Tai Ruins

Chapter 297 "Puto" Evil Dragon

The tourists around him cheered, and the young man still did not hide his inner joy at all. A well-dressed man stepped forward, said a few words next to the young man, and then handed him a brocade box. The young man seemed to be a little unclear, but he still followed the man.

Mu Feng, who was already impatient beside him, couldn't help but feel frustrated when he saw the young man leaving. He really wanted to compete with the other party. However, it's okay to think about it later. This time, he came for the ethereal flower, and there is no need to live in trouble. However, Mu Feng firmly remembers the face of the young man. Anyway, he took the same boat and went to the same destination, and was afraid that the other party could not run away.

After the war just now, the tourists on the edge of the competitive arena also slowly dispersed. The fog outside was getting bigger and bigger. After a while, Mufeng and the three walked towards the cabin. Back in your room, there is corresponding food, but this requires expensive black coins, and the food in the world is mainly large plates of meat, which is not liked by Mu Feng. As for drinks and so on, it's okay.

Waiting silently, the three of them had a big room, sitting in place, and Mufeng entered his own world. The faint white shrouded around Mufeng, and the aura between heaven and earth rushed into Mufeng's body. Mu Feng imagined in his heart what kind of scene would happen if he practiced in the world of the five elements at that time.

"Wow..." A melodious whistle woke up Mu Feng, who was originally sitting quietly, and the golden spirit and ghosts on the side were all looked at Mu Feng. After a dry cough, Mu Feng got up and said whether he had arrived at his destination. The two said that they didn't know. When they pushed the door out, they saw many people walking out of the cabin in the passage.

The ship has docked, and there are still many people standing under the cruise ship, probably waiting to go back. Most of them have more or less a lot of scratches on their bodies, some of which are even more serious. As the crowd walked slowly, Mufeng also walked down and glanced at the general situation around. The left and right sides were still a boundless sea, and only the front seemed to be an island, which was equivalent to the entrance to the reincarnation.

Following the current, you can see other people's figures from time to time in the surroundings at the beginning, and then there are fewer and fewer people around you in the perception. Finally, even the powerful perception of Mu Feng can't detect the existence of others. Maybe the place is large and has been scattered.

"How to get there?" Mu Feng is in trouble now. He looks almost the same around him, and he doesn't know where the ethereal flower is at all. Moreover, there is no special sign of life and death on the side. It may be far from the destination. Maybe it will accidentally rush into the sea again.

Huh? It seems that there is someone." Mu Feng said softly, there was only one breath and it was not weak. He came towards his side, which was just right, and he could also inquire about the path by the way.

The figure gradually approached, and Mu Feng and the ghost did not deliberately hide their breath. It is reasonable that the other party could also find several people, but the other party did not stop at all.

A faint figure gradually appeared, and then appeared in front of Mu Feng and others. Until he saw the other party clearly, Mu Feng's face was full of surprise, because the person who came was none other than the young man who performed outstandingly on the open-air competition platform of the cruise ship. I don't know why he came to Mu Feng and others at this time, or why he came for what.

Before Mu Feng and several people could speak, the young man took the lead and said, "Excuse me, how to get to the reincarnation? I'm sorry, I seem to have gone the wrong way." The young man said and scratched his head shyly. He looked very cute, just like the little boy next door who did something wrong.

"I don't know why you want to go to reincarnation?" Mu Feng asked in a loud voice.

"I, I want to come and take samples. Because of the recent spread of the plague in the village, the master temporarily suppressed it for seven days to prevent it from being affected, and told me that there was a main medicine in this cycle: Sanqingcao, so I came here." The young man said that he did not hide the purpose of coming here at all. He felt that he was very pure and there were no people in the city.

"That's just right. We also came here to sample things. Why don't we go together, because we don't know how to get there, and more people can take care of it, can't we?" Mu Feng also smiled, because the other party was a very cheerful and optimistic young man.

"Okay, a person is a little boring anyway." The young man said with a smiling face.

Looking at Jin Ling on the side, Mu Feng asked, although the ghost's ability is magical, after all, there are restrictions. As long as you find out where there is that magical fluctuation, you can judge the general direction. The powerful Jin Ling can undoubtedly bear this great responsibility.

"This way!" Jin Ling pointed to one side and said that the dangerous fluctuation in the far distance and the film could not even penetrate himself. That should be the so-called blessed reincarnation.

According to Jin Ling's instructions, the group of people are flying at high speed, and the strength of several people is good. In order to break the dullness or learn more, Mu Feng will naturally choose to chat with the young man next to him, who is also happy to answer questions.

The young man's name is "Evil Dragon". His parents died when he was a child, or he had never seen his relatives. Later, he was adopted by an elderly master, that is, the master in the mouth of the evil dragon, who pulled the evil dragon up alone and then taught him some martial arts and experience.

As for the specific process, it can be seen from the mouth of the evil dragon that it is simply impersonal torture. He has been beaten by the master since childhood. His daily training is blue and swollen. He will wake up from pain from time to time in the middle of the night, and he will continue his routine practice the next morning. Over time, with the growth of age and strength, there have been more and more confrontations, but each time it still ended in the failure of the evil dragon.

It was not until it was so big that the evil dragon came out of his home once, and usually just went to a small town. No wonder it can maintain the purest state. This is very different from Mu Feng's life. After all, everyone's experience is different, and it is impossible for him to live this life quietly.

The strength above the sky is to fly in the sky, and the golden spirit is also maintained at a consistent speed. The continuous mountains crossed by Mu Feng and several people, and occasionally unwise high-level warcrafts attacked Mu Feng and others, but they all ended in failure. Several people moved very fast. Gradually, the lush forest began to become sparse, and there were clear water flowing slowly. These were actually pure water that was not affected by the black gas of the world.

At the end of the ancient mountains is a continuous water, faintly like several small islands in the distance. Directly across the water and flying at a high speed towards the island. The sparkling water waves made faint ripples and spread to both sides for a long and long time.

It's just a time for incense. The shadow of the island is getting thicker and thicker, and finally slowly landed on the beach of the island. Reincarnation?" Mu Feng looked at the island in front of him and muttered, and what appeared in front of Mu Feng was a flourishing garden-like paradise. Huge plants, followed by a pile of fruits, are red and beautiful, and the warcraft that flashes from the edge is also extremely well developed, and the volume is that kind of huge.

The huge Warcraft just looked at Mu Feng and several people curiously and jumped away alone. After entering the forest, there are thick green leaves on the ground, which are huge enough to cover a whole person's appearance. There is no withering and corruption. The breath here is extremely huge, and the elements of air spreading are also extremely active.

Drinking away the huge loquat leaves, a body suddenly pressed towards Mu Feng and several people. Mu Feng reacted quickly, and his golden fist bombarded directly towards the other party. The crisp sound came and stared at it. This is an ordinary skeleton. I don't know how long it will last, but it can be completely preserved. This is also thanks to the huge vitality here. No wonder Mufeng and others didn't notice it at all.

Walking forward, there was a rustling sound on the ground. Almost all the people were surrounded by thick leaves, and the road ahead was also guided by Jin Ling.