Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 12 Embrace each other in illness

"I have left the State of Qi since I was ten years old, and now I haven't returned for ten years. I don't care about that position for a long time. Although the country is good, it needs too many white bones to be buried for that country. I just hope that I am not born in the royal family, and I will not have been without family affection since childhood, and my brothers are all cruel to each other. Only the fourth brother is the closest and only family affection since I was a child. No matter what the result is, he has gone back to fight. I can only have one of my two brothers, and I will lose another brother.

After saying that, Ye Qinghan sighed gently, and sentimental and chill flowed out of him. Although he could not see his expression, Bai Lan still felt his helplessness and sadness, and couldn't help but feel a trace of unbearance.

This elegant man is kind and benevolent. He bickered with her all the way and often made her itchy. However, at this moment, the sadness in his heart suddenly poured out and wanted to drown her.

She couldn't help groping from the dark night, trying to hold his hand and give him a little comfort.

But she sat a little far away and didn't touch his hand for a moment. Suddenly, she withdrew her hand and stroked her heart. There was something strange, which was her strange feeling.

The two suddenly fell silent, and there seemed to be something untouchable flowing in the air.

I don't know how long it took, the white-blue stomach grunted, and then remembered that she ate something in the inn last night, and she was only half full at that time. Now she hasn't eaten all day, and she doesn't even drink water. You can imagine how flat her stomach is.

"I'm so hungry! NND! How could my young master of the Mo family fall into such a field? It's cold and hungry, and I don't even have clothes to wear! What bad luck! Humph, ruthless palace, dare to provoke me! When I recover my skills, I want it to disappear from the world overnight!" Bai Lan swept away the strange emotions just now, stroked his flat stomach, and cursed weakly.

"How old are you? Just call yourself my mother? You haven't had time yet, have you?"

"What's wrong with you? Can't I be mature?"

" No matter how mature you are, you are still a minor!"

" shut up! I don't have the strength to quarrel with you now! Get out of the way, I'm going to lie down! My head is dizzy!"

said that Bai Lan slowly lay down, and his whole body was weak. After a moment, his whole body became colder and colder and dizzy.

Her calf touched Ye Qinghan's hand. Ye Qinghan's whole body trembled and quickly withdrew his hand. After a moment, he felt something was wrong. His hand had just touched her, which was so hot.

He hurriedly groped her head in the dark and stopped on her bare forehead. His hot body temperature made him realize that she had a fever.

"What are you doing? Get your hands off me!" The white and blue voice came with a strong nasal sound. Obviously, it had been wet from the cold pool before, but now the temperature is a little cold and I have caught a cold.

"You are sick! It's very hot all over!" He was bothered.

"I feel so cold! Why is it still hot? I'm chilly, okay? Hurry up and find a way to keep me warm! I can't stand it!" Her voice is getting weaker and weaker.

"What can I do? There is no way to make a fire, and there is no clothes for you to wear. Hearing her weak voice, he felt inexplicable pain in his heart. He reached out to hold her body so that he could at least keep her warm with his body temperature. But he didn't dare to be afraid that she would scold him for being in danger.

"Can you hold me?" Her whole body was trembling with cold.

He lay silently beside her, close to her hot body from behind, stretched out his hands to hold her, and held her petite body in his arms, and the pain in his heart was endless.

"Ye Qinghan, don't think nonsense. I'm very uncomfortable now, so I let you get close. Don't misunderstand that I like you."

"Don't worry, I won't think nonsense."

"I won't like any man in the world. Except for him, if he is still in this world, I must find him." Her thoughts were confused, her voice was almost deaf, and she was almost unconscious.

"Who is he?" Hearing him in her mouth, Ye Qinghan's heart suddenly tore and ache.

"He is the person I've been looking for in this life. I want to find him, he said... He said he would wait for me to find him, Anzhi, you have to remember... Remember to wait for me... Don't forget me..."

As he spoke, the white and blue voice became lighter and lighter, and he completely fell into a coma.

The night hugged her silently and spent the long night like this.

White Blue has been in a coma for a day and two nights, and by the time she woke up, it was the morning of the third day.

Ye Qinghan has been holding her in a troubled place. In such a place, there was no clothes or medicine. Her illness dragged like this, and there was nothing he could do. He had no choice but to take water from the cold pool to feed her. He had no choice but to hold her and make her warm.

On the third day, her fever finally subsided and her body temperature returned to normal, but she still couldn't get up drowsily.

At night, I went out and picked some wild fruits. Except for water, the only food here is these unknown wild fruits.

"Night Qinghan, it's not a way for us to go on like this. You don't have to stay here. I'm much better now. Go out and see if there is a way out of this deep valley!" White and blue are full of food and drink, but they still feel weak and weak.

"I've searched everywhere, and there is no way out. It seems that we have to stay here for ten days. When the weak medicine dissipates, we will find a way to get out of the valley."

