Agent's little sweet wife, her husband is addicted

Chapter 14 Black Rose is not easy to mess with

White Annie was so angry that she pointed to Lin Xueli and wanted to scold but couldn't scold her. She wanted to refute but didn't know what to say. Finally, he stamped his feet fiercely angrily. An arrow stepped towards Lin Shirley and reached out to slap her in the face.

Lin Xueli is naturally not easy to be bullied. She dodged and took advantage of the opportunity to trip White Annie. Her center of gravity was unstable, so she rushed directly to the ground and threw a dog to gnaw mud.

"Wow, are you all right?"

Lin Xueli pretended to be surprised and bent down to support White Annie.

At this moment, Bai Anne was ashamed and annoyed. She stared at Lin Xueli fiercely and said angrily, "Don't touch me."


Lin Xueli answered calmly and then let go. White Anne suddenly fell to the ground again, and tears flowed out in pain.

By the time that Bai Anne finally got up with the help of the maid, Lin Xueli had already sat leisurely on the sofa and read the newspaper.

White Annie rushed over angrily, pulled out the newspaper in Lin Xueli's hand, and stared at her condescendingly, "You must have used some unscure means to let Si Rui marry you. I will definitely expose your true face and let Si Rui stay away from you."

Another self-righteous scum girl came, and Lin Xueli couldn't help sighing that the peach blossoms were overflowing.

However, it was the scumbag who came to him when he was on a mission. But this is also good. She can abuse such self-feeling little flowers to her heart's content.

"Oh, I'm so sleepy. I'm going upstairs to go to bed. As for you, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I came uninvited, and it's nothing for you to be ashamed.

Lin Xueli said with a smile, left the crazy White Anne and walked upstairs while yawning.

White Annie gritted her teeth angrily, but there was nothing she could do. She sat on the sofa with an arrogant face and pointed coldly at the maid A: "You go and put my luggage in the guest room. From today on, I will live here.

Looking at Bai Anne's posture, she really looks like the hostess of this family.

The maid silently rolled her eyes in the bottom of her heart, but did not dare to delay and dragged her suitcase upstairs.

Imperial Force, Major's Office.

Leng Sirui narrowed his eyes and watched the video coming from the villa, and his eyes couldn't help but smile.

"There are few people who can deal with Bai Qianjin. It seems that you have married an interesting woman this time."

Fan Yuxi patted Leng Sirui on the shoulder with envy and hatred on his face.

If he can marry such a beautiful and witty wife at any time, I'm afraid he will wake up with a smile in his dream.

Leng Sirui glanced at Fan Yuxi's envious face, and some pride flashed in his eyes that he had never noticed.

Now he should know why he married Black Rose.

That night, Lin Xueli came downstairs and was not surprised to see Bai Anne, who was sitting in the living room and directing the servant to move furniture. Looking at the living room, Lin Xueli went straight into the restaurant for dinner with an expression she didn't see.

Originally, Bai Annie thought that Lin Xueli would be angry and angry when she saw it, and would rush forward to argue with her. She even thought about the countermeasures at that time. But I didn't expect Lin Xueli's reaction to be so indifferent.

White Anne was unwilling, so she chased after her angrily.

"Lin Shirley."

Lin Shirley turned a deaf ear to the noise behind her. She opened the chair and sat down, took the maid's hot porridge, took a spoon and scooped a spoon to drink.

It's not bad. It's just right. Each grain of rice is soft and emits a fragrance.

"Lin Shirley!"

White Anne's tone raised a little, but Lin Xueli still ignored it and took another sip of porridge. Lin Shirley's attitude made Bai Anne angry. The young lady's temper broke out and rushed forward and waved the bowl in front of her to the ground.

Fortunately, Lin Shirley hid quickly, otherwise she would have been scalded by hot porridge.

This time, Lin Xueli is also serious.

She looked coldly at White Annie, and her cat-like eyes emitted a cold and sharp light.