Peach Blossom

Chapter 11 There is nothing to defend

Outside the capital of Ruimu, the smoke was diffused, the voices were noisy, and the strong smell of blood overflowed in the air for a long time.

Another group of injured soldiers were brought back. He frowned coldly and said in a low voice, "How many casualties?"

Waiting for a military division to turn over the record in his hand and replied respectfully, "Your Highness, so far, 10,000 have been killed and 20,000 have been injured."

The two fists hit the table fiercely, and the table cracked in response. Zong Chenghuan said angrily, "Didn't you say that Rui Mouguo is only 20,000 troops? For hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers who have been slow to take a city, and so many soldiers have been killed and injured?"

The military division secretly sweated coldly and was frightened: "Your Highness, although the other party has few soldiers and horses, I don't know who is guarding the city. The strategy seems to be messy and has no rules, but it is always unexpected. Stone smashing, burning, arrow attack, thick smoke, lime powder, everything, even chili water, and an unknown powder. As long as it is stained with skin, itching is unbearable, our army seems to be in a maze and confused, so the casualties are so big!"

He looked coldly: "How capable is a Rui Mou country? The whole army was ordered to attack with all its strength and break through the capital of Ruimu in three days.

The military division responded urgently and hurried out of the camp.

"Slow--" He stopped the military division: "You Ge, go with the military division, select some people and horses, and capture a few soldiers from Rui Mou. I want to know who is directing the battle."

"Yes!" You Geli went with the military division.

He was bored for a while, and his cold face came out of the tent, followed Xiang Xue closely.

In front of the medical tent, the wounded soldiers were congested, howling and chanting. They caught a glimpse of him coming coldly and quietly, and could only faintly hear some very light inhalation. His face darkened, and 100,000 elite soldiers could not resist the mob of Rui Mouguo. It was simply a big joke, which would make people laugh at all over the world. Sharp eyes swept over the injured soldier, frowned and just took a few steps. A soldier couldn't help the itch on his body and fell to the ground and rolled. Then, two, three, more than a dozen--

Zongcheng's eyes were cold: "What on earth is going on?"

The military doctor knelt down tremblingly and replied, "They thought they were in some powder, so it was unbearable."

He shouted coldly: "What kind of powder is it? Why don't you think of something quickly?"

The military doctor swallowed: "Your Highness Huiyi King, I don't know what the small powder is. There is nothing I can do."

"Three promiscuous measures!" There was a cold murderous intention in his eyes, and he snorted coldly.


"God helps me too!" Luo Yiyang was overjoyed and repeatedly bowed his hands to thank him: "You are simply the great benefactors of my Ruimou Kingdom. Thanks to your good policies, these people have greatly frustrated the army of Didan Kingdom!"

Jiang Che and several people looked at each other and only smiled faintly. They knew in each other's hearts that they were just procrastinating time. As long as Di Dan's army was tough and tough to attack, the city would be broken.

A few days ago, they wandered among the people and fell into the desolation of waiting. Instead of being passive, it was better to take the initiative to attack and make suggestions to send Luo Yiyang a wonderful plan. Although several people do not have a good experience of marching and fighting, it is precisely because of this that their disorderly law can often strike the enemy. Yin Phan was even more generous with the ecstasy he carried with him. He also configured some of the doctor according to the prescription, which made the siege soldiers unbearable, and Yin Hanxuan's pepper water also exerted a lot of strength.

Luo Yiyang thanked and did not stay much. He returned to the tower to prevent the enemy raid.

Jiang Che looked at her back and sighed, "That's all we can do."

Yin Pianxuan nodded: "At least they have fought hard and have no regrets. General Luo is really a hero. Her name will be passed down to future generations for admiration. I hope God can take care of them.

He took her hand, and there was a strong tacit understanding in their eyes. Yin Hanxuan hummed sourly and softly: "Ask Green, find something to eat to fill your stomach."

Several people walked around the street, and the people ran around. They didn't have much interest. They only found a small shop and asked for a few scallion pancakes to eat, which was considered dinner.

