Peach Blossom

Chapter 66 Nine Deaths

King Yu was assassinated in the imperial temple, and the assassin was nowhere to be found. The news swept through the palace in an instant, and the night was destined to be a quiet night. The palace guards went back and forth looking for assassins. Two hours later, the news from the Imperial Hospital, King Yu's death, and the emperor was furious. He urgently called the left and right Yu Linwei to thoroughly search the palace and vowed to capture the assassin, but until dawn, the assassin still had no trace.

When he was introduced into the palace early in the morning, Yin Zhengliang was in a cold sweat. He didn't need to guess who the assassin was. Seeing Xia Houze's uncertain appearance, his feet were weak. He should not have promised her that he should not let her enter the palace. At the beginning, she was only worried that she would impulsively go to Xiahou Song for revenge, so she found such an excuse to persuade her to enter the palace. Who would have thought that by mistake, she really met her? If she really has a long time, how can she face to meet her under the nine springs?

"She is injured here and has been passed on to Dr. Chen." Xia Houze's voice was a little hoarse. If he hadn't let Mo Qinghan follow her, save her and take her away at the critical moment, the dagger would have killed her, and unconsciously scolded himself secretly. He should have thought that since she was determined to revenge, she had never thought of leaving alive. She prepared everything, but she didn't think about a way out.

"Your Highness!" His heart finally settled: "Doctor Chen--"

"Don't worry, Dr. Chen is a trustworthy person, and the only plan now is to think of a comprehensive way to hide people's eyes and ears." She sneaked into the palace, and now it is not easy to leave the palace openly.

Yin Zhengliang pondered for a moment, lifted her robe and knelt down: "Your Highness, it is absolutely impossible for her to leave the palace in such a situation. I beg Your Highness to keep her in the East Palace and plan when she is healed!"

Xia Houze took a deep breath and nodded. Anyway, he would do his best to protect her.

Yin Zhengliang stayed for a moment and left the East Palace at ease when he saw her unimped. As soon as he left, the searched Yulinwei's back foot came again.

"Your Highness, the last general will search the East Palace with the imperial edict and capture the assassin!" Yu Linwei's leader Wei Qingjian saluted respectfully.

Xiahou Ze sat down leisurely and glanced at Wei Qingjian: "How can I disobey my father's will? How about starting the search from His Highness's Guangtian Hall?

"Your Highness, the last general is just acting according to the order, please--"

Xia Houze waved his hand to stop him: "The duty of Commander Wei, don't worry too much, please!"

"Thank you for your success!" Wei Qingjian arched his hand and made a gesture, and Yu Linwei brushed in.

"Slow--" Xia Houze suddenly stopped it.

Lin Wei quickly stopped, and Wei Qingjian looked at him doubtfully: "Your Highness--"

He smiled faintly: "I forgot to inform Commander Wei. There is a beautiful woman sleeping in the inner hall. Please move gently."

Wei Qingjian coughed dryly and said in a low voice, "Your Highness's words can be heard clearly. Be careful for me!"

Yulin Wei's jaws, two people and a line, were searched everywhere.

Xiahouze entered the inner hall quietly, walked close to the bedside, and glanced back at Wei Qingjian, who led several bodyguards: " Commander Wei, do you want to search my highness's bed carefully?"

Wei Qingjian swallowed and glanced at the bed. Half of the bright shoulders were slightly exposed under the brocade, blushed, hurriedly looked around the inner hall, and hurriedly withdrew.

Hearing the footsteps go away, Xia Houze breathed a sigh of relief, gently lifted the brocade quilt, and gently brushed the wound on her chest with his fingers. It was only a little deeper. Going down, even the immortals could not save her. He expected that the search would not let go of the East Palace. He had changed back her into women's clothing for a long time, at least for a while, but it was called late yesterday. Dr. Chen, if it spreads, I'm afraid there's something wrong with it. I sighed again without thinking about it.


"Who do you think will assassinate the king?" Wen Jiyao glanced at his expressionless face and asked faintly. Seeing that Xia Houchen had not squeaked for a long time, he said to himself, "The assassin is really brave, and he is quite able to go to the imperial temple to assassinate the king, and then disappeared without a trace, which impressed me very much. However, General Ben doubts whether the assassin has escaped safely or has been poisoned, but his identity has been destroyed?

