Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 7 Shocking the audience

The white and blue were still motionless, and the wind around her raised her snow-white robes. Her little face was like jade, and she was like a fairy. Moyu's eyes were imposing, which made everyone awe.

Chen Dongbei took five steps back to stand firm. He only felt that his qi and blood were churning and his internal breath was chaotic, but there was no injury. He knew that it was Bai Lan's mercy, but forced him back and did not hurt him.

He looked at the white blue in surprise and couldn't believe that the teenager's internal strength was so unfathomable? He is only 15 years old and is so terrible. Who in the world can defeat him in the future?

Chen Dongbei bent down and held his fist: "Brother Bai has profound internal skills and is not his opponent. Thank you for your mercy!"

"Brother Chen has made concessions!" White and blue hugged their fists in return.

The two retreated from the ring. The next game was Lin Zixue vs. Zhang Jun. The two fought more than 300 moves. Lin Zixue won by stabbing Zhang Jun's arm with a sword.

In the third game, white and blue against Lin Zixue.

The two stood on the field, and Lin Zixue said fiercely with a sword: "Light up the weapon!"

"I have always used weapons! Let's make a move!"

"Arrogant! Let's see how you block my sword!" Lin Zixue stabbed with a sword, and his sword spirit was like a knife, which was irresistible.

White and blue did not avoid it and ignored the sword spirit. When the sword pierced her in front of her, she raised her bare hands, stretched out two fingers, and gently clamped Lin Zixue's blade.

Everyone was shocked. Can white and blue easily hold such a fierce sword spirit? I'm afraid that the top of the master list is nothing more than that, right?

And the three young masters sitting on the other side, the three masters, couldn't help staring at the white and blue curiously.

Lin Zixue carried ten pieces of internal force and continued to stab forward, but the blade did not move. No matter how hard she tried, the sword seemed to have taken root on her white and blue fingers and could no longer move.

Lin Zixue's face suddenly changed. She knew that she was not the opponent, but she was unwilling to be defeated by one move, and she was defeated by an unknown 15-year-old teenager. What face will she have to survive in the Mo family in the future? Do you occupy a place on the list of masters?

She gritted her teeth fiercely, withdrew her hand and abandoned her sword, transported ten points of her internal strength, and punched it out, and directly hit the white and blue sky to cover the door. Obviously, she had a murderous intention and wanted to hit the white and blue to death.

White and blue smiled coldly. Under her internal force, the sword in her fingers instantly turned into powder and flew in the wind. She turned her fingers into palms and took Lin Zixue's fatal blow.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the scene in disbelief, not daring to blink for fear of missing this wonderful moment.

"Bum! Bang! Bang!" Several loud sounds, in which the two palms were facing each other, and the flying stones exploded on the ground around the ring. Where they were affected by their palms, they exploded one after another.

When the sound stops and the sand and dust are still, everyone can see clearly that the two have separated, and the white and blue stand still, still beautiful and beautiful, without any injury.

And Lin Zixue fell to the ground, spit blood in his mouth, motionless, and was lifeless.

The four elders on the chairman and Xiang Tianyang suddenly stood up. The five elders rushed to the ring, hugged Lin Zixue, immediately sealed Lin Zixue's big hole, and then put their palms against her vest and carried internal forces to continue Lin Zixue's life.

After a while, Lin Zixue slowly woke up and looked up weakly at the white and blue.

The five elders stopped to hold her and said pitifully, "Xueer, your whole body is broken! You have lost your martial arts skills. Let's take you down to recover from your wounds!"

Hearing this, Lin Zixue took a hard look at Bai Lan and fainted angrily.

The five elders sighed, picked up Lin Zixue's body and flew away in the square.

The third round of martial arts, the fourth game, white and blue against Xianghua.

After the first two games of white and blue, Xiang Hua no longer dared to despise white and blue, but waited for it.

Lin Zixue, who is second only to himself on the master list, can't pass two moves in this teenager's hands. Xiang Hua already knows that he is not an opponent, but if he doesn't fight and retreats, he is unwilling, and he can't get through dignity and face.

"Brother Bai is so young and has such cultivation that I admire him very much!" Hold the boxing to Hua.

"I said a lot to my brother. I just came out of the furnace. I don't know the depth of heaven and earth. Please show mercy! Brother, please!" White and blue returned politely.

Xiang Hua no longer speaks or uses weapons to hit him with one palm.

White and blue no longer stood still this time, but saw her body flashing and disappearing in place like a wisp of smoke.

Xiang Hua's palm hit, but found that the target was missing. He quickly turned around, and Bai Lan stood still behind him.

Xianghua is so terrical that if Bai Lan took action behind his back just now, he will definitely die.

But White and Blue did not take action and showed mercy to his men.

He then took out another palm and used ten hundredth of his internal strength. The palm wind blew up a gust of wind around him. The ink people standing around the ring retreated one after another to avoid being swept by the palm wind. He was killed or injured. The fourth master on the master list really lived up to his reputation! The power is so profound!

White and blue calmly looked at the palm and no longer dodged or raise their hands to take over. Instead, Ren Xianghua's palm hit her right shoulder.

Everyone exclaimed, can white and blue survive with this slap?

However, the reality that surprised everyone was that the white and blue in the middle palm did not fall, and it was Xianghua who fell out of the palm!

It's so incredible!

Although Xianghua had no internal injury, the hand that was shaken out of the palm by the powerful internal force of the white and blue drooped softly, and the blood in his chest surged and could not calm down for a long time.

