Peach Blossom

Chapter 93 There is nowhere to escape

"Piaoxuan, you are out of the palace!" From Liu hugged her excitedly and said happily, "How do we still want to save you?" How about it? Have they made things difficult for you again? How did you get out of the palace?

She said briefly in a low voice. Yun Niang's expression became solemn and hurriedly said, "No shadow, go and prepare the horse quickly. You leave Luojing immediately!"

No shadow nodded and hurried out of the room.

"From Liu, you go clean up and go with them!"

From Liu looked at her doubtfully and called out puzzled: "Big head--"

Yun Niang said seriously, "If you want to leave, just leave Kyoto!"

Yin Phan frowned: "What about you?"

"I will get rid of the Yanyufang as soon as possible, and then I will come to you!"

From Liu hesitating for a moment, he nodded heavily: "Okay, I'll go and clean it up!"

For a moment, the three rode straight out of the city. Yun Niang looked at the long street. The bustling street no longer had their backs. She smiled faintly: Let's go, don't come back after leaving. Live the life you want to live freely and happily, stay with the people you love for a lifetime, and spend a lifetime with the people you love. I have nothing else to ask for.

"Chun'er, prepare the incense candle ingot, I'm going to sacrifice the grave!"


She stroked the name on the tombstone and sighed: "Sister, Piaoxuan has left Kyoto, and from Liu, they will never come back. You should bless them well, let them be a happy man, and let them live a happy life. I didn't tell Piaoxuan that from Liu was her own sister, and from Liu didn't let her. She didn't want to let Piaoxuan have any burden. That's it. Some past events are buried in the past, and we only look forward to tomorrow. That's good for them."

"I will stay in Kyoto and continue to investigate the bloody case of Xiaojiabao. If the culprit is really Xiahou Mian, I vow to kill him and sacrifice more than 180 souls of Xiaojiabao with his blood. I didn't tell Congyu or Piaoxuan that they have experienced too much. I don't want to attach these blood debts and pains to them again, so that they can forget their hatred, scars and be happy!"

She clenched her fists. After Xiahou Mian was sent to prison for leading troops to besiege the palace boudoir and plotting to besiege the palace, she received a letter directly pointing out that Xiahou Mian was the culprit of the blood case of Xiaojiabao. Although no one knew her identity and knew about Xiaojiabao, it was no longer important. The only important thing was the blood debt of Xiaojiabao. She will definitely return it. Once she confirms it, she will kill him and kill him with her own hands!

"Liu is the daughter of our Xiao family. Unlike him, if you see her, you will also be happy. After all, she is blood. When she first met, she is like a sister. She is just an innocent person. I can't let her bear the sins committed by others! But I will calculate Xiahou Mian's blood debt with him!"

"Who are you?" Yin Zhengliang looked at the plain woman squatting and burning paper money inexplicably and wondered who was worshipping her.

Yun Niang hesitated for a moment, stood up with her knees in her hand, turned around quietly, and said plainly, "It's me!"

"Why is it you?" Yin Zhengliang couldn't help breathing cold air.

She lowered her eyes silently. At this point, she didn't need to hide it. She smiled and said quietly, "I'm coming to worship my sister. Please bless her!"

Sister?! Yin Zhengliang's head rumbled and stepped back two steps, staring at her face: "You, are you Xiao Yiyun?"

She tapped her head and affirmed her identity.

After a moment of confusion, he was relieved. He muttered, "So that's it, that's it!"


Yin Zhengliang returned to the warm fragrance hall and was almost dumbfounded. The door of the warm fragrance hall was pasted with seals.

"Your Excellency!" Shi Yan on Hou Li's side came forward and arched his hand: "The emperor called you to enter the palace immediately!"

He adjusted his mood very quickly. What should come will always come. He can't avoid it. He restrained his clothes and followed Shi Yan to the palace awe-inspiringly. Before entering the palace gate, he asked, "Has the emperor also sealed the Yanyufang?"

Shi Yan was silent, and the warm incense hall has been closed, not to mention the Yanyufang?

Yin Zhengliang shook his head slightly and was speechless. When he arrived at the holy driver, he saw three people bowing their heads and kneeling. It was Xiahou Yu, Xiahou Qi and Biyun. He lifted his robe and bent his knees and knelt down: "Old minister, see the emperor!"

Xia Houchen glanced at him coldly and didn't say a word. He looked at the way angrily but hurt. She chose to escape again. Doesn't she want to stay with him? I felt that a hole in my chest was dug alive, which was bottomless and painful. It turned out that nothing could go back.

Past?! He smiled bitterly. Maybe he and she had never had a past. She was not disdainful of everything, but that she was ruthless to him at all. What made him more desperate was that it was not that she hated him, not that she was ruthless to him, but that she wanted to leave him. He has always been so persistent that even if she is ruthless to him, he will let her stay with him forever. To suffer, then suffer together, suffer together, then suffer together.

The afternoon sun was bright and warm, with a slight coolness. The four people kneeling in the Yujingyuan felt the toxicity of the sun. An hour later, Yin Zhengliang sighed deeply and said, "Your Majesty, the old minister is old, and when his beloved son dies, I specially ask the emperor to allow the old minister to resign and return to the field and take the little daughter back to his hometown. , have a peaceful old age!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. Xia Houyu looked at him sideways and whispered: "Mr. Prime Minister--"

Xiahou Chen's eyes darkened and snorted coldly: "Since this is the Prime Minister's will, I will play it!"

"Brother--" Xia Houyu and Xia Houqi exclaimed.

Yin Zhengliang kowtowed heavily: "Thank you for your success!"

When he caught a glimpse of several people coming slowly in the distance, Xia Houchen made up for it slowly: "I don't know who the Prime Minister wants to take back to his hometown, but one person must stay!"

Yin Zhengliang looked up and said sadly, "Your Majesty, two sons and two daughters under the old minister's knees, the eldest son is stationed at the border gate, the second son died, and the third daughter is nowhere to be found, leaving a little girl to die, and ask the emperor to complete it!"

Turning his tone, he said as if nothing had happened, "If the Prime Minister's daughter is willing, I have no reason to refuse!"

Yin Pianxuan glanced at the four people kneeling in front of him, and their eyes were full of strong anger. After the three of them quickly left the city, less than ten miles away, they often led the pursuers and dragged her back to the palace. She struggled to shake off the hand that held her arm tightly and roared at him, "Xiahou Chen, what on earth do you want?"

The people present were stunned. Yin Zhengliang shook his head and sighed softly. She was bold enough to live to this day. Xia Houchen narrowed her eyes and went straight forward with two "bangs" and slapped her twice.

She was caught off guard and fell to the ground. She opened her eyes and stared at him. Her face was full of hot pain, and the strong smell of blood rushed to her mouth. The corners of her lips oozed and slowly flowed down strangely. The corners of her mouth hooked. She smiled faintly, stood up proudly, walked to Yin Zhengliang, reached out and helped him up, and her voice was extremely flat: "Dad, Let's go home!"

Yin Zhengliang's eyes were hot, and two lines of old tears suddenly slipped down his cheeks. He nodded astringently and gently sucked his nose: "Okay, go home, let's go home!"

The backs of the two were far away. He didn't stop them. He glanced at their backs and turned out of the Yujingyuan coldly.