Tai Ruins

Chapter 278 Omaster

Golden retreated, leaving only one head. Mu Feng went up and asked, "You didn't say that you are not allowed to ask for foreign aid, so you failed in the end." At this time, the old man had regenerated into an ordinary human form. Even if he failed, he was not too surprised.

"No wonder I dare to come so arrogantly. I didn't expect such a super strong man to help me. I still look too low on you." The old man smiled bitterly.

"Let's go and take us to meet the adult you mentioned!" Mu Feng said in a low voice, and then the layer of metal that had been wrapped around the old man retreated.

He shook his sleeves, and a set of smooth clothes were thrown out of the space ring by Mu Feng. The old man was not pretentious. He took it and put it on, and then said, "The adult does not live in the city of moonlight, so it may take some time."

"It's so annoying. Let's go!" Although Mu Feng was dissatisfied, he still agreed, saving more dreams at night. After hiring a carriage, the three sisters of the Leng family were sent back home, and the rest went together. They learned from the old man that the adult was also the Dark Moon City, the nearest main city of the Moonlight City, which was more prosperous than the Moonlight City.

The next day, the carriage slowly drove into the Dark Moon City, and the inspection of the city gate was also very fast. Without stopping, the carriage went straight along the middle of the wide street, turned three streets at the sign of the old man, and finally stopped at the entrance of a street, because the carriage had been stopped by two people at this time.

The old man took the lead in getting out of the carriage, and then motioned the people on the carriage to get out of the car. Other carriages were not allowed to drive inside. After seeing the old man, after the two saluted slightly, Mu Feng and his party walked over.

"What is the strength of that adult?" On the way, Mu Feng asked the old man on the side.

"I don't know, but it's definitely better than me, so please be careful." The old man said lightly, and Mu Feng beside him was stunned. What was the performance? The old man actually reminded himself of his group.

"Well, it's better for us to ask clearly in person and make it clear." While talking, under the leadership of the old man, the group of people walked directly to the house. An old man greeted him. After seeing the people coming, he asked, "Mr. Liu, why do you have time to come to Dark Moon City? How is the matter over there? Where did the little guys behind him come from?"

"Ha ha, several little guys wanted to see the Austrian Lord, so they brought it here and hoped to go in and inform them." The old man said lightly.

When the old housekeeper heard the words, he ran inside, and the group waited in place and swept around. Like other mansions, the whole body here was basically made of black, giving people a deep feeling, but the floor area was quite large, and the isolation of each other's buildings was also orderly.

Not long after, the old housekeeper came out with a glorious old man. When he first saw the old man, it was the high situation for a long time. Instead of looking at himself, it was as if he had been completely seen through. Standing in front of Mu Feng's pedestrian, Master Ao slowly said, "Mr. Liu, what's the matter with me? Do you have something to know about the moonlight city?"

"Originally, everything went smoothly, that is, yesterday, I encountered this group of kids, but I was not their opponent, so I brought them here today and asked the Austrian Lord to deal with it." Mr. Liu said lightly, but he explained the whole story clearly.

"Oh? These little guys?" Aozhu looked at the five people around Liu Lao and muttered that it was hard to believe in the bottom of his heart. You should know that although Liu Lao's strength was only the primary strength of the Holy Land, it was by no means what these little children could deal with.

"Master, I don't know why you want to target the Leng family. That mineral deposit is insignificant in your eyes, so I hope this matter will be exposed." Mu Feng said lightly.

"Little guy, although I don't know what happened at that time, there is something I want in the depths of the mine." Some old voices came from the Lord, but some old faces did not look old.

"Really, but I really don't want you to put pressure on the Leng family, which is not good for anyone. The most important thing is that if the Austrian Lord really catches it, it may cause immeasurable losses." Mu Feng continued.

It seems that I heard the most incredible words in the world, and these words actually came from the mouth of a teenager who was less than 20 years old. The old man "Ozhu" was extremely surprised and didn't know what the teenager in front of him relied on. In addition to Mr. Liu, the strongest of this group is the peak strength of heaven.

"I didn't mean to embarrass the Leng family. There is something under the mine that moved me. As long as the Leng family can quit, I will naturally not embarras them." The Austrian master said lightly that this was already the most earnest words for the younger generation. Just because of Liu Lao's words at that time, this group of people could defeat it, and as the Austrian master, it was impossible for him to win so easily.

"Is there something special? That's easy to do, as long as the Lord takes it away. I don't know what to do?" Mu Feng said in a low voice.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that that thing is not mature, and it's useless to take it away now, but that thing is what I must get. I will temporarily send someone to receive the mineral before that." The Lord said patiently.

"Master, what do you think of this?" Mu Feng did not return to the Olympic master, but turned his face to the Leng family owner beside him and asked. This contemptuous behavior made the Austrian master feel very unhappy.

"That's okay, but that mineral has always been the biggest economic source of the Leng family. If it doesn't return to normal operation for a few months, I'm afraid that the Leng family will be greatly damaged." The owner of the Leng family said his worries.

With a slight nod, Mu Feng continued to say, "In this way, the mine would not be controlled by the forces of the Leng family and the Austrian Lord at the same time, which would not hinder others, and he could guarantee the safe existence of that thing."

Everything Mu Feng considered was based on the Leng family, which made the already superior Aozhu very unhappy. He said coldly, "Little guy, don't take an inch. What I just said is already the biggest concession. I don't want too many people to know about this."

Mu Feng just wanted to speak again, but was blocked by the Leng family owner next to him. The latter came and said, "I think it's better for the senior to hand over this heavy responsibility to our Leng family. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"

After thinking a little, the voice of the Austrian Lord came and said, "It's not impossible, but I will regularly send people to investigate, hoping that the Leng family can abide by their duty.

"This is natural." The owner of the Leng family returned, and then motioned Mu Feng on the side to go back. Mu Feng was conscious and took the lead in walking out of the house. Jin Ling and the ghost followed, and the owner of the Leng family followed.

After taking a few people away, the Aozhu was fixed in place, and standing next to him was the strong man in the Holy Land named Liu Lao. The old voice of the Aozhu came and said, "Mr. Liu, that's right. There is indeed one person in this group of people, and his strength is far from me. I didn't expect that the Leng family could be high. Climb to this existence."

"What? Does the Lord also feel the same way? Mr. Liu asked curiously.

"Of course, just now a pair of eyes stared at the old man, which was very dangerous. Otherwise, those juniors would not be able to be rampant in front of this seat." The Austrian master said solemnly.

Anyway, the matter on the other side of the mine has been solved, and it will take only a day to get back. Mufeng is also very interested in that mine. How can the powerful Austrian master care so much about it?

He said his meaning to the owner of the Leng family on the side, and the other party readily agreed, while Mu Feng was surrounded by a ghost, but he had a special ability, but he could directly find the item. If the Austrian owner didn't say anything, he may not find it. The other party also underestimated the ability of Mu Feng and the others.

Take Leng's special carriage, drive out of the moonlight city and run to the mine owned by Leng's. The black grass, the black eroded trees, and the potholed gravel road were bumpy all the way, and the speed was not very fast. In front of a hill, the group got off the carriage and ordered the carriage to wait below. Mufeng and several people went straight to the mountain. According to the owner of the Leng family, the mine of the Leng family is in another area of the mountain. One side.