Tai Ruins

Chapter 401 Mother-in-law

When the four families arrived, the venue of tens of thousands of people was full. The central arena is full of people, and the voices of talk are endless.

As soon as Mu Feng appeared, the venue immediately calmed down. This kind of superpower, which can only be looked up to, usually has no chance to meet.

The four masters were extraordinary, and the twelve people behind them were also dragons and phoenixes, and one of them wore a silver mask. Almost everyone present saw it and guessed the face under the mask.

Standing around the open-air arena, it was divided into four directions, and at this time, an elderly girl appeared in the middle of the competition platform without a trace.

"Very strong! Who is the senior in the center? When Mu Feng, who had a keen sense of smell, glanced at the other party, she didn't know its depth. Even the four masters could not get rid of the unicorn tracking technique, which was invalid in front of her.

"The mother-in-law of one of the three-and-a-a-half immortals has a transcendent status, even though the four masters are not allowed to give in three points when they see her, and she is the strongest in the world."

"No wonder there is a sky outside, and there are people outside." Mu Feng said with emotion that he thought that the head of the family was the strongest in the world, and there were even extraordinary people who made people yearn for.

The old wife roughly explained the rules above and arranged them in order, that is, the representatives of the four major families in the southeast and northwest came on the field in turn.

"Isn't it true that those who play first will suffer losses, so they will be targeted?" Mu Feng asked doubtfully.

"That's right, but only the top three will be remembered by the world. In front of so many people, this is the simplest way to become famous."

nodded, and Mu Feng finally understood. The direct children between the four families are all well-known. When the first contestant of the Yan clan comes on the stage, Mu Liu will explain to Mu Feng that it is not Yan Hua and Yan Kuang, but the third party Yan Ji, an extraordinary-like woman. From Mu Liu, Yan Ji is also the first time to participate in the competition.

The cold family in Xuanbing City in the south sent Han Bingling, which was unexpected by Mufeng. It is explained that every competitive event of the four major families will arrange a newcomer's quota, which is the so-called high-end exercise.

"No way, do you mean that I will participate in this first game on behalf of the Mu family?" From here to that, Mu Feng asked.

"Little guy, you're right. The first representative sent by the Mu family is you. There is absolutely no problem to enter the second round." The owner of the Mu family said.

"I know!" After saying that, Mu Feng turned his eyes to the battle on the competition stage.

Since they are both direct children of the Yan clan, they will naturally practice the Taihuang Heart Sutra, but quote Ziyan's words: "Everyone's experience and understanding is different, and the exclusive skills that can be understood are also different."

The huge ice crystals bloomed in mid-air, and the ordinary confinement skill of the cold ice was condensed all over the opponent. The golden spear cut through the ice crystal. The rapid figure flashed and flashed towards the ice with the momentum of thunder.

High-end competition, combined with points and lines, is made of flowing water without revealing water. Han Bingling and Yanji fluctuate little in terms of breath, and their reaction and movement speed are also almost the same. It can be said that their strength is evenly matched.

"Very good. It's not a way to play like this. Let's win!" Yanji's crisp voice came in mid-air.

"The power of the field?" Mu Feng muttered in his heart.

Sure enough, two different forces burst out from the two bodies. Although the scope of action is only around the arena, the trend has completely exploded. The white ice crystals completely enveloped the world, and Yan Ji's body was completely frozen without accident. The ice spell was completed first, and the power of the field shrouded it. For a moment, white became the main theme on the competition platform.

A little gold bloomed from white, and the out arm stood in front of Yan Ji. The latter's simple arm grabbed it, and Yan Ji's voice came, saying, "It seems that you are still too tender. The scorching gold exploded, and a golden hole appeared. Yan Ji stood in it safe and sound, frozen white. It didn't have any impact on it.

"Although you have the power of the field, it's a pity that you only control the most superficial confinement, so you can't beat me at all." Yan Ji said lightly.

