Tai Ruins

Chapter 368 Endless

Early the next morning, Mu Feng did not say goodbye to anyone and left Ying's house with Xiaobai. Going to the library of the college, today's Fan Li unexpectedly appeared outside the library door. After seeing Mu Feng appear, he also smiled and said, "Little guy, I knew you would come here very early today, so I will wait for you outside."

"If you have a hard time, let's go now!" Mu Feng said lightly that Fan Li would like it, and the two walked out of the college.

In the later chat, I learned that the beginningless realm is not within the scope of any main city, but in the special area in the middle of the world. Usually, there are very few people there, and some areas are simply dead.

From the main city to the middle of the magical area, even if you move at high speed, it usually takes more than half a month, and the journey is very dangerous. Half a month is enough for you to enjoy this wonderful world.

"Snoying..." Two figures appeared in the void and looked at Mu Feng on their way. One of them asked, "Lao Huai Gui, what do you think of that boy?"

"He is very weak. I really don't know why this decadent constitution still survives in the world. Human beings are really strange!" The figure on the side chattered.

"That's true, but the energy in that thin body is not weak at all. It's really strange." The original voice said doubtfully.

"Zhi Bai, you don't want to experiment with that boy, do you?"

"That's what you said. I didn't say that, but the old man beside the boy is not weak!" The man named Zhibai said slowly.

"Give me the old man, and I will hold him back." The old ghost said lightly.

The two hit it together. Fan Li below had already found the existence of the two figures, but he didn't want to cause trouble. He didn't expect that they all targeted themselves.

Without any warning, he took the lead in launching an attack on convenience. Of course, the first target chosen by the old Huai ghost was Fan Li, while Zhi Bai targeted Mu Feng. The simple attack was directly opposite, and Mu Feng had already reacted when he sensed the crisis was coming.

Fan Li's figure stood in front of Mu Feng and said, "Two, why did you block our way?"

"Ha ha, I just like the little guy next to you, so I want to borrow it. What do you think?" Zhibai said lightly, and Lao Huai was there to help.

"Well, don't be good or bad. Although I don't know why you two hit the idea on him, if you want to take him away, go through me first." Fan Li was not afraid at all. Although the breath of the two figures was only weaker than himself, Fan Li himself was not sure that he had to face the attack of the two at the same time.

"Old man, don't be rampant. We are definitely much older than you. Try it and you will know." The old locust said coldly.

"You go first, and I'll break it here." Fan Li Ling said calmly.

"This old man..." Mu Feng muttered in his heart, and then his body disappeared and teleported by. Fan Li actually wanted to fight against each other. Mu Feng only cared about himself and left Fan Li far behind him. For the powerful Fan Li, Mu Feng was full of confidence, and Xiao Bai also flashed away with Mu Feng.

"Old man, now that he has also left, you can let go." Zhibai did not worry too much when he saw Mu Feng's figure disappear, but said coldly to Fan Li in mid-air.

The body fluctuated like ripples. Fan Li's voice floated over and said, "Who wants to play with you? I still have business to do. I don't have time to waste time with you."

In the sudden change, the original tense atmosphere completely disappeared, the two attacks were completely empty in the void, and Fan Li's figure also completely disappeared. Looking at the disappeared figure, the old locust ghost beside him laughed and said, "Zhibai, it seems that what is not yours is not yours. Let's go..."

The two figures disappeared, and Fan Li's figure appeared in mid-air, while Mu Feng stood on a lush tree. The emperor's heart controlled the lowest flow rate of the power of the soul, which was basically integrated with the surrounding environment. If he did not observe carefully, there was no abnormality at all.

After a while, I saw a figure flashing in the space. Mu Feng saw it clearly. The man was Fan Li, and Mu Feng greeted him up. After seeing Fan Li, he asked with a little worry, "Senior Fan Li, are you all right?"

"Of course, I should be strong. Do you think I'm a person with something to do?" Fan Li smiled and replied.

"It's okay. Let's keep moving forward."

After the first accident, the two also looked extremely careful and speechless all the way. When Fan Li told them that they were about to reach the dangerous area in the middle of the world, it was already the thirteenth day. The pale sun was shrouded in a faint gray, and a cold feeling filled the whole body.

When you step into that area, the risk factor will rise sharply, but as long as you are about two days later, you will encounter a state of no beginning. As long as you are careful, you will not have any problems. There is no particularly abnormal existence on the periphery, and it is indeed dangerous in the state of no beginning, and the outside can also be said to be warm-up in advance.

"What a strong aura, higher than that of the outside world." Mu Feng felt the aura around him and whispered softly.

"Yes, because the aura concentration here is very high, it will naturally attract many strong people. The stronger the strength, the more advantageous the territory can be occupied, and it is naturally easy to cultivate."

"That's really looking forward to it!"

