Tai Ruins

Chapter 404 Heaven and Earth

"Yan Ji, it seems that you didn't do your best just now!" Yan Kuang asked when he saw Yan Ji in the end.

"No, no matter what, I can't defeat him. He is very strong!" Yan Ji said lightly and sat down on the rest table, thinking about the last half of what Mu Feng told her.

"Cut, let me know this boy in the end, so I'll go up and solve this scene first." Yan Kuang said and stepped on the stage. At the same time, Mu Ang also appeared in the ring.

"Miss Mu, I won't pity the fragrance and jade, so if you have any powerful tricks, just use them." On the competition stage, Yan Kuang also said loudly.

"Brother Yan, don't say that. Our little girl's family, I hope you can keep it when you take action." Muang said with a smile.

When the two finished making fun on the stage, Mu Feng knew that this competition was also unsuspensable. What Mu Feng expected was that Mu Ang's attack, which completely abandoned his defense, compared with Yan Kuang's strongest domineering attack?

Mu Ang is also very smart. He knows that Yan Kuang's strength is the strongest, so he did not choose to fight head-on at the beginning. His graceful body dances in mid-air. Since he can stand on the competition stage, his strength is naturally good. Yan Kuang's reaction is very strong, and he can dodge it to the limit every time.

I don't know if Mu Ang's words worked, but Yan Kuang has not taken the initiative to attack, just like the warm-up before **. Although Yan Kuang still looks plain, Mu Ang's feeling is not like this. He seems to be led by his opponent. Walking with a nose.

The aura in the air actually looked extremely irritable at this moment. Mu Feng sighed and finally found that Yan Kuang did not mean to be serious with her captain at all. However, if the little girl has found out, this test is the time to come out.

The huge blade of light condensed in the void and cut straight towards the flame below. Without retreating, the faint gold condensed around the fire, and with one hand, he met the extraordinary light blade.

"Boom!" A deafening roar came from the air of the competition platform, and thick smoke came out. The huge light blade turned into nothingness in the collision, and the golden color of Yan Kuang's hand had fallen off, and the faint blood slipped from his fingertips.

"That's right, so domineering power!" Yan Kuang praised and then continued, "Then I will launch the attack.

With a slam, Yan Kuang lost his figure, and the sense of crisis appeared in Mu Ang's heart in an instant. It felt like the whole competition platform was dangerous, and the opponent's attack could be explored from a corner at any time.

The expected situation did not appear, and the whole competition platform actually blew out of the air, which was condensed by external forces and triggered a vision created by the turbulence of the surrounding space.

A strong pressure condensed in the heart of the wind. Even if I am not at the forefront of the storm, it is still heavy and abnormal. It can be imagined what kind of state Muang is in the competition stage.

"What a domineering force, ordinary people may be directly overwhelmed." Mu Feng was shocked that this pure power was so huge.

A huge golden shadow condensed in the sky, a tsunami-like roar, and a huge golden fist waved directly to Muang below, swallowing mountains and rivers, which was unparalleled.

Under the huge impact force, Muang's body directly crashed out of the competition platform, and his body, which was supposed to fall from the crowd, was catched by a later figure.

The owner of the Mu family took Mu Ang, and then appeared on the competition stage, ordering Mu Feng and Mu Liu to watch the scene here first, and he took Mu Ang down. The faint breath, if it were an ordinary person, might have been destroyed.

"Oh? This year's situation seems to have returned to the grand occasion of a few years ago. The Yan clan is really not simple!" As soon as the competition was over, the mother-in-law appeared in the middle of the competition platform and said.

"The first and second place last year was really an interesting comparison. It should be very interesting!" Mu Feng looked at the two people on the stage and said.

"Yes, it's very strong. Both of them are very strong, but Minglun can't win." Mu Liu said.

Focus battle, the two strongest two of the young generations of the four families, one from darkness and the other from light.

At the beginning of the competition, the continuous blackness enveloped the whole competition platform, and the illusory atmosphere filled the whole arena, and Yanhua's body was submerged in an instant.

Only one breath can be clearly felt on the competition stage, which is Yanhua's. The faint golden color hovered around Yanhua's body. After persisting for a while, Minglun was not in a hurry to launch an attack, and Yan Hua just stood like that and did not take further.

"Puff..." The faint sound of the air breaking the wind came, and the faint aperture was cut open, but it was instantly made up.

"Mirun, haven't you always wanted to see my field? You should know that darkness doesn't have much effect on me at all, although I don't know where you are on the stage. Yan Hua sighed.

"I know it in detail, right? Over the past three years, I have been practicing my skills, hoping to defeat you on this stage." In the dark, the ubiquitous sound spread.

"Yes, that's interesting, but I think the result will disappoint you."

A lightning-like dragon suddenly flashed in the darkness, swimming quickly. Every time it is scratched, a white opening appears. Just shoot at Yanhua in public, very fast, but not unavoidable.

The golden light bloomed in Yanhua's hands, and the lightning that rushed out went straight into the golden one, and disappeared without even a ripple.

"In the dark field, all the qualities of people will be reduced, which is also what the owner told me, but Yanhua is not affected by the power of the field, and I don't know why he has never seen him use his own field. Even if he faced the powerful Minglun last time, isn't it surprising?" Mu Liu introduced.

"Is it not affected by the power of the field? Isn't that a pervert among geniuses?" Mu Feng sighed and replied, but his eyes were staring at the changes on the stage, and he had his future opponents.

"Who said it wasn't..."

The darkness wrapped around the competition platform has not dissipated for a long time.

Suddenly, the originally clear sky darkened, and the whole competition platform was shrouded in black, not pure black.

"Rumble..." The whole central arena seems to be trembling, as if tens of millions of sleeping demons are about to wake up. A white light suddenly sprinkled on the sky, covering the whole competition platform, and the darkness that had been shrouded on the competition platform retreated.

"Heaven and earth!" An ordinary voice came from the high sky, which was Yanhua's voice.

A faint haze shrouded the whole arena, which is the most primitive power. Bathed in this breath, it feels like returning to the most primitive nature.

The hard competition platform comparable to the divine stone collapsed, and the broken competition platform under the white light engulfed away. * It is very powerful, but the effect is only limited to the competition platform.

Yanhua and Minglun lost their bodies at the same time.

For a long time, Yanhua's body slowly rose from the ground, with a blood-stained body on his hands. The opponent was injured and fell into a coma. The result of the competition can be imagined.