Peach Blossom

Chapter 62 The heart is bitter

He slowly got up from the bed and walked slowly to the window. He was as deep as night in black. He put his hands behind him and looked out of the window. In the courtyard, the locust trees were dotted with white flowers and fluttering red ribbons. Just like she lived in Yun Yuexuan, he gave Yun Yuexuan, so he compromised and lost his heart.

I haven't seen her for a year, and she has really lost a lot. The robe of a waiter is not conspicuous. If it hadn't been for their intimate hug, he might not have dared to be sure that it was her.

She turned around, and her eyes seemed to be looking at a stranger. She was strange and really strange. Even that smile was strange. It was because of Yin Xiaoting, so her smile was less glaring, or her smile was only for others, not for him?

The second day after waking up with a high fever, he heard the rebellious words she said while staying in the house. Those words made him really sure that she was her. Only she dared and only she could say so. However, after all, she is ruthless. As she said, what is a royal palace in her eyes?

For her, he ran all the way back to Beijing and got a scar in his sword, but he saw her and another man Wenchun, and his heart was severely frustrated.

A slight footstep sounded, and Lin Wan came in with a bowl of medicine: "Your Majesty, drink the medicine!"

"Take it out!"

Her hand trembled and didn't say a word. She went back and retreated directly with the medicine bowl. After a while, she walked into the room with a dress in her hand: "Your Majesty, go find her!"

Xia Houchen's throat knot moved, turned around silently, and his eyes fell on the brocade clothes in her hand, and his gloomy face did not fluctuate at all.

Lin Wan took a soft breath: "The matter of the second son is a big blow to her. She is drunk every day, and no one can persuade her. Just like being gob out her heart, her pain is not something that others can feel. Since the second son left, she has never worn a red coat, white, chokingly and sadly white. I think she is like a drowning child. In the wilderness, she has no direction, only despair. Yes, she came back, but it's not her. I hope the prince can bring the original one back.

She paused and continued, "I don't know why she is in the palace, but I believe she must have her reasons. And what I'm more sure is that if the prince doesn't let her know what the prince's mind is, she will never know and will never return to the prince!"

She gently put down the brocade in her hand and quietly retreated. Yes, she can't bear to see his pain, and she has always been able to fulfill his feelings with her without regrets.


"Chengxiang Hall?!" She looked up and blinked twice: "Shunlu, why did you bring me here? Is His Royal Highness in there?

Shunlu swallowed his saliva and nodded: "Go in!"

Although Yin Pianxuan had doubts, she still lifted her robe and stepped into the threshold. Behind her, the door of the Golden Hall was closed with a "squeak". There was a trace of tremor in her heart. Seeing the empty and coldness in the courtyard, she settled down. She took a few steps forward and called a few times: "Your Highness!"

Without hearing Xiahouze's answer, she boldly entered the hall. She was plain and quieter. She paused in the hall, turned her eyes a few times, and secretly said that it was inappropriate. She took two steps back. Before she had time to pull out her legs to escape, a pair of arms had tightly wrapped around her waist from behind her back, and suddenly pulled her around and rudely cling to his body. Under the unexpected pressure of her lips, she kissed her red lips impatiently and urgently. The tip of her deep tongue was fierce and domineering, and she didn't have time to react that her head was dizzy.

She widened her eyes and raised her hand against his chest with difficulty. Her refusal was useless, but made the two closer. What she should know was that her resistance was never useful in front of him.

In his mouth, she tasted the bitter taste of medicine. Yes, she heard that after returning to the royal palace, he was seriously injured and had a high fever and lay down for three days. The bitter taste of the medicine seduced her tears.

His palm moved to his chest, dissatisfied with the tightly wrapped touch. His handsome eyebrows twisted, and his hands pulled away her robe. Despite her panic to stop him, he pulled off the white cloth wrapped in his chest and covered it with a thick cocoon palm.

"You'd better not resist!" He was very dissatisfied with her reaction and said coldly.

She was stunned. The early autumn day was as hot as summer, but she felt cold, bone coldness, and her body trembled.

Feel her abnormality, and a trace of tenderness flashed at the bottom of her eyes. Xia Houchen slowly stopped all the invaders, held her deeper in his arms, gently stroked her back with one palm, gently rubbed her ears with his chin, and then slowly spit out a sentence in her ear as if summoning courage: "Come back to me, okay?"

