Tai Ruins

Chapter 302 The Unity of Body and Spirit

The black and white atmosphere exudes a confused atmosphere. This state has lasted for nearly three hours, completely condensed from black and white, like a stone cocoon pupa, quietly suspended in mid-air. The pure fire of the fire beads continues to burn, the space is distorted and even some dark voids, and the repair of the power of the world has been rapidly slowed down.

The huge aura of heaven and earth kept pouring in, and the Taihuang's heart was attracted by the independent aura. Coupled with the strong recovery ability of the water spirit beads, the tight string of the wind continued to stretch. There is a powerful golden spirit guard on the periphery, and even if there is a curious strong spy, it just stops in the distant sky. Then, because the scope of this aura of heaven and earth can affect is too large, attracting more and more strong people, and more curious about the bottom, guessing that there are some rare natural materials and treasures that will be condensed, because no one took the lead in provoking, and more than a dozen people stopped in the sky.

"Insist, die!" The cold and mechanical sound of Jinling came, grabbing it with one hand into the void. A mini golden sword was directly inserted into the void, and a faint pressure spread out. The human body composed of gold was quietly suspended in the void. The middle-level strength of the sky was broken, and a huge pressure was poured into the surrounding space. Swept away. The evil dragon, who was also wary of paying attention to the changes around him curiously pulled his eyes back and looked at Jin Ling. This was a powerful trend, rippled away from his surroundings like water lines, because there was no hostility and no great touch, but there was a trace of fear in the depths of his heart that had never existed.

More than a dozen people who were still standing in the sky unexpectedly fell one after another in this huge power, and the huge pressure actually made their hearts worship. Sitting quietly on the edge of the mini version of the golden sword, Jin Ling turned his eyes to the place of the wind below. The energy of heaven and earth was still pouring towards it. It needed such a huge amount of energy. If it condensed, it would definitely be a perverted existence.

Six hours later, a scene surprised Mu Feng. The breath of life in this mountain also rushed here. Is the huge aura of heaven and earth not enough to absorb the predecessors of the Yan clan? Mu Feng thought so in his heart, but the speed in his hand did not dare to slow down at all. The pure hot fire element between heaven and earth completely integrated the power of colorful mud, ethereal flowers and blood-shattering essence into a purple bone. The soul of the predecessors of the Yan clan is suffering from inhuman torture. If you want to completely suppress such a huge power Shrinking in such a small body, and in such a short time, the natural exponential growth required.

The continuous consumption of 12 hours stopped the circulation of black and white, and the rolling aura of heaven and earth dispersed by itself. An ordinary, completely formed by a substantial cocoon condensed by black and white, without a trace of breath leakage. The white fire completely wrapped it, and Mu Feng did not know how it was going inside. The power of the fire spirit beads was stimulated to the greatest extent.

"Ka..." On the actual black and white cocoon, a slight crack appeared, and then it spread rapidly. Mu Feng immediately took back the fire beads in his hand, and the scorching heat disappeared.

Some are looking forward to waiting, just like breaking out of the cocoon, and the faint essence floats out of the cocoon. And the black and white cocoon pupa was rapidly annihilated at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a little essence and dissipating in the air.

A figure appeared in Mu Feng's eyes, and Mu Feng opened his mouth wide. What he looked like after the rebirth of the predecessors of the Yan clan?

The purple hair floats behind the man at will. What should I use to describe the man in front of him? It is perfect. It's not that bloated feeling. Every muscle looks so harmonious and powerful. This is a strong and soft body. At first glance, except for this windy purple body, it looks like an ordinary person.

"That's good, that's good!" The elders of the Yan clan praised softly, holding their hands gently, the sound of space explosion came, and black space cracks appeared.

"How do you feel?" Mu Feng asked eagerly.

"I didn't expect that in addition to getting this body, I could get such unexpected benefits. With the help of this fusion, my strength has returned to the peak of 80%, which is unexpected. And the purple bone you provided to me is so excellent that it can change according to the consciousness of the host. The voice of the predecessors of the Yan people is flat, but the joy is self-evident.

"Well, that's great!" Mu Feng also said happily. After completing the recasting of the body, the two stepped into the sky together and took out a suit of clothes from the space ring. Otherwise, this windy shape would really scare a group of people. When the black clothes were put on, the purple body began to transform into flesh color, which was no different from ordinary people. Their faces were simple and black. Long hair.

"It's okay!" After welcoming him, Mu Feng said lightly. Several people on the side also gathered around and looked curiously at the middle-aged man on the side of Mu Feng. Jin Ling took the lead and said, "You are very strong!" This is the first time Mu Feng has heard that Jin Ling spoke so highly of people.

"Now that it has been completed, it is necessary for us to do something." Mu Feng said, and the group swept towards the entrance of the reincarnation and the location of the cruise ship. The speed of going back was much faster than when it first entered. When it reached the edge of the island, the cruise ship was there, but it did not leave.

I paid a certain fee to board the cruise ship and learned that it would take a few hours to leave. Standing quietly on the ceiling, looking at the slowly fluctuating sea, the faint sea breeze mixed with a slight salty smell gently brushed the faces of the people.

"Evil dragon, are you going back immediately?" Mu Feng asked faintly at the evil dragon who had been smiling on the side. Then came the latter's voice and said, "Of course, the master told me that if I get Sanqingcao, I must go back immediately, otherwise the whole village will be in danger."

"Oh, this is natural, why don't we go with you and meet your master by the way!" Mu Feng said lightly, just habitually cherishing his talent.

"Well, I can also treat you to our mountain feast. It's delicious!" The evil dragon said excitedly.

A few hours passed in a flash, and the elders of the Yan clan talked more about their previous things in the upper world, and because Mufeng has collected all the five elements of spiritual beads, it will be a matter of flying up to the upper world sooner or later. The next sentence of the predecessors of the Yan clan hit Mufeng. After birth, the people in the upper world had the strength equivalent to the holy level of the world, which made Mufeng, who worked hard to move forward, suffer a lot. Even if he flew up to the upper world at that time, it meant that he was like a biological baby, but after the explanation of the predecessors of the Yan clan Mu Feng was relieved. Although the starting point was high, the later practice was also not simple. Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to worry about it. With your talent, even if you go to the upper world, you don't have to worry too much. Aren't there still seniors around you to help you? After owning this body, the power to recover the peak is also just around the corner. I also thought of a common name for myself and called me: Ziyan, I don't know if this name is good?" The elder of the Yan clan said with a smile, and his face was filled with that long-lost bright smile.

"Ziyan? Ha ha, that's a good name." Mu Feng paused for a moment and then said, but muttered in his heart that the name was not only pleasant to listen to. It could be called Niu X, and it was not too much to pull the wind.

The cruise ship stepped on the sea wave and hurried to the other side of the ocean. The thick fog faded briefly, and the gray sky shrouded over the cruise ship. Tourists still compete with each other on the open-air competition platform. One day and one night, the cruise ship slowly entered the port, and there was a group of new adventurers below.

Under the leadership of the evil dragon, Mu Feng and his party walked towards the village where he lived. Bypassing the two main cities, Mu Feng was also very puzzled. Did the evil dragon walk through step by step? Through the forest shrouded by light black gas, follow the remote path and go to the destination.

Mufeng walked fast. When he reached a thick tree, the evil dragon signaled Mu Feng and several people to come down. The reason is that the master has never been willing to show his ability to the people in the village. Even if he taught himself, he was still in a quiet and uninhabited place at night.