But obviously Bai Lan's hand is merciful, otherwise his end will be the same as Lin Zixue, his muscles and veins are broken, his martial arts skills are exhausted, and he will be disabled for a lifetime.

Xiang Hua couldn't help but be grateful that this teenager was kind. If it hadn't been for Lin Zixue's slap just now, he would have ruined Lin Zixue.

So far, white and blue have won three games and three games, and the martial arts have also won three battles and three wins!

There is no doubt that she was elected as the young master of the Mo family.

The applause of the whole audience was thunderous. After the applause stopped, the ink people knelt down and shouted, "See you young master!"

The sound shook the whole Moshan, and also shook the three young masters who came to watch the ceremony.

"Haha! I really didn't see the wrong person! Laner, you are the best! As a teacher, I can finally give the Mo family to you! Hahaha--" Xiang Tianyang laughed and walked to the center of the ring, pulled up his white and blue hand and raised it to the sky.

"The young master is amazing! The martial arts are excellent! It's really a blessing for the Mo family to have such talents!" The three elders and the fourth elders also walked to the scene and said in unison.

Night Traceless and Shadow also followed the scene, and both of them looked at the white and blue in surprise.

"Hahaha--Lan'er, now that you have been elected the young master, no one dares to look down on you and bully you. You don't have to show yourself in men's clothing anymore. You were originally a daughter, so why cover it up at home! From now on, this will be your home, and these ink people will be your family!"

said to Tianyang that he had pulled off the ribbon of white and blue hair with one hand, and his hair poured out like water, spread over his white and blue shoulders, and it was like jade!

Everyone looked at the fairy, silent for a moment, and the square of thousands of people was silent, and everyone was demented.

Such a peerless face! Such a beautiful country, unparalleled in the world!

It turned out to be the teenager with outstanding literary talent, outstanding martial arts and amazing skills just now! Is it the new young master who is feared by all Mexicans?

So beautiful, but so talented! I'm afraid that the world of the Three Kingdoms is going to change, and the list of Jianghu masters should also change positions!

The three young masters and three masters stood up one after another and looked at the girl in the field. The peerless glory brightened the eyes of the three.

The three have different faces, but I'm afraid that these families will never be calm in the future.

And those failed candidates Xiang Hua, Chen Dongbei and Zhang Jun were even more shocked. Is such a woman? I'm afraid that in this troubled world, it is difficult for anyone to defeat her.

"Haha, you are not allowed to look at my precious disciples like this! Can you think of her? You can only look up at her! If there is anyone who doesn't obey, the whole Mo family will surround and kill him!" Drink to Tianyang.

Yes! Torch! Only the young master's command must follow! Don't hesitate to die!"

The ink people quickly knelt down and bowed their heads and dared not look any more.

"Everyone, get up! There is no need to kneel down in the future! I came to the Mo family today not only for the position of young master, but also to lead the Mo family to stand out among hundreds of families and become the first of the 100 families!"

"The young master is shocked and will become a great weapon!" The three elders looked at the white and blue with appreciation and did not regret the failure of their disciples. They said together in unison.

"Okay! Let's break up! Lan'er played so many games and was tired. I took her down to rest. The three elders, the scene was handed over to you!"

After talking to Tianyang, he pulled the white and blue out of the crowd and out of the square.

Night Traceless and Shadow then followed.

This campaign has finally come to an end.

White and blue became famous overnight, and for a while, they were famous all over the world.

In this way, Bailan settled in the Mo family, and Xiang Tianyang quietly left Moshan the next day and traveled around the world.

All the things of the Mo family were explained to Bai Lan by the four elders the next day.

In fact, there is not much burden on managing the Mo family. It is as fast as she is, just like she built the Mohong Mansion five years ago.

In the past five years, Mohong Mansion has been grown, and it has become as famous as the Mo family.

Now the white blue has the two major forces of the Mo family and the Mohong Mansion, which together have 150,000 manpower, and the financial resources of the Mohong Mansion so far are rival to the country.

With these 150,000 elites, it is comparable to the power of a country.

She is a 15-year-old girl who has such power and is afraid of anyone in the world?

On the fifth day, the four elders held a banquet for the three young masters who came to watch the ceremony.

White and blue dress, fresh and refined, sitting on the main seat.

Within three feet behind her, there is still no trace of the night and shadow. The two are silent on her left and right sides, holding a protective posture, although they know that with her current martial arts, there is no need for their protection.

On the right side of the white and blue, there are four elders sitting on the Mo family, and behind the four elders are four disciples. Except for Lin Zixue lying in bed, all the rest participated.

On the lower left, there are three young masters of each family, who still sit according to the ranking on the master list, with a guard behind them.

"Young masters are guests from afar. Don't be restrained. Eat and drink at will!" At the beginning of the banquet, White and Blue greeted.

"White young master, you're welcome! First of all, I would like to have a toast to Master Bai. Congratulations to Master Bai on his beautiful victory from the masters! Mr. Bai is really a genius. He is so young and has such skills that I really admire him!"

Chu Ge raised his glass first and praised the white and blue with a smile.

"Master Chu, please!" Bai Lan didn't want to talk much to him. He picked up a glass of wine and drank it all.

"Master Bai, I have an inquiry below. I don't know if Master Bai is willing to tell the truth?" Ye Qinghan waited for her to finish the wine and asked.

"Young Lord Ye is welcome, but it doesn't matter! I must know everything and say everything!" White and blue smile, this night is light and cold, I don't know why it makes her feel intimate and familiar.