There are many stinging words, but once he stands in front of her, he can't say a word. He just wants to prove her existence, soothe her dry heart and relieve the suffering.

I clearly feel the sharp ups and downs of his chest. She has the impulse to sneer. A year is not long, but it is enough to change many things, and she will no longer be a poor pawn at the mercy of others. She can't help coming and going. Whether there is a block or a pursuer behind, she can only decide her own position. Set and decide her direction. Even if she finally wants to disarm and surrender, she can only kneel willingly.

For a long time, he didn't see any movement from her. He picked up her face obscurely and looked deeply at her eyes. Her eyes were as pure and clear as ever. He couldn't draw a trace of emotion. His throat rolled for a moment and called tentatively: "Pair?"

Yin Piaoxuan just looked at him like that. He was strange and familiar, and Huang Qing's face had no expression.

Her heart sank rapidly, as if she called out someone else's name. She was indifferent. She really didn't care. Her voice was extremely desolate for a moment: "Pair, what do you want me to do? Tell me, I follow you!"

"If Prince Yu has nothing to order, the little one will leave!" She swept away his hand indifferently and lowered her head to tidy up her robe.

Xia Houchen smiled bitterly. How could she be so careless and how could she be so disdainful of his feelings?

Yin Pianxuan waved his sleeves, glanced at him and bowed: "The little one is leaving!"

She walked past him, and the ending and process were all over. Why bothering him again?

The hands clenched their fists, the blue veins suddenly appeared, and the voice finally tore out: "Yes, I was moved by you. I was moved very early, but I didn't dare to admit it. I was afraid that others would laugh and see it clearly. I will only pitifully deceive myself, sadly find your shadow from others, and do those inexplicable things to disguise myself. If this is your punishment for me, then there should be a deadline for this heartbreaking torture. You can't torture me endlessly!"

It turned out that the injury could be so openly covered up. She smiled coldly and turned back: "Thank you for your kindness, but I only hate and have no affection for you! Prince Yu's deep affection is left to your wives. Don't trample on my self-esteem again and again and again desphem my only little pride.

Xia Houchen looked at her back when she turned around and resolutely left. His eyes were sore, but his heart no longer felt pain. It didn't hurt at all. It was frozen and numb.


"What? Is the royal brother here to show off or laugh at me? He sneered coldly.

Xiahouze pulled the corners of his mouth obscurely. People from the king's mansion secretly spread Shunlu. He knew it, but he did not stop it. Xia Houchen would see her again. He pretended not to know, but he was very contradictory and contradicted her going or staying.

However, she stayed with him for the clearest purpose and had nothing to do with anything else.

"Fourth brother, spin her--" He sighed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xia Houchen snorted, walked past him coldly, and paused: "Brother, are you satisfied with seeing this result? Please don't forget that Yin Piaoxuan is the princess. Please pay attention to your identity!"

"Princess Yu has someone else!" Xiahou Ze blurted out.

He slowly turned around, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said word by word, "The princess also has another person!"

Looking at each other quietly, no one made a sound again. The same fact, the same result. For a long time, Xiahou Ze smiled with difficulty and walked out of the Chengxiang Hall without leaving a word.

Is he and he going to start a battle? Or it has already started, and now there is no way to escape. There will always be a day, maybe not just because of her.


"Cheng'er returns to Chengxiang Hall?" He frowned puzzled and looked sideways at You Hui: "The prince also went to Chengxiang Hall?"

You replied affirmatively.

"What's going on?" The emperor brushed his beard and meditated: "Chen Erfu couldn't wait to go straight to the East Palace when he returned to Beijing. Now the two brothers have gone to the Chengxiang Hall together. What's the reason? You Hui, tell me!"

"I don't know!" You Hui didn't think much and replied carefully. He has always been the most unwise to judge the emperor's son in front of the emperor. He will not.

The emperor stared at him, hummed, and meditated: "In my opinion, it's nothing more than because of Yin Xuan!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

He sighed faintly: "You Hui, but there is news about Yin Piaoxuan. I want to see her!"

"The little one has made people go to inquire about Yin Panxuan's news!"