Agent's little sweet wife, her husband is addicted

Chapter 64 Never fall in love with Black Rose

Fan Yuxi looked at Leng Sirui with a puzzled face. He looked super unhappy from the beginning, and his face was as if he had slept with his wife.

If Fan Yuxi knew that his description hit the center point, he would definitely worship himself.

Leng Sirui turned around and stared at Fan Yuxi with sharp eyes. Like a fierce and arrogant wolf, Fan Yuxi was shocked and almost couldn't help jumping out of Leng Sirui's attack range. I don't know why, he always has a feeling that Leng Sirui will peel himself alive.

Fan Yuxi shook his body fiercely. If that's the case, he must be ready to run away at any time.

"Well, forget it if you don't say it. I'll go first. Black Rose's foot should be injured, and it will definitely be abolished if it runs away. You'd better go back and wait for her, so that no one will take care of her and die of too much blood.

Fan Yuxi touched his nose after saying that, and then quickly turned around to try to flash away.

Even if he doesn't have a car in the middle of the night, even if he has to walk three hours to go home, he doesn't want to stay with Leng Sirui, a low-pressure death.

"Wow, what are you doing?"

Fan Yuxi's wishes failed, because he was grabbed by Leng Sirui's shoulder and dragged back before he took a few steps. Then he rudely stuffed into the car and was finally taken to the unknown direction by Leng Sirui.

"I said, where the hell are we going?"

Fan Yuxi sat up with difficulty, rubbing the back of his head, which was almost scrapped by glass, and looked at Leng Sirui puzzled and asked.

When he touched Leng Sirui's murderous sight, he suddenly silenced.

Well, he shut up when he knows the current affairs. Anyway, Leng Sirui won't pull himself away to sleep.

Half an hour later, in a private room in the MC bar.

Fan Yuxi looked at Leng Sirui with a surprised face and killed a bottle of XO without blinking. He was right. That's liquor, not mineral water. Leng Sirui's drinking method will die directly, okay?

Just as Leng Sirui was about to open the second bottle of XO, Fan Yuxi hurried forward to stand in front of him.

"You are going to die. Even if the black rose is injured, you won't die with pain and guilt. Who knew that the black rose would be there tonight? It's not your fault. And didn't the black rose get caught in the end? You should be happy.

He didn't understand why Colonel Si Rui Leng suddenly drank a stuffy wine.

Brother, for so many years, even I have rarely seen his emotions exposed so clearly. Leng Sirui has always been restrained and cold, with a cold expression like a stone in the Arctic.

How do you like him tonight? And after seeing Situ Qing, it is more obvious when you see the woman lying in the bedroom. That's not his woman. Why doesn't he...

Wait, isn't that woman really a black rose?

Fan Yuxi looked at Leng Sirui with an unbelievable face, and his eyes widened in an instant.

"Brother, we're... catching rape tonight... Fuck, you're fucking crazy and you're going to die."


With Fan Yuxi's angry scolding, there was a loud noise in the private room. A mouthful of XO that had not been drunk scratched over Fan Yuxi's head, and a beautiful arc hit the wall.

Leng Sirui's face could no longer be dark, and his dark eyes were cold, as if he were an enraged beast. Just a look makes people shudder, as if there was a poisonous snake that caused death.

"I said, don't you think you have performed a little bit now? If it's acting, do you care who the black rose lies on or not?

Fan Yuxi is also very popular. Even if you see such a scene, you don't have to joke about his life.

Besides, the black rose will be in Situ Qing's **, not to avoid the search of blood blade and red snake. Could it be that Leng Sirui wants Black Rose to be arrested?

What are you talking about use and acting? He saw that Leng Sirui was trapped at all.

Leng Sirui, who was originally angry, calmed down instantly after Fan Yuxi's reminder, and his face was even darker like ink. Hold your hands tightly, then release them, and then hold them tightly.

The expression on Jun's face is even more ever-changing, which is even more dazzling than Sichuan's dramatic face change.

"Even if it's acting, Black Rose is mine. I don't allow anyone to touch my Leng Sirui's things. Even if I die, it can only belong to me.

Leng Sirui bit his teeth hard, and his back teeth were about to be bitten by him.

"Is that so?"

Fan Yuxi asked with obvious distrust, and there was some joke in his eyes.

"Yes, nothing else. My chess pieces are never allowed to be touched by unplanned people. When I find out the real purpose of the black rose, I will arrest her with my own hands.

Leng Sirui narrowed his eyes and burst into coldness that did not belong to human beings.

His appearance is like telling himself that he should not forget his purpose.

Fan Yuxi curled his lips. Anyway, he felt that his brother was here with Black Rose. At this time, no matter what you say, you are struggling to death. If you are obsessed with it, you will only suffer the consequences in the end.