Yin Hanxuan has been hungry for a while. He ate deliciously and wanted to praise him, but he was worried that Yin Piaoxuan would laugh, so he could only eat sully.

Rao's physical exhaustion was a little. Yin Pianxuan was unambiguous. She ate three pancakes and was satisfied with the separation. Jiang Che saw her appearance and shook his head slightly. In the past few days, she was busy configuring some medicine. She almost forgot that she was pregnant and stopped shouting that she didn't want to have children. She was really relieved for him first.

At night, several people did not return to the general's mansion, but found a dilapidated inn and asked for two rooms to rest, more or less looking forward to this matter earlier.



She stepped into the dull palace hall. Luo Yin raised his head from the dark table. At less than half a hundred years old, his temples had a lot of white hair, and his old voice sounded: "Yiyang is back?"

She nodded: "Yes! It's late at night, won't your father rest?"

Luo Yin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Now can the lonely king sleep easily? 100,000 troops and soldiers are under the city. They are poorer than our national strength, and they are finally outnumbered."

"Father, I will definitely lead the soldiers to fight to the death!" She said calmly.

Luo Yin got up slowly and carried his back with his hands on his back: "Yiyang, I have wronged you. Your brother died early, and the royal clan is cowardly. You, a woman, take on the responsibility of a man, leading the army to fight and charge into battle."

He sighed: "I have run out of national energy and energy!"

"How can the father grow the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige? The child vowed to lead the generals and soldiers to fight against Didan to the end!"

He nodded with admiration: "You are the proudest daughter of my father in his life. My father only wants you to promise one thing!"

"Father, please speak!"

"Nothing can be forced. Those who obey will prosper will die. My father only wants you to leave a little blood for our family! You said that whether your father is selfish or not, this is your father's last expectation. Can you understand your father's painstaking efforts?


Luo Yin waved his hand: "Go, go, take care!"

Luo Yiyang withdrew from the hall, cleaned up his low thoughts, and ran to the city wall with a brid face.


You Ge tied two prisoners of war and stood outside the camp to meet. He coldly announced that You Ge went in.

You Ge arched his hand: "Your Highness, I captured two soldiers of Rui Mou, and only the general named Luo Yiyang was commanded in the city."

He tightened his eyebrows slightly: "Luo Yiyang?! Did he also use those obsirable means?

You Ge hesitated for a moment: "My subordinates are also suspicious and forced the two to confess. They learned that several broken men have appeared frequently on the wall in recent days. One of them has a medicine in his hand. It is said that the name of this medicine is called ecstasy. As long as it is stained with skin, it is painful and unbearable, and there is no antidote."

She paused for a moment: "Moreover, it is said that Luo Yiyang has ordered the doctor in the city to make every effort to make a ecstasy."

"Ecstasy?! I have to smash that man to pieces and make him ecstasy!" He snorted coldly and ordered in a low voice, "The drums gather the army, and I will personally lead the army to attack the city!"

"Yes!" You Ge was ordered to leave the camp.

The sound of horns and drums sounded in my ears. Xiang Xue hurriedly took his armor and carefully put it on for him. Wearing armor, his posture was more majestic and straight, and his handsome face was domineering and cold. The long sword he was holding came out of the camp, and several vice generals followed him left and right.

Zongcheng Huan calmly ordered the soldiers to divide into two ways. Three generals led 40,000 troops to attack the front gate and led 30,000 troops to attack the south gate. He calmly turned over the jujube red horse and made a gesture to move forward towards the gathered army. The soldiers shouted, which was deafening.

Detouring the south gate, he awe-inspiringly ordered the soldiers to hit the gate with giant wood and set up a ladder to climb the city wall at the same time.

The defense of the South Gate was weak. Under the strong attack, within two hours, the gate was broken, and the army rushed straight into the city. The people rushed around, and the soldiers quickly occupied the streets and alleys. In a moment, the army gathered back and forth, the front gate broke, and tens of thousands of troops quickly occupied the King's Palace.