"Ten days later, the Taoist conference has begun, right? We can't make it!"

"There's nothing we can do. If we go out in ten days, we should be able to arrive on the last day." Ye Qinghan sat next to her, reached out and probed her forehead, but her body temperature did not rise.

"Now the whole world is looking for us, but I'm afraid some people will think that we have eloped! What bad luck!! My reputation has been ruined by you!" White and blue muttered depressedly.

"What's your reputation for just debut? I've been famous for five years, and now it's bad in your hands!" Ye Qing glanced at her.

"That's right, hehe, in the name of your Confucian young master and the second master in the world, I seem to have taken advantage of it!"

"As long as you know! Thinking about this world, the woman who wants to elope with me, I don't know how many, now you have taken this advantage!" Looking at the white and blue smart smile, Ye Qing's heart shook and looked at her stunned.

"You just stink!" White and blue still smiled and ignored his eyes.

The two still quarreled as usual.

The time was spent in a pleasant bickering. On the fifth day, the white and blue body recovered. Except for the lack of internal strength, she was basically unimped.

The two walked through the deep valley together, but still couldn't find a way out.

On this day, the weather was fine and the sun was warm. The two walked to the cold pool and looked at the cold pool. White and blue suddenly wanted to go down to swim and exercise well.

"Night light cold, turn around, I'm going to take off my clothes and take a shower!"

"You forgot that your body is just right and can't go into the water anymore!" The night was stopped by a mild cold sound and did not turn around according to his words.

"It's okay. The sun is just right now, not cold! Turn around quickly! Do you want to watch me take off my clothes?"

"Don't wash for too long! Wash it and get up! I'm waiting for you here!" Ye Qinghanjun blushed and turned around and said.

"Well, I'm very water-based! Don't worry!" White and blue said and took off the pink belly pocket and short underwear, and jumped into the water with a "plop".

"Are you all right?" When Ye Qinghan heard her diving, his heart tightened slightly and turned around disturbingly. He saw her like a dragon, swimming in the cold pool.

She swam from one end to the other end. The cold pool was not big, about ten meters back and forth. She swam back and forth five times before stopping, showing only one head in the water and gasping tiredly.

"Don't swim anymore! Get up and get dressed when you are tired! Don't get cold in the water! Another illness, and you want me to take care of you!" Ye Qinghan shouted at her, with a troubled face.

"This water is not cold, it's very warm! I haven't swim enough yet!" After saying that, she dived into the water. This time, she swam into the deep pool and kept sinking.

Ye Qinghan waited for a moment and didn't see her come out of the water. The water was also calm. He couldn't help twitching in his heart and wanted to go into the water to find her, but he didn't know how to water.

Waiting for a moment, she finally surfaced and swam towards him.

"It's cold at night, come into the water quickly! I found a hole in the bottom of the water. I'll show you. Maybe there's a way out!"

"How can I go down if I don't know water?"

"I'll teach you how to swim! Easy to learn! You throw down my clothes and I'll put them on first!"

Ye Qinghan threw her clothes to her. Seeing that she was well dressed in the water, he slowly walked into the water.

"Come on, I'll teach you!" Bai Lan swam to him: "Shut your breath first, then dive into the water, pull out your hands forward, swing your feet gently, and sneak forward. If you feel suffocating, put your head out to the water and breathe! Shut down when you sink into the water!"

According to what she said, he closed his breath and dived into the water.

In a while, he learned it, although he also drank a few mouthfuls of water because of suffocation.

White and blue took him to the depths of the bottom of the pool and found a hole in the wall next to the bottom of the water.

After swimming three meters into the cave, they found a stone gate.

There was a button next to the stone door, and the white and blue pressed gently. The stone door opened in response, and the two quickly swam in.

At the moment they first entered, the stone door closed quickly and automatically.

There is another world inside, and the two of them looked at everything in front of them incredibly.

The small bridge of the clear spring and the water, a large pink peach blossom forest, the peach blossoms are blooming brightly, dyeing the mood of the two people, and the fragrance of peach blossoms makes them recover from their stunnedness.

Is such a paradise the residence of immortals? It's autumn at this time, and it's incredible that the peach blossoms in this valley bloom in autumn.

A small bamboo house, a delicate bamboo door, bamboo benches in front of the bamboo house door, the cabin is not big, but particularly exquisite.

White and blue pushed open the bamboo door and walked into the hut. The green curtain floated lightly on the green bamboo **. There were two portraits on the bamboo wall. A man and a woman were all beautiful. There was a sword hanging on the bamboo wall next to the portrait.

In the corner, there is a green candlestick with an unlit red candle and a wardrobe.

Bamboo**, with green bedding, a bookshelf and desk in front of the bed, full of books.

This cabin is so quiet and elegant, but it is only covered with a thick layer of dust, and it seems that no one has lived there for many years.

There was a letter in front of the table, white and blue picked it up and read it together.