Tai Ruins

Chapter 387 Hall of Fame

He sent Mu Feng and three beasts to Xidaoshan College, and Uncle Hao left alone.

"Well, since we have come to the college, let's go to the library first and tell me what's going to do, okay?" Mu Feng asked, and then he planned to find Fan Li. After all, he took himself in at the beginning, but now he comes back, he has to inform him in advance.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do this morning. Let's go together." Ying Xiaoyu said and looked at Mu Feng with blinking eyes, and Mu Feng had to agree.

Entering the third floor of the library, Ying Xiaoyu was also curious. This place was so magical that it was rumored by the brothers and sisters. After that, few people came up. The culprit was Fan Li, an old man, who used those low tricks from time to time to tease the students who mislead into this level.

When Mufeng and his party stepped on this floor, a figure appeared behind Mufeng and several people. Now Mufeng actually felt something. The slight change turned around and said, "Senior, I'm back!"

"Oh? Little guy, I didn't expect that you could really get out of there, and it only took less than a year. The progress of this strength is really not to be underestimated. Fan Li said with emotion.

"I'm flattered, but I'm just a little luckier than others!" Mu Feng was slightly modest and replied.

"Is that right? It's that simple. I don't believe it. Is there any other gain? Jiang is really old and spicy. Fan Li doesn't believe that Mufeng only gains strength improvement. According to the news he has collected about the beginningless world before, there are many treasures and opportunities in it.

"There is a little bit, it's also a harvest, that's it!" Mu Feng said, and the universe appeared in the palm of Mu Feng's hand out of thin air. The power of time launched. The others around Mu Feng were imprisoned by this wonderful force and could not move at all, and then this power slowly disappeared.

"What is this? What power? Is it full control within the scope? Fan Li asked in surprise.

"That's right, but it can't last long, but he has one advantage, that is, it ignores the hierarchy. Isn't it great?"

"What, did you just say that ignoring the equal order? How can this be possible? Does this mean that any opponent can be imprisoned by you? It's so incredible." Fan Li exclaimed again and said.

"It should be. Anyway, don't talk about this. This time I come back, I plan to stay at Xidaoshan College for a while and wait for the return of an old friend."

"It's so good. It's rare that the little guy still remembers me. Come and accompany the old guy when you have time."

After that, the group went out without staying in the library. On the contrary, Su Mo was very curious about all kinds of things in the world and would ask some mentally retarded questions from time to time, but Mu Feng felt nothing and patiently answered them for him one by one.

After half a circle around the college, the scenery here is still the same as before. Mu Feng asked curiously, "Xiaoyu, why is there no activity in the college today? It feels a little rare."

"Have you also found it? Tomorrow is the anniversary of the college. In recent days, the courses have not been taken. Some college departments have planned some activities as early as possible, and tomorrow will be fun!" Ying Xiaoyu said with a little excitement in her voice.

"Well, what are we doing here today? It's better to go back to be clean."

"Oh, why are you like this? Didn't you just come back? I brought you here to visit your hometown again? It's really a dog biting Lv Dongbin. I don't know the hearts of the good people!" Ying Xiaoyu was unhappy when she heard Mu Feng's words and said viciously.

"Well, Xiaoyu, you can go wherever you want, and you are at your convenience." Mu Feng said with a smile that he didn't want to fight with the little girl as soon as he came back.

"Well, let's go to the arena first."

Arena? Where are we going for what? Mu Feng asked curiously.

"Anyway, you will know when you go. I will tell you then, so you can leave!"

Go to the arena larger than the football venue. As Ying Xiaoyu said, the school celebration may be held tomorrow. There are few people in the arena. Mu Feng still doesn't understand why Ying Xiaoyu brought Mu Feng here.

"Let's go down first." Ying Xiaoyu said and ran down, and Mu Feng had no choice but to follow.

Under the leadership of Ying Xiaoyu, behind the huge light behind the arena, he stopped, and then came Ying Xiaoyu's words and said, "I saw this light curtain. There are all famous people on the list, junior class, intermediate class, and advanced class?"

"May I ask Miss, what do you mean?"

"No, I think I will be promoted to the intermediate class soon, and I didn't leave any brilliant record on it. I feel sorry to think about it."

"Really, you are a lady, and you don't like to dance with knives and guns. It's more practical for girls to learn more needlework." Mu Feng said without blushing and heartbeat.

Thinking about it, Ying Xiaoyu will no longer be entangled in this topic and said, "Tomorrow, there will be brothers and sisters who will teach us juniors. Of course, there will be routine competition. That is the time to become famous, and many people are ready to go."

"Excuse me, what does this have to do with me!" From beginning to end, Mu Feng didn't know what she wanted to express.

"Of course, I want to find you. Your strength has improved so fast, and you are a member of Xidaoshan College. Of course, you also have to participate."

"Oh? I've been absent from class for so long, is it still a college? It's really strange, but what do you want me to do? Mu Feng asked, which was a promise to the other party, and he could also take this time to test his strength.

"As long as tomorrow, you can fight on behalf of our juniors. At that time, there will be three people together, and you can go up and perform when it's your turn."

"Well, that means basically three people on this light screen, right?" Mu Feng asked tentatively.

"I think so. Anyway, you don't have to worry too much. If you are so powerful, they are definitely not your opponents. At that time, I will benefit from you, right?"

"Yes, that's tomorrow's business. What about today? Isn't it here?"

"Of course not. I will take you to a good place, which is a place where the heroes gather. They are all good geniuses who graduated from Xidaoshan College and live outside." Ying Xiaoyu replied.

Then, under the leadership of Ying Xiaoyu, he went to the so-called gathering venue. After a long time, Ying Xiaoyu took Mufeng and his party to the edge of an open field, a tall building in front of him.

The three eye-catching characters of the "Hall of Fame" are carved on the gold-laid plaque. On the bright and neat ground, a sculpture appeared at the end of the hall. At first look, some are old, some young, men and women, and there are two or thirty.

"These are the geniuses of previous years. There is a brief introduction under the sculpture. Now all of them are resounding figures, with high weight, and can also be regarded as a famous history." Ying Xiaoyu said, and her voice was full of envy.

Later, Ying Xiaoyu enthusiastically introduced each giant for Mu Feng. The number of words was vivid. Mu Feng was only interested in their contributions. Unexpectedly, Ying Xiaoyu, a little girl, was not interesting and talked about it. Finally, Mu Feng had no choice but to say, "Xiaoyu, why did you take me here to see this? "

"Of course, I hope that one day your sculpture can appear here. Do you know how glorious it is? Anyway, I have no hope. You must cheer up!"

"Where is this? If there is nothing else to do, I have to go..." Mu Feng said, pretending to go out. This is the long-term result of Mu Feng, which can also be called a killer.

"No, it's rare to come to the college today. I, a landlord, have to pay tribute, no..." Before Ying Xiaoyu finished speaking, Mu Feng walked out.

Xiaoyu followed and said without looking back, "Xiaoyu, or you can go with that sister. I think she will be a good listener, and you will also be a good talker."

Mu Feng moved very fast, and it was boundless. It disappeared in front of Ying Xiaoyu in a blink of an eye. What made her angry was that the beautiful woman next to her also disappeared. The big dog, not to mention the cute little beast, also disappeared, leaving only a lonely self.