"Since that's the case, you should aim at Situ Qing. He is Lin Shirley's childhood sweetheart. After tonight's incident, she must have begun to doubt her identity. If Situ Qing knows that Lin Xueli is actually a black rose, it will be troublesome.

Fan Yuxi shrugged his shoulders, and the matter of children's love will be agreed later.

"It's not our turn to worry that Black Rose will deal with it by herself. As long as her task is not completed in a day, Situ Qing will pose no threat to us. What kind of relationship was it before, and what kind of relationship will be after that?

At this moment, Leng Sirui has completely calmed down and exudes a confident and arrogant atmosphere again.

He has completely become a beast ready to go, and his cold pupils are full of consolation and calmness.

Looking at the changes of his friends, Fan Yuxi can only express his admiration.

"Well, let's wait and see what happens. Black Rose should not know that her identity has been exposed, but I think she will speed up after this incident. You should be careful not to fold it in the hands of black roses recently.

Fan Yuxi smiled and stretched out his hand and patted Leng Sirui on the shoulder.

"How's the research on the fire?"

"Oh, fire."

Fan Yuxi sat down properly, and his peach blossom eyes were as full of water, revealing wireless glory. Probably enough to sell. Before Leng Sirui got angry, he hurriedly replied, "The new batch of weapons has been developed and will begin mass production according to the drawings in about a week. The first batch is about ten, and the investment will be increased after it is confirmed that there is no mistake. Tomorrow, at the old place, the lone Wolf's men will leave by private plane with the finalized design plan.

"Is there anyone staring at the design drawing?"

"There has been on alert, and now there are still 16 hours before departure. During this period, I will pay close attention to the movements around me, and there will be no problem.

Fan Yuxi said confidently that he was very proud of the security facilities there.

Leng Sirui's cold eyes revealed a little vigilance and caution, and the whole person's elegance revealed a little laziness.

"It's a big deal. If you make a mistake, just wait for me to commit suicide."

"Oh, how can it go wrong?"

Fan Yuxi stared at Leng Sirui angrily, so the perfect security system, the excellent members in the fire guarded, how could it go wrong? If something goes wrong, he will cut off his head!

According to the practice of Fire, the design drawings should be sent to their secret processing plant within tomorrow. So you can act, only tonight."

Situ Qing threw the ointment in his hand to Lin Xueli and said rudely.


"The special medicine that will make your feet get better faster, you will take action tonight. If you have an injury, it will be difficult to deal with it."

Situ Qing raised his eyebrows, obviously with a handsome and unparalleled face, but how disgusting it looks. Of course, the most disgusting thing is his tall face, as if she were his subordinate.

Lin Xueli threw a white eye to Situ Qing unhapproval, then unscrewed the ointment and began to apply it to the soles of her feet. Strange to say, this ointment is really effective. The bleeding wound actually stopped the bleeding, and the pain just now disappeared.

Isn't it really so magical, like those panacea in martial arts novels that can heal wounds in an instant?

"What I said is faster, only in the next seven hours."

Lin Xueli's eyebrows suddenly frowned and stared coldly at Situ Qing: "What do you mean by this?"

"Your feet will not feel pain in the next seven hours. That is to say, the pain nerve at the wound has been temporarily anesthetized. In this way, you can do things in the best state.

This bastard.

Lin Xueli gritted her teeth with hatred, but she knew that she had no time and no position to protest against Situ Qing.

If you want to break into that villa, you must get help from Platinum. You don't have to think about that place to know that it is heavily guarded, and the security system is not covered. If she is not careful, she may explain it there.

When Bo Rui saw Black Rose contacting him from other addresses, he immediately realized that Black Rose was in trouble.

His eyebrows frowned tightly and his eyes were full of worry.

"Hey baby, I'll give you an address, and you can help me hack into its system and get the floor plan of the villa. As usual, they are all sent to my watch.

Lin Xueli knew that Bo Rui would have some questions. In order not to reveal her identity as Black Rose, she told him what she wanted to do as soon as she connected with Bo Rui.

In the past, the first sound of Lin Xueli's connection with Bo Rui must be: partner, I miss you so much. Starting with 'baby' like this, even explaining the purpose at the beginning shows that she has a special situation now.

Bo Rui didn't ask much. After getting the address, he began to be busy.

Situ Qing narrowed her eyes and looked at Lin Xueli, with an elite and deep light in her blue pupils like the deep sea.

Those blue pupils have extraordinary magic, which will involuntarily enchant those who look at each other. In a sense, Situ Qing's eyes are similar to Lin Shirley's. The difference is that Situ Qing's charming ability is innate, and Lin Xueli was achieved through special training.

Knowing this well, Lin Xueli hardly looked at Situ Qing for a long time.

"I'm curious, who the hell are you? Why does even the mysterious blood blade chase you?

Situ Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Xueli with a meaningful smile on his face.