Tai Ruins

Chapter 331 Broken

"It's very interesting. Do you think you can stop me?" Jin Ling said coldly.

The silver light flowed, and Mu Feng actually found that he still couldn't see through the strength of the old man above. Then, the old man's voice came again and said, "The old man is just here to guard the prisoner, not that I want to block you, but the terrible consequences will be brought after the seal is lifted."

Jin Ling in the sky did not speak. After hearing the sound, Mu Feng flashed and said, "Senior, I don't know what the terrible consequences you said?"

"In a word, you can't break this seal, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble." The old man did not answer Mu Feng and said to himself.

"In this case, it will be troublesome. We have to break this seal and rescue the people of the Bai clan, so this seal must be destroyed." Mu Feng continued.

"That's really troublesome. Then temporarily resist your pace of progress with the old man's thin body." The old man said lightly, and then put on a posture in the air.

The golden hair flutters, and Mu Feng knows that when Jin Ling wants to be serious, there will be a unique sign. Mu Feng and others flashed to the edge knowingly. Both of them are extremely strong. If they really fight, the range of impact is absolutely very large.

The golden wave flashed around the golden spirit, and the old man did not hold it big. The gray dense energy completely enveloped his body, and only felt some faint suspended gray in the eyes of the wind.

Jin Ling took the lead. The golden wave danced with Jin Ling's body and grabbed the old man hidden in the gray opposite. The gray energy did not move at all. In Mufeng's eyes, there was a flowing light passing by. Jin Ling's speed was so fast that Mufeng's strength could only capture a trace of trace.

Gold and gray collided and lasted for a while, and time seemed to stop at this moment. Then an explosive energy storm swept towards the surrounding area. Even the wind that stood far away was stung by the wind.

An unexpected scene appeared. Jin Ling in Mu Feng's impression was always invincible, but the result of the collision was that the golden wave was pressed by gray light spots and there were faint signs of erosion. Entangled with each other, the golden wave lurks in the gray light spots, and a large black space crack appears. Even the restoration of the power of the big world cannot be completed in a short time.

"Wh..." Gold and gray flashed on both sides, and the figures of Jin Ling and the old man appeared in the sky at the same time. With one hand, he grabbed the space, and the black energy condensed into a dazzling ink ball. With one hand wave, he quickly shot at the golden spirit.

"What a lot of energy!" Mu Feng was shocked that the fluctuation of this energy was vaguely comparable to his broken hand. That is to say, the attack that the old man could carry out was similar to his big move, and Mu Feng suddenly had a doubt in his heart.

Jin Ling, who doesn't know what to dodge, will never retreat in the face of any attack. The golden ball of light is also condensed in his hand, and his body flashes to meet the black ball of light.

"Bang..." Another violent explosion occurred in the high air, with thick smoke, and then inhaled by black space cracks, and a big dark hole condensed in the sky.

I don't know when a faint gold fell in the sky, as if the golden light that could wear anything rendered this original bloody world flawlessly. The gray energy light spots are also stained with sporadic gold. Jin Ling stood in the void and looked coldly at what was going to happen.

The golden light spot suddenly spread and spread rapidly towards the gray, wanting to metalize all the gray. When the gold spread like a palm, it stopped spreading, and the gray energy rotated rapidly and drove the gold out of the body.

"Interesting!" Jin Ling said coldly that the golden mini golden giant sword condensed in the palm of his hand and danced with one hand. A huge energy whirlwind generated in the void, and at the same time, the old man's figure also appeared.

The golden dazzling light renders a golden sky, and the risk of hot and dazzling light can't open your eyes. With the unparalleled golden power, the golden spirit flashed towards the old man, and a dark belt pulled out. The space could not withstand such a huge energy to collapse first.

"Three dimensions!" A faint voice came from the old man's mouth and made progress without retreating. In the face of such a magnificent power, the old man had no intention of dodging. The thin and dry arm poked out and pressed towards Jin Ling.

The golden light scratched, but the old man's thin arm was firmly imprinted on Jin Ling's body. Affected by that force, Jin Ling drew a long distance behind him before stopping.

"It's very good that I can create three different spaces at the same time, and then lead my attack to another space, which itself appears in the last space, so no matter how I attack, I can't hit you. Is it wrong for me to say so?" Standing in the void, Jin Ling said slowly that it was just a loss, and Jin Ling could judge in such detail.

"Yes, your observation and judgment ability is very strong!" The old man's figure appeared in the sky, and I don't know whether it was praise or sarcastic.

"If you only have this kind of trick, it's far from enough!" Jin Ling said coldly.

The original simple appearance disappeared, and the golden people condensed in the high sky. The whole body is composed of the purest gold in heaven and earth. This is the essence of the golden spirit. Stepping on the void, every step, a faint ripple rippled out.

The golden sword fell into the void. This time it was the old man's turn to show surprise, because just now, he found that the three-dimensional space was also imprisoned. How can he not be shocked? That is to say, the opponent did not show his complete strength just now.

The golden arm flashed to the old man's side in the blink of an eye, and one hand grabbed it and printed it directly on the old man's body. The gray light spot flashed, and the old man's body appeared in another place in the sky.

"Are there any other tricks that I can look forward to?" Jin Ling said coldly.

"Well, that's the only way to use that trick!" The old man muttered in his heart.

Mu Feng, who was still watching the changes in the battlefield in the distance, suddenly felt tight, and his body seemed to be weighed by more than a thousand pounds. Every time he took action, the feeling of weight was thicker and thicker. In contrast, other people around him, including the great sacrifice of the Bai people, are also not immune.

"Is this the field?" This is the question that arises in Mu Feng's heart.

"What is this called? It should be a field that grows over time, whether it is pressure, attack, movement or reaction speed, right?" Jin Ling was still in the face of danger and said lightly.

"You guess well. This is the field that the old man understood. It is called the lost pendulum clock. With the decline of time, you can feel the change you said." The old man replied.

"Not bad!" Jin Ling did not forget to praise his opponent at this jux, and then spit out four words that were inaudible.

The surrounding space seems to have undergone a slight change, but this change is extremely fast. The golden light spots fluttered in the sky again, and it was so beautiful. Other elements that originally existed in the space completely disappeared, and Jin Ling's body slowly stepped towards the old man until he came to the old man. The thin golden arm steadily waved on the old man, and the old man did not dodge again.

"In my field, I am the master. Don't try to make unnecessary struggles." Jin Ling said, and the old man suddenly felt a heavy pressure on his body, and under this pressure, he was like a newborn baby without resistance.

"I lost. What should I do? Go ahead." The old man said this slowly, and his voice was not timid, but a deep helplessness.

The sky appeared again as usual. Jin Ling's body flashed and shot into the high air. The power of the field and all other elements were destroyed. A huge white appeared. With a single fist, golden energy spewed out, and the whole seal collapsed in the sky like glass.

The faint sunshine fell, and the old man beside him sighed helplessly and said, "It seems that all this is doomed. At the end of the task of guarding, I should also leave." Then it disappeared on this land...