Peach Blossom

Chapter 81 Wounded passers-by

The trees are lush, the mountain roads are tortuous, the scenery is deep, and the flowing water is jingling. She quietly wants to drive away the ups and downs of her heart with elegance and tranquility. Suddenly, a kingfisher flew by, couldn't help but be shocked, sighed, and moved to walk. There was a faint sound of flute curling out from the depths, returning, soft, soothing and sad, like stepping on the snow without trace, fragrant the winding road of the heart.

The mountain wind gently brushed her green silk, wisp by wisp, bitter and ruthless.

Following the sound of the flute, a man in blue stood by the stream, and the voice came out of his lips. He squatted down with a white cat in the hem of his clothes, and was calm and comfortable.

She wanted to leave, but she couldn't help moving forward silently, standing quietly not far away, listening--

The sound of the flute seems to have unspeakable sadness and sadness, flowing out with the veins of the mountain wind, lingering and mourning, arousing the sadness hidden in the depths of the heart.

The sound of the flute sobbed, leaving only the sound of gurgling water and the sound of the gentle wind. He stroked Xiao and sighed leisurely. He couldn't ignore her. She was his abyss. After he fell, he could only look up from ten feet to find the glimmer of light.

"What do you like about her?" She asked quietly.

Jiang Che's body stagnated, and the sadness in his eyes disappeared when he slowly turned around. A white dress came into his eyes. He frowned very lightly, tightened his hand holding the flute, and stepped past her.

"You don't want to tell me?"

The cyan clothes were slightly raised, and he said lightly, "Why do you have to ask the reason? There are some things in the world that are very strange. When you meet someone, it may be fate that you can't get rid of!"

"Fate?! Maybe it's really fate!" Yin Hanxuan smiled bitterly, and his heart was desolate, and his body fell weakly.

When she woke up quietly, she was already in the quiet room, waiting in front of the bed.

She gently rubbed her forehead and sighed, "This body bone is going to be useless!"

Wenlu and Yingshuang were busy persuading them and briefly mentioned Jiang Che's return to the quiet room behind her back.

Yin Hanxuan closed his eyes. Why is the person around him not him when he is lost and helpless? When she gave herself to him completely, he left her gracefully. It turns out that men really need to pay attention to their words. What kind of situation is she in now?

She got up grievely, reprimanded Wenlu and Yingshuang, and walked alone.

He raised his hand and stroked the tree trunk, as if he saw his tenderness again, and a tear slipped down: "Are you really so ruthless?"

He gently wrapped his waist from behind and put his chin against her head: "I also want to be so ruthless, but I can't do it for you!"

Yin Hanxuan choked and broke away from his hand: "I don't want to see you again!"

Xiahou Song took two steps to lock her in his arms, covered her thin lips, and gradually melted her. She wants to escape, but she can't escape after all. She thinks that if it hurts, let her pain incisively and vividly!


He took a sip of tea: "I don't know if the Prime Minister took the trouble to go to Bici Temple to see me?"

Yin Zhengliang brushed his beard and sighed, "Why haven't you left Kyoto?"

"Sometimes leaving doesn't mean giving up. If you don't let go, it's all in one thought. If you let go, everything will be free!"

Yin Zhengliang got up, put his hands behind his back, and looked at the top of the sycamore tree: "I don't deny that you are a very rare gentleman, but she has her fate, and she has her doom!"

Jiang Che exhaled faintly: "As long as she is happy, I have no regrets!"

He shook his head: "The love is so hurtful that I can't touch it. For a long time, some people have something that people don't want to forget. Now she is the princess. If you can put it down, put it down. You should know what choice is the best for her!"

Jiang Che looked down at the orange and yellow thick tea soup, and astringent smile appeared on the corners of his lips. She always made him choose a dilemma, like a burst of fire, swept by, and he had nothing left.

"I've always heard that your chess skills are good. I wonder if you can play a game of chess with me?"

"Please give me some advice!"

In the east wing courtyard, the two sat at the stone table and met their opponents. They played a game of chess all afternoon, but they had not yet won or lost.