Then I saw the frozen ice crystals crumbling over the ring, and golden beams of light shot down from the sky, and the whole ring was bathed in the golden wave. Like a storm, it went towards the ice and could not retreat. Although the ice could temporarily block the first waves, the attack behind it was like continuous autumn water. It was unavoidable, surrounded by a powerful seal.

"You give up. If my killing moves are condensed, you may be killed!" Yan Ji said lightly.

It is absolutely impossible to admit defeat in front of so many people. I would rather die in battle than live secretly. He said fiercely, "It's impossible, unless I die!"

The light laughter came, and then the substance of gold like a enchanting golden lotus bloomed in mid-air, and then quickly pressed towards the cold ice below. The cold light flashed, and the huge mushroom mass broke out in the central arena, and the thick smoke dissipated. A figure appeared on the arena. Even if it suffered such great destructive power, the arena was still motionless.

Han Bingling's figure stood proudly, with red blood mixed with clothes, and his neat hair floated around in a mess. A figure then flashed to the ring and said faintly, "You won!" After witnessing the man's end, this is the owner of the Han family. Mu Feng was an accident. Why didn't he save him before the tragedy happened?

"Come on!" Mu Liu Muang cheered up Mu Feng.

smiled indifferently and was a little bitter, but Mu Feng was not sure. He was not stronger than any of them in strength, and his own field was not condensed. However, these were not the reasons to affect Mu Feng's appearance, and he happened to take this good opportunity to test the gap between geniuses. Anyway, he wore a mask. Even if you lose, no one will find anything abnormal.

The Beiming family is a teenager who is about the same age as Mu Feng. Judging from the fluctuation of breath, if it is true, this should be stronger than Mu Feng himself, but not as violent as Wu Sheng.

When he saw Mu Feng moving forward, the other party also put on a posture. The unknown opponent came to Mufeng without saying hello, which was very fast and almost fleeting.

The golden wave condensed around Mu Feng. Mu Feng was not in a hurry to dodge. Although he could not see his opponent's body clearly, he could smell it. The golden barrier collapsed in the void with a click, and the thin arms of the wind had already met. After the collision, the two figures retreated straight into the air.

The first collision of equal power. On this occasion, Mufeng will not let gold appear in the center of the arena unless it is necessary. The same fluctuation is easy to attract the attention of the Yan people.

"Fast and fast..." Mu Feng thought of the best way.

Qiankun ruler condensed into the palm of Mufeng's hand out of thin air and teleported away. The limit of speed in this world is to think of wherever you want. Unfortunately, Mufeng's strength is not enough now, and it can only teleport in a short distance, but there is no problem to cover the whole competition platform.

The power of time is launched, and the gentle ripples spread away. The simple blade cut to the latter's abdomen, and the mouth of the road immediately cut open on the opponent's abdomen, and blood flowed down.

Move away from the original place. Now Mufeng is completely dependent on his own speed and the power of confinement of the universe. Every time it flashes out, it can bring a blood flower.

"Very good, although it is an ordinary technique, it works very well." The opponent rarely took his free time and spoke highly of Mu Feng.

"For your praise, I think it's better not to play like this and use your field!" Mu Feng said in a loud voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm stupid and haven't realized it yet, but I'm good at assassination. It's really not suitable for such a bright occasion, but I have to try it." The opponent muttered that he obviously didn't want to give up like this.

Then the opponent's body melted in mid-air like ripples, and a poisonous snake hidden in the day was nothing for Mu Feng. He said, "That's really a pity. I thought it could be a little interesting. Then I will win this competition!"

The figure flashed again and appeared behind the opponent out of thin air. The opponent acted very carefully. Although he was very confident in himself, it was better to be careful on such an occasion.

"You lost!" Mu Feng pressed his opponent's back with one hand, and the universe ruler was already on his opponent's neck, while most others saw Mu Feng talking to the air.

"I met the nemesis, I admit defeat! But the other two in my family are not so easy to deal with..."

"Real, I'm really looking forward to it. I hope you don't lose the test before me." After saying that, Mu Feng walked down the competition stage.