Tai Ruins

Chapter 322 Compound Residue

The black figure kept jumping in the dark and looked at the right time. Mu Feng's figure fell from the sky again. At the same time, the black figure swept towards Mu Feng.

"Mu Feng, it's me, let me go!" The black figure appeared beside Mu Feng and said.

A long-lost and very familiar feeling, Mu Feng did not resist and let the other party's arm grab himself. A powerful space fluctuation came, and the light flashed. Mu Feng and the figure disappeared into the air at the same time. Molong, who had not yet figured out what the situation was, could only watch his prey escape.

"Roar..." A unwilling roar echoed in the sky for a long time.

The space scroll, Mu Feng, who appeared on the ground again, first looked around, and then looked at the benefactor who had just saved himself. The other party's whole body was shrouded in black so that people could not see the truth.

"Are you? Have we known each other before? It's a very familiar feeling!" Mu Feng said that Mufeng is very weak now, but there is naturally no problem in speaking.

Remove the black hat of the jumpsuit, revealing a slightly beautiful face, and a scar was so shocking. Mu Feng was stunned and was really familiar with it. I had definitely seen this face somewhere before, but I couldn't remember it for a moment.

"Mu Feng, I'm a tooth." The teenager said coldly, but even so, there was still a trace of excitement in his words.

"Fat..." Mu Feng muttered, and then suddenly said in surprise, "Are you a tooth, is it really a tooth?" After seeing the other party nodded, Mu Feng continued, "I haven't seen you for so long. I didn't expect you to grow up like this, but what is the scar on your face?"

With that, Mu Feng stretched out his hand and touched the scar on his face. Unexpectedly, he was patted by his teeth and said, "You don't need to care about it. It's just a scar. Not to mention me, your growth is so amazing."

"It's just that your luck is better than others, but then again, you haven't come back since you left the college. What have you done all these years?" Mu Feng asked curiously.

"It's just to go where I should go and do what I should do. Just like I happened to meet you here today, it's fate." The teeth said coldly.

Looking at the beautiful face in front of you, you can imagine what kind of experience the tooth has experienced over the years, and the shocking scar tells the bumpy experience of the tooth all the way. However, since Ya didn't want to say anything, Mu Feng didn't ask much and changed the topic and said, "Then why is the task of this trip, but it has been achieved?"

"My goal is the horns of the Molong, but I have seen the powerful strength of the Molong. It seems that the information I got is wrong and the mission has failed!" The sound of teeth is still cold.

Originally, there were few friends and few people who could talk to the sky, and that's not what he wanted. He was used to lurking in the dark to harvest the enemy's lives and performing difficult tasks.

"Molong is indeed very strong. It is estimated that even with those two strong saints, it is impossible to kill him. If he is not careful, his life may be in danger." Mu Feng originally wanted to find more topics, but the words that suddenly surged just now seemed to disappear and said, "ya, why don't you go back with me?"

"No, I'm not suitable there. The danger has been lifted. This mission has failed. I have to go back to the organization!" After saying this, he wanted to walk forward.

"Real, tooth, can you tell me what your organization is called? If it's okay in the future, I may go there to find you." Looking at the figure whose teeth were gradually fading away, Mu Feng did not stop him. Everyone had a different way and asked lightly.

"No, we will meet again if there is a chance. The original promise has not been fulfilled. By the way, if you want to go to the nearest main city, just go straight to the right." Without looking back, his teeth flashed directly into the forest, melted into the darkness, and disappeared in an instant.

Mu Feng did not delay. He quickly swept away in the direction guided by his teeth, and his heart was also full of emotion. In the past, his partner was finally able to meet again after a long time. He didn't want to say more words. Life is so inexplicable, and the coming and going are extremely sudden.

Outside the main city, Mu Feng saw the ghost and Xiaobai waiting for him outside the city. Mu Feng greeted him and dodged to the side, and then led the ghost and Xiaobai to the main city. Although the remnant picture was successful, if it hadn't been for the help of teeth, Mu Feng would not have known what to do now. In this way, there is only the last remnant picture, which was once agreed upon. If the other party sees himself growing up now, can you still remember?

It took a few days to return to Liuli City and go to listen to Yuxuan. At that time, the cabinet owner promised to Mu Feng that as long as Mu Feng collected the remaining four remnants, he would give the last piece in his hand to Mu Feng. Now, it should be time to fulfill his promise.

Walking on the bustling street and walking towards the mountain gate of Yuxuan, a pavilion will soon appear in the eyes of Mufeng and his party, which is exactly the same as the scenery in the past memory. In the attic in front of the mountain gate, there are some talented and beautiful women who are tasting books and painting.

Along the path, the sound of jingling mountain spring water filled my ears, and a faint water mist filled the air. Along the mountain road, in front of a huge stone arch, Mu Feng saw the two children playing beside them again. After a long time, their appearance did not change at all. They were cute and innocent.

When they saw someone coming over, the two children intervened to stop Mu Feng and his party. The girl among them took the lead in saying, "Who is coming? Don't you know that this place is not allowed to go up?"

Mu Feng walked towards the two, smiled and said, "Two little messengers, we are here to see the owner of your cabinet."

"My cabinet owner? Is there a worship post?" The boy next to him asked.

"It's just the verbal promise of the cabinet master in those years, but there has never been a worship post. I hope the two little messengers will be released." Mu Feng said gently.

"No, no, that's what the cabinet owner ordered. If there is no worship, no invitation will be released." The boy waved his hand and said.

"In this case, we have to go in by ourselves." Mu Feng still kept a smile on his face and said.

The figure flashed, and Mu Feng directly crossed the obstacles of the two children. Ghost and Xiaobai followed closely, followed by two shouting children. The mountains are retreating. In the march, a figure blocked Mufeng's pedestrian. The visitor is none other than Mufeng's goal.

"Little guy, why did you rush up the mountain so rashly? I don't know if it's impolite to do it without the owner's consent?" Listening to the beautiful figure of the mainstream of Yuxuan Pavilion, he gently opened his red lips and said lightly.

"I didn't expect that the cabinet owner would forget this matter. I don't know that the cabinet owner once promised the next thing in the past, that is, when he collects the other four remnants, the cabinet owner will give me the last remnant pictures." Mu Feng stood still in the void and said.

fell into a long-term memory and suddenly drew a scene in my mind. It seemed that I had promised this. Curiously looking at the teenager in front of him, I haven't seen him for a long time. The teenager's original youthful childishness has receded, replaced by calmness and wisdom, and his strength has grown to this extent.

"Naturally, what the Lord of the cabinet promised will naturally be fulfilled." Hearing Yuxuan's master say lightly, he then asked, "I don't know where the other four remnant pictures are?"

Take out four other yellowed remnants from the space ring, Mu Feng's figure moved over, his palms open, and four remnants that also exude a simple atmosphere are stacked in Mu Feng's hands. After seeing the thing, the owner of Yuxuan also took out a yellowed picture and said, "In this case, I will give you this picture!"

After taking over the last remnants, Mu Feng was extremely excited. To be honest, it was not easy to collect these five remnants by himself, and luck accounted for a large part.

Slowly landed on the ground and placed on the ground according to the lines on the remnants. Ghost and Xiaobai also stood curiously beside Mu Feng and watched what was about to happen. The original broken crack slowly merged after the overlap, and the light flashed. A complete picture appeared. The original yellow color completely disappeared, and instead, a colorful streamer rotated on it.