The last sentence was clearly pointed out. Xia Houchen's eyebrows jumped, and his bottomless eyes flashed with waves, and wisps of clues pointed to her. With the affection between her and Yin Xiaoting, once she knew who did it, how could he easily stop? Thinking of this, her heart was excited. If so, then she went to the palace just for revenge, and if she revenged, then what is she doing now? Is she injured? Thinking of this, his face darkened again, his eyebrows were locked, and his heart collapsed nervously. He got up, stagnated for a while, and sat down again. He couldn't go to the East Palace. He could only pretend to be nothing happened. Now any impulsive behavior will bring disaster to her.

He can only believe that she will be fine.

Wen Jiyao shook his head secretly. How could his expression be hidden from him? On the surface, he couldn't let go of his heart and exhaled slightly. He changed the topic: "When I was reviewing the staff of King Yu, they also confessed that there was a man named Guan Xiuyun under the command of King Yu, which severely damaged Yin Xiaoting to attract Yin Huan to return to Beijing and return to Beijing. It was his idea to ambush and attack you on the road, and it was all done by him, but strangely, when the king forced the palace that day, he suddenly disappeared. In my opinion, this man is not simple. He must have a big backer behind him. I have made a comprehensive search for his whereabouts!"

Xia Houchen frowned and asked, "Who do you think the backer will be?"

"It's hard to say, but I think this person is very intacit. He is so accurate at every step that I can't help but remind me of Habi and his relatives that day. Maybe there is a secret relationship between these things that we don't know!"

Well, Xiahou Chen answered faintly, and his eyes gathered a dangerous light. Guan Xiuyun, you will regret what you have done. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you know about the Fengyi clan?"

"Fengyi clan?!" Wen Jiyao smiled and said, "One day in the early morning, a minister once mentioned the folk songs circulating in the world, talking about the Fengyi clan. But it's just nonsense!"

He moved his lips, hesitated for a moment, and finally thought about what happened in Xiyue that day.

"It's no wonder you want to thoroughly investigate your life!" Wen Jiyao smiled deeply and sighed: "But I don't think it's unreasonable. She is a woman who confuses the world and destroys the world. Even the cold prince of the Jin Dynasty is deeply trapped in it. Such a woman is really terrible. It's better to kill her, so that the world will not die because of her, kill it well, kill it well-"

He ignored Xiahou Chen's dark face, shook his head, muttered words, and left leisurely.


"Your Majesty!" A crescent satin skirt came. She stepped forward and carefully observed his face. Fang Wenran said, "Your Majesty, the princess has returned to Kyoto. Please take the princess back to your house!" If the concubine embarrass the prince, the prince doesn't have to worry!"

Xia Houchen looked at her admiringly: "Manyao, except Wan'er, you are the most important person!"

"What the prince cares about, what the prince wants, as long as my concubine can do it, I have no regrets!" Seeing that his face softened a little, she smiled lightly, sighed very gently, and swallowed, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for saying more. A Zhu has been pregnant for several months. Will you consider it--"

When she caught a glimpse of his face slightly twisted, she paused: "When the princess returned to the palace last time, she almost had a misunderstanding. You might as well--"

"I have my own moderation in this matter. You go first!"

Man Yao left quietly, and a smile overflowed from the bottom of her eyes. What she could be sure of was that he would never take Azhu as his wife. The answer to his tightened fist has been revealed. He tried his best to welcome Yin Pian to return home. How could he allow some disturbances at this juncture? Moreover, Yin Piaoxuan really doesn't like A Zhu, so he said such cruel words on that day. A Zhu, you can't blame me. If you blame Yin Piaoxuan, she doesn't like you, and if he wants Yin Piaoxuan, he won't choose to want you, even if you say that you have his flesh and blood!

Xiahou Chen called Shi Yan and ordered in a low voice, "Shi Yan, send someone to check the identity of that A Zhu!"

Shi Yan's head answered and was about to leave. Suddenly, Xia Houchen added, "I want to know whether the child she is pregnant with is me or not!"

Shi Yan was stunned. As soon as he came to his senses, he had strode away.