"You can't easily disturb other people's retreat here, otherwise it will attract attacks, and the existence that can take root here will never be weaker than me." Fan Li reminded.

"I know, who would be so bored and touch their eyebrows."

The strong aura passed by, feeling a little wet, the pores expanded comfortably, the slow flow of the power of the soul, the breath of the wind disappeared, and Fan Li on the side was also deliberately hiding his breath.

Two days later, on the edge of a void crack flowing with light, the dark cracks filled the darkness, and there was no shadow around. The powerful power of the world could not completely repair it.

"The entrance of the beginningless realm, that is the empty crack. Go in, I can only send you here. Good luck!" Fan Li said lightly and turned his eyes to Xiaobai beside him.

nodded, and Mu Feng walked towards the edge of the void crack and looked at the dark void crack. Death seemed to destroy all living life. Golden restrained, Mu Feng jumped towards the void cracks, and the faint space fluctuated, followed by Xiao Bai.

The light flashed, and the feet stepped on the earth, and a full feeling was formed in the heart of the wind again.

"Is this a state of no beginning?" Mu Feng looked at the space around him and muttered, and his body was stunned. Even how he came in just now was puzzled.

To be precise, the beginningless world is a world that belongs to one party. Looking around, you can't see the edge at a glance. There are mountains, flowers and trees grow lushly, and even ordinary creatures feel unusual. The strong aura between heaven and earth that is almost materializes into thick transparent crystals on the leaves.

"It's really the creation of heaven and earth. Cultivating here should be several times faster than the outside world." Mu Feng muttered alone, and then stepped forward aimlessly.

In the beginningless realm, the appearance of light is not much different from the outside world. The difference is that the aura here is several times higher than the outside world. Walking on the green grass, Mu Feng carefully observed the changes around him, in case something unexpected happened. The words of Elder Fan Li were deeply imprinted in his heart.

"Wh..." A streamer hit Mu Feng. After Mu Feng could react, it went straight to Mu Feng's body. A strong force came, and Mu Feng flew backwards to the side in pain. His body flashed and appeared not far away, carefully looking at the creatures that had just attacked him.

This is a small humanoid monster with a stone stick in its hand and keeps waving in its hand. Looking at the strange sound opposite, the fierce attack just now actually came from him. The golden light poured into the injured place, and the scorching heat slowly disappeared.

"Why did the barbaric aggressor enter the world that doesn't belong to you?" Just as Mu Feng was stunned, the monster spoke first.

"I'm sorry, I just accidentally strayed into this place, and I don't want to disturb your territory so unfortunately, and now I'm leaving." Mu Feng said and wanted to leave.

"Well, no matter what your purpose is, I think you'd better be prepared to die. It's dangerous here. Leave quickly."

"Oh? If you dare to ask why you say this, the boy just accidentally broke into here. He is not familiar with the place and doesn't know how to go back. Mu Feng pretended and sighed helplessly.

"I can't help you. I've been trapped here for nearly decades. In addition to routine practice, I also go out, but I don't dare to hang out too much. At the beginning, I saw a huge barbarian beast torn in half by something directly. That scene is really unforgettable." The petite monster continued to speak, and his words also revealed a deep awe.

"Since you have stayed here for so many years, you must have gained something. What I want to say is that what's so strange about this beginningless situation that it can trap people for endless years." Mu Feng asked curiously, of course, the idea was the information accumulated by the monster over the decades.

"Of course, there is information. First of all, what I want to say is that the world is almost difficult to get out, and the concentration of aura here is very high. What's more, some of the existence here is very powerful and can't be resisted by manpower at all. Finally, there is another piece of advice, which is not to rush around. Maybe you will die if you are not careful. It's good to take care of yourself." The monster looked like an elder and said lightly.

"Thank you for telling me!" Mu Feng was polite and casually chose a position and walked away. Xiaobai behind him suddenly jumped in front of the monster and looked at him curiously, which really scared him a lot, but he didn't do anything. In terms of size, Xiaobai was much bigger.

"What do you want to do...?" The monster said with horror on his face.

Xiaobai's spiritual thoughts spread and said, "It's nothing. I'm just looking at you. Don't be nervous. Since you've been here for so long, you must know what dangers are nearby, right?"

"This..." The monster squeaked, and then after seeing Xiaobai's domineering appearance, his heart was also heavy. What on earth was this? The oppression for himself was so great. This was absolutely not available to the teenager before, and said, "I know, didn't you ask?"

And Mufeng, who had not taken a few steps, stopped and flashed to the monster. He vaguely heard something just now, so he asked, "I just seem to have heard that you are quite familiar with this neighborhood. Can you help me lead the way?"

"Of course, no problem, I'd love to!" The monster's wrinkled skin squeezed together and said, but his heart was extremely unhappy, but looking at the snow-white dog-like little white, he was obviously more active.