Agent's little sweet wife, her husband is addicted

Chapter 31 It's not that we are too stupid, but that the enemy is too cunning

After that, Lin Shirley couldn't hear it at all because Leng Qiqi's words were attached to White Anne's ears. But it doesn't matter to her at all, because no matter what the two little girl does, she can't be her opponent.

Lin Xueli also let it go and listened to Leng Sirui attentively.

Military headquarters.

After inspecting the recruit training ground, Leng Sirui went straight into his office.

He had just picked up the brewed coffee and was about to drink when he heard a knock on the door. Putting the cup on the table, Leng Sirui said, "Please come in." The door of the office was opened, and it was Fan Yuxi who came in.

"Rui, does Blood Blade have a new task?"

As soon as Fan Yuxi walked in, he went straight to the sofa beside him and sat down, looking at Leng Sirui coldly.

At the other end, Lin Xueli, who was monitoring Leng Sirui, immediately cheered up and listened carefully as soon as she heard the topic of blood blade.

Blood Blade is a mysterious force in A country, which is personally trained and controlled by Leng Sirui. Even the head of Country A can only convey orders to the blood blade, but he can't see a soldier of the blood blade. Blood Blade has the world's top armament and is also a legendary existence. As long as the Blood Blade participates in the mission, it has always had zero casualties and zero losses.

There are even rumors that all the personnel of Blood Blade can easily destroy a warring country. Originally, this force was strong enough, and recently, it has been rumored that a secret research institute inside Blood Blade is developing a new high-tech weapon. As long as it is successfully developed, it can make the blood blade like a tiger add wings.

At that time, those neighboring countries will be more afraid of country A. This made all the leaders around the country panic and tried to solve the hidden dangers.

Z country is naturally no exception, so Black Rose was sent.

The chip she wanted to take away from Leng Sirui this time recorded the research drawings and steps of the new weapon, as well as all the information about the blood blade.

So after listening to Fan Yuxi mention the blood blade, Lin Xueli won the spirit of 120,000 points.

"This mission has been cancelled, so you don't have to worry about the blood blade."

I was monitored.

Leng Sirui said in a cold tone, but he wrote a few words with a pen brush and showed it to Fan Yuxi.

Fan Yuxi nodded calmly, but pretended to look at Leng Sirui in surprise, and his voice couldn't help raising a little: "Why was a good task suddenly cancelled? What's going on with those people? It's true to joke about our blood blade.

"The old rule is to leave in three days and lead a team. Zero casualties, zero losses."

Just when Fan Yuxi deliberately roared angrily, Leng Sirui had quickly downloaded all the contents of the task and showed it to him. After that, the two talked about some other irrelevant things. In the end, Fan Yuxi deliberately ended the conversation on the grounds of going to the meeting.

Listening to the high-sounding speech of which leader, Lin Xueli was annoyed and wanted to scratch the wall, but she finally heard the news about the blood blade.

However, what Lin Xueli didn't know was that the continuous sound came from a CD made by Fan Yuxi. The leader on TV was talking endlessly, and Leng Sirui's military coat was neatly hung on the hanger.

, while Leng Sirui and Fan Yuxi have already gone to the next room.

"Did you find that there was an eavesdropper in the epaulette?"

Fan Yuxi sat on the sofa with a lazy look and had no temperament to be a soldier at all.

Leng Sirui glanced at Fan Yuxi with disapproval and smoothed the folds on the sleeve of his shirt. Make sure that your military uniform is neatly dressed, and then sit on the chair beside you.

"Less nonsense, let's talk about this mission and goal."