Yin Zhengliang narrowed his eyes slightly, playing chess, paying attention to the layout, looking at the overall situation and attacking the heart, and he, a young man, did it. He is not a thing in the pool. If he obeys, he will be a good commander of the Xi Dynasty, and if he is rebellious, he will decline.

"Have you ever wanted to be an official?"

"The fun of mountains and rivers, the fun of cloud travel!"

Yin Zhengliang smiled and stopped talking. He staleed again. He looked at Jiang Che thoughtfully and left the Bici Temple.


"Master!" Zhao Shuhui called sadly.

He hummed faintly and was about to change his clothes. He caught a glimpse of Zhao Shuhui's solemn face and frowned slightly: "Madam, what are you worried about?"

Zhao Shuhui sighed: "Sir, these days, Hanxuan is getting more and more wrong. Today, he sneaked out of the house again."

Yin Zhengliang changed his clothes and said, "Today I went to Bici Temple. I heard from the little master in the temple that Hanxuan went to Bici Temple in the morning to pay incense, and while he fainted in the forest. Madam, just pay more attention!"

"Master, I'm worried that she secretly went to see the prince. Is it okay to go on like this?"

Yin Zhengliang frowned and sat down: "She really doesn't let people live! I'll talk to her."

He went out of the room and passed through the corridor. Before he arrived at the dust yard, he had heard the cold sound of the piano. He sighed deeply and followed the sound of the piano.

There was only a weak lamp in the room, and Yin Han sat next to the window. With the moonlight, his delicate jade fingers plucked the strings, and the sound of the piano poured out like clouds and flowing water--

He stood at the door, as if he saw a woman in white coming towards him, smiling softly, calling his name softly, and his eyes wandered away.

The sound of the piano has long been still, and he is fond of the past.

"Does Dad think this song is very familiar?" She asked softly and sighed, "Dad will never forget this song in his life!"

Yin Zhengliang closed his eyes slightly and tapped his head: "It's her favorite song!"

"Does Dad regret having her as his concubine?"

Seeing that Yin Zhengliang was silent, Yin Hanxuan smiled and said, "Actually, I have always liked her very much. Her talent and temperament always make people linger. She is very gentle and kind. When I was a child, I liked to listen to her play the piano very much. Her sound was so beautiful that it broke my heart. The first song she taught me was this one. My mother didn't let me learn to play the piano from her, so I secretly went to learn from her. She always shook her head with a smile and looked at me softly and said, "You child!" At that time, I naively thought she was my mother! She always tries her best to meet all my reasonable requirements, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. As long as I want to learn, she teaches me!"

She closed her eyes and smiled lightly: "Dad has never regretted his choice, has he? Dad actually hurts to spin, but he is more and more afraid to see Punxuan, because Dad can't help thinking of her when he sees the swing, especially those eyes, which are very similar and similar.

Yin Zhengliang sighed: "You want to tell Dad that you don't regret your choice, right? Dad just doesn't want you to suffer any grievances. Since you are determined to do so, Dad won't say more. I hope you won't regret your choice like Dad!"


I still remember that a few peach trees cover her delicate body, a few pink petals float on her long love, and the white clothes like a neon in the sky, like a fairy coming out of the peach blossoms, ethereal, dusty and untouched. She sat quietly under the quiet peach tree, turning her fingers and stroking the touching and soft music.

Yin Zhengliang looked at the tombstone and sighed for a long time: "Yan'er, they have grown up. They have a lot of their own ideas and ideas. I really can't do nothing."

"Although Xiaoting is ready to get married, it can finally fulfill my wish for many years, but it makes me more worried. He and Pianxuan--" He sighed: "Their brother and sister always make me haggard. I just hope everything goes well. I've always been afraid that you will blame me and blame me for breaking up her and Jiang Che, but how can everything in the world be as I wish? The imperial power is like heaven, and there is nothing we can do! If Jiang Che hadn't been forced away at the beginning, would he have lost more than one or two lives?

"Now Piaoxuan is also peaceful and beautiful in the royal palace. If she can achieve good results, I have nothing else to ask for! I'm afraid that only in the king's mansion can suppress her, otherwise, the world will not be turned upside down by her?

"Hanxuan is more and more reassuring. She can't listen to any advice. She insists on doing so, so let her do as she wants! I just hope that her cleverness will not mislead her!"