'll let you go. This can only be blamed on your bad luck and you were hit by us so lucky." The two men stood in the wind in mid-air, selling well. With their strength in heaven, someone in the caravan has obediently walked out and put their valuable things on the ground.

Lifting the curtain, Mu Feng and Jin Ling went out, and the ghost floating behind him also followed. As the two walked forward, a chattering voice came, and the two figures on the forest obviously frowned slightly.

"I said, can you two come down and talk?" Mu Feng raised his head and said loudly to the two people in the sky.

"Hmm?" One of them spoke unbelievably and thought it was something. Unexpectedly, the two people below were so bold. However, when he saw the beautiful face, the man said, "Why?"

"Wouldn't you come down?" Mu Feng muttered in his heart that his big golden hands appeared directly behind the two of them and fell instantly with an unparalleled momentum. The two figures were patted to the ground before they could react. The smoke and dust dispersed, and two figures appeared not far away from Mu Feng and the three of them.

"Can you let us go over? We're in a hurry, and I'll just say it once." Mu Feng said lightly that he and the other party did not have a deep hatred. Every profession has its own reason for existence. Mu Feng is not a savior, and there is no need to rule the profession in this world.

"Impossible. Unless we are killed today, how can the prey sent to the door be easily released? You are a little strong, but you are facing a stronger opponent than you." Another man answered, and as soon as the voice fell, the two figures lost their figures at the same time.

A strange figure appeared behind Mu Feng. The ordinary fist fell with an unparalleled momentum. The golden wave instantly condensed behind Mu Feng. The originally fierce attack seemed to fall into a vast ocean, and there was no splash at all.

"It's true that you can defend yourself when you encounter an attack. I really underestimated it before." Mu Feng muttered in his heart that when the other party's attack came again, Mu Feng also disappeared under the opponent's eyes and dodged away from the place. The man looked around warily.

The ordinary figure suddenly appeared behind his opponent, stepped on the void, and a little golden light spread around the man. The man who found this situation was surprised to find that his body could no longer move at all. The golden light crossed his body like a sharp blade, and bursts of pain came.

Unable to escape from the imprisonment, the man could only be slaughtered, and his simple arm grabbed the man in the confinement, even though the other party's powerful body was caught under the seemingly ordinary claw of Mu Feng. The disk was summoned by Mu Feng, and a faint white light fell on his opponent. Destroy!" Mu Feng shouted softly. Under the faint white light, the man's behavior began to dissipate slowly. Perhaps because the level of the disk was similar to that of his opponent, the process was very slow.

The other man chose to target Jin Ling. Mu Feng deeply regretted this. The man's attack steadily fell on Jin Ling's thin body. Unexpectedly, the other party's body did not move at all. He turned his head mechanically. The man wanted to leave the same place, but it could not be achieved. The ordinary thin arm waved, clicked, and the sound of bone fracture came. A punch directly penetrated the other party's body. The golden light sprinkled past, and the man's body was completely metalized and shattered in the void in an instant.

A huge breath burst out from the opponent. The simple stone blade was caught in Mu Feng's hand. With one hand wave, the dazzling golden light passed through the body, and the opponent who had not yet been beastized was directly cut into two pieces. At the end of the battle, Mu Feng slowly landed from the void, and the people who were still in shock returned to normal. Unexpectedly, there were such powerful monks in their caravan.

Everyone gathered around to express their gratitude, but they were all sent by Mu Feng. After returning to the carriage, the caravan went on the road again. I was speechless all the way. After this incident, the forward speed of the caravan actually increased a lot. A few days of traveled in an instant, and this day finally reached the city of moonlight.

After getting out of the car, a familiar and long-lost feeling suddenly came to my face. When Mufeng came into the dark space, the city of Moonlight was the main city where Mufeng first came into contact, and it was a girl called "Yuyue" who led herself into this strange world.

After taking a carriage, Mu Feng drove straight to his destination. I don't know if I haven't seen him for a long time. I don't know what the current situation of the Leng family is. Whether the dispute of the original 'Black Wind Village' has been resolved. Half an hour later, the carriage stopped at the entrance of a long street and got off the carriage. Mu Feng and Jin Ling walked quietly forward.

is still a familiar door and a doorman, but it seems to have been changed. Seeing Mu Feng coming, he was blocked by one of them and said, "Who are you? Why haven't you seen him before? What happened when you came to Lengfu?"

"We are from Lengfu, and we are also friends. Please go in and report it." Mu Feng said lightly, with a friendly voice.

"Friends of Lengfu, this is really strange. Since that accident, the strength of Lengfu has been reduced. This is the first time that an outsider claims to be a friend of Lengfu." The man who spoke before continued.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Mu Feng's heart thumped. How long has it been since such a thing happened? He asked.

"You'd better go in by yourself. There will be other guests coming to the cold house today. At that time, you should be able to understand the beginning and the end of something." After saying that, the man let the three people go.