Tai Ruins

Chapter 414 Door-to-door

Following a caravan, Mu Feng, Ziyan and Xiaobai have already left Xuanbing City. Quietly immersed in his own small world, his heart is ethereal. Even if it sometimes bumps, Mufeng is still calm.

Half a month's journey is fleeting, and nothing happened along the way. Looking at the three familiar characters "Chiyan City" in front of him, Mu Feng walked towards the city.

"Little guy, what are you going to do next?" Ziyan asked, although Ziyan has always supported Mufeng, he does not know what medicine is sold in Mufeng Gourd.

"Of course, we have gone back to the Yan clan. Aren't we also from there? Sometimes it's better to ask in person. We have this. Mu Feng said and shook the jade pendant he was wearing in front of Ziyan.

"Do you really want to go there now? You know that if you are found out, the consequences will be difficult to estimate." Ziyan looked worried and said.

"It doesn't matter if we meet sooner or later. Now I have the ability to protect myself. In the past, I always have to figure out why it's not what I did, but to make me bear that heavy crime."

Looking at Mu Feng's current state, Ziyan also chose to shut up. I'm afraid that few people in this Chiyan City don't know the land of the Yan clan. It's easy for Mufeng and his party to come to the gate of Yanfu.

With a sneer at the corners of his mouth, Mu Feng walked towards the house. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by two doormen. One of them said, "I don't know what you two are doing when you come to our Yan clan. Do you have an invitation letter?"

"No, I'm from the Yan clan. Why do I still need an invitation letter? Don't blind your dog eyes!" Mu Feng shouted coldly, then took out his jade pendant, shook it under the other party's eyes, and then stepped in.

Seeing a maid in the Yan clan, Mu Feng asked him to take himself to Yan Hua. Seeing that Mu Feng is very kind and a member of the Yan clan, he takes Mu Feng and his party there. Usually, if they don't go out, the direct children of the clan will basically stay in their own martial arts arena and lead Mu Feng to go there.

At the edge of a huge competitive stage, the maid bowed deeply and then left. Looking at the few people in the martial arts arena below, Mu Feng's eyes were fixed on the person resting beside him. The other party was none other than Yan Hua who gave Mu Feng a defeat last time.

Mu Feng smiled indifferently under the silver mask, and then walked to the martial arts arena below. Several people who were originally competing stopped fighting at their hands and looked at the uninvited guest curiously.

In front of Yanhua, Mu Feng stopped and said, "I want to defeat you!"

With very straightforward words, Yan Hua's face couldn't help sinking and said, "Of course there is no problem with the competition, but tell me who you are first? It's a little familiar. We should have seen it before, right?

"Of course, we have seen each other. We used to be familiar with each other, even like brothers, but a sudden change put me into a world of doom, but until today, I'm back!" Under Mu Feng's flat voice, there was a ** trend.

"Then you are...?"

Sneer came from Mu Feng's mouth, and then Mu Feng slowly took the mask. Under the silver mask was a beautiful face and silver eyes. His strength broke through to the realm of martial arts. Without deliberate control, the power of breaking the silver pupils would not retreat.

"You... are Yan Yan? Why are you still alive? It's impossible..." Yan Hua, who had always been calm, finally couldn't hide her inner surprise and lost her voice.

"It's surprising. I came back today. Don't think I don't know what happened back then. Your wrong choice made me fall into a doomed place. Fortunately, heaven has eyes and I'm back!" Mu Feng said and walked to the competition platform.

The black hair is windless and windless, and the heart is surging. I finally waited for this day. Seeing Mu Feng on the stage, the meaning was obvious. Yan Hua also flashed and stood opposite Mu Feng.

"Use your field, and then let me see what progress you have made in so many years. Don't let me down!" Mu Fengyun said lightly, as if he were teaching his younger generation a lesson.

After being reprimanded, the moment of the arrogance that Yanhua has cultivated over the years turned out to collapse. I can't figure out how the Mu Feng, who was beaten down in the past, came back alive.

The sky and the earth are connected into a line at this moment, and the white light falls from the sky, the ground makes a rumble sound, and the sleeping demon wakes up again. Yan Hua took the lead in launching the attack. Somehow, he really wanted to destroy the wind in front of him.

The black void cracks appear in mid-air, and the power of the world is rapidly repairing. Mu Feng's heart sneered, his body flashed, the power of time was launched, the surrounding space was instantly imprisoned, and the flow of time stopped. In a void crack, Mu Feng grabbed it with one hand, and a body was caught out of thin air. Surrounded by the power of time, Yan Hua's body was imprisoned in mid-air.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my Yan clan? There was a thunderous roar in the sky. After hearing the sound, Mu Feng felt a ripple in his mind, and his eyes briefly drifted away on the body of the coming person.

Without the cover of the silver mask, this is the original face of Mufeng. People have obviously seen it, but the body that was about to take action stopped in place. This is a very familiar face, and then a beautiful woman flashed over her body. After seeing the situation on the competition stage, she also cast her eyes.

"Predecessor Ziyan, Xiaobai, let's go!" Mu Feng preached to a man and a beast, and then hated the man above him. The white light shrouded him. Mu Feng grabbed Yanhua's hand but never let go. The space tunnel was opened and the light flashed. Mu Feng's party and Yanhua disappeared without a trace.

"What's wrong? Why don't you chase it?" The beautiful woman asked curiously that it was the powerful energy fluctuations here that attracted them.

"It's okay, I seem to have seen Yan'er just now..." The man said stunned.

"Yan'er? Really? No wonder I have been restless these days, so why didn't he tell us when he came back? The beautiful woman was surprised.

"I'm not very clear. I think everything will be clear when Yan Hua comes back, but the other party is very strong. Yan Hua's power in the field is not his opponent. It seems that he is also a famous genius." As the man said, he flashed the children of the Yan clan on the edge of the competition platform.

Somewhere in the mountains outside Chiyan City, the space was broken, and several figures came out of it. Looking at Yanhua in front of him, Mu Feng let go of his hand and asked, "Yanhua, you framed me that day, so that I was beaten into the lower world. What I want to ask is, where did 'Tai Xuan' go?"

"Tooxuan? I don't know her, and I don't know what you said. Do you know who you are holding hostage now? Yan Hua pretended to be calm and shouted.

"How dare you be so rampant when you die? Why didn't you see the woman you were with before? Where is the family's sacred weapon?"

"She has already left. The day after you were beaten into the lower world, she left. Where do you want me to find her now?" Yan Hua replied.

"Then you always have a way to contact. Since you have collusion, there is always a way to connect in special situations, right?" Mu Feng didn't believe this and then asked.

"What if there is? At that time, you were in the limelight. I hated you and suppressed me everywhere. There happened to be an opportunity for the two of us to reach an agreement. She wanted the sacred artifact of our clan, and you would be disposed of. To be honest, I was surprised that I didn't choose to kill you at the beginning.

"Sure enough, it's really you. It's time to sanction! Then tell me where she is?" Mu Feng said coldly, and then his arm directly penetrated Yanhua's body, and a large mouth of pale golden blood spewed out of his mouth.

"It's ridiculous. Why did you blame me for telling her the storage of the family's sacred weapons!"