Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 14 On the Taoist Conference

Ye Qinghan looked at her and was completely speechless.

White and blue turned around in the wardrobe and found several sets of elegant light green ice gauze women's clothing. Although it has been a long time, the ice gauze is a very precious material. Each set of clothes is worth a lot of money. Except for some dust, white and blue is still fresh and elegant.

This is the sixth day. All day, white and blue are intoxicated with those books, and Ye Qinghan holds the sword spectrum and studies it repeatedly.

On the seventh day, in the encouragement of the cold night, the two learned the peach heart swordsmanship together. All day, they spent the whole day practicing and researching.

That set of swordsmanship seems to be useless, but when the two use the Xingyun Liushui sword, it has unexpected power.

But the two practiced repeatedly, and the last move "Buddha Sea Peach Heart" could not be practiced.

In the next three days, both of them were addicted to the study of the last move and never succeeded.

On the tenth day, after dinner, the two recovered their skills at the same time and fought together for 300 rounds in the peach blossom forest. They were still tied and could not distinguish the winner.

On the eleventh day, the two walked out of the peach blossom forest and swam from the cold pool.

With the flowing sword, with their profound skills and light skills, the two each inserted their sword into the stone wall. With the power of the sword, several of them flew up and down to the top of the cliff.

This is the top of a mountain called Hanshan ten miles east of the Acropolis.

White and blue are familiar with the geography of the Three Kingdoms and recognize this mountain.

She began to carry out light work, like a wisp of smoke heading south, and the light coldness of the night followed.

After passing through the nearest town, Bai Lan found the Mo family's branch station and told her that she was all right. The Mo family sent a message to Tong Zhu and asked him to wait for her arrival in Lanling Valley.

There are still three days left for the Taoism Conference. There are thousands of miles away, and the light skills of the two of them are extremely high. In this way, they fly side by side, avoid official roads, and take shortcuts in the mountains, which is faster than ordinary horses.

Finally, on the morning of the third day, the two arrived at the mouth of Lanling Valley.

At this time, Tongzhu, Ye Siya and the guard of Ye Qinghan, and a middle-aged man were waiting at Gukou.

"Young master, are you here? For more than ten days, I'm worried about the dead boy bamboo! Mo people all over the world are looking for young masters. What happened to the young master? Tong Zhu saw white and blue, with a happy face, and moved forward excitedly.

"Well, when we encountered a little trouble, we went to the ruthless palace together, fell off the cliff, lost our strength, and went up the cliff after recovering our strength. It's all right now. Let's go into the valley. White and blue calmly talked about the story.

"Two young masters are coming! I'm Tang Zhongjian, the owner of Lanling Valley, and I'm waiting for the two young masters here! The Taoist conference has begun! The two are important figures in hundreds of families. If you are not present, this conference will be greatly lost! Please follow me into the valley!"

After seeing the salute between Bailan and Ye Qinghan and Tang Zhongjian, they said no more and followed each other into the valley.

Entering Lanling Valley, there is a bamboo forest all the way. Through the two-mile-long bamboo forest, Lanling Villa appeared in front of everyone.

In the square in front of the villa, there was a large ring. At this time, the ring was full of people from all walks of martial arts, about 300 people.

Everyone followed the appearance of Tang Zhongjian and sat on the chairman in the front row.

Tang Zhongjian introduced the representatives of the chairman one by one to the people under the stage, and sat down according to the strong ranking of each family in recent years.

From the left, the first is Ye Siya, the young master of Taoism, the second is Ye Qinghan, the young master of Confucianism, the third is Bai Lan, the young master of the Mo family, Chu Ge, the fourth young master of the legal family, the fifth is Wu Zixing, the new owner of the military family, and the sixth is Leng Moyi, who is known as both medical poisons. Seven are Zhao Qianqian, the new head of the Yinyang family.

"Everyone, everyone has arrived at the Taoist conference of this temple. All the representatives who are present are young people and the masters of today's martial arts. You can challenge the representatives of each family at will and show their strengths, with the intention of learning from each other, until the end."

Tang Zhongjian's words fell, and a man in blue jumped into the ring under the stage. The man was about 20 years old, holding a folding fan and was very handsome.

"The following is the left guardian of the ruthless palace without wind. I heard that the young master Bai of the Mo family once defeated the fourth and fifth on the master list. Wufeng admires him very much, so I hereby ask young master Bai for advice!" The man in blue hugged the white blue boxing on the chairman, with an inexperable smile in his eyes.

When Bai Lan heard that he was from the ruthless palace, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he smiled and said, "Since the left guardian is highly regarded, how can Bai Lan not diso with it?"

After saying that, she stood up, and her green figure flashed and stood in the middle of the ring.

"People in the ruthless palace are good at poisoning. You should be careful and don't take his way!" The sound of light and cold night came from my ears.

Bailan nodded slightly and also said secretly, "I know, I'm going to find someone in the ruthless palace to settle accounts, and he sent him to the door. How can I easily let him succeed?"

"Master Bai is really beautiful, and it seems that this trip is worthless!"

"Ha ha, it seems that the left protection method is specially for white and blue. In this case, how can white and blue disappoint the left protection method! Please!"

"Then no wind will offend you!" After the man finished speaking, the folding fan in his hand attacked her with a strong breath.

White and blue only felt the breath coming with the sound of the wind, and were slightly surprised. They didn't expect that a protector of the ruthless palace actually had such profound skills, which was more powerful than Xianghua. It seemed that this ruthless palace was a hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

She held her breath and stood still. Just as the folding fan was about to hit her door, her figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Wufeng was about to hit, but he didn't see her figure. Such a strange body made him slightly stunned and felt something different behind him. He quickly turned around and saw Bai Lan standing behind him leisurely and looking at him with a light smile.

He was terrified. If she took action behind him just now, she would have been tricked. However, she did not take action, but just smiled at him leisurely. This woman was really as powerful as rumored and could not be underestimated.

He restrained his breath, carried ten times of his internal strength, and sent out a full blow again.

This time, the white and blue no longer dodged, but pulled out the flowing sword at his waist to meet his folding fan.

The two's weapons met, and the folding fan was smashed by the flowing sword in an instant.

The sword spirit from the white and blue sword shook the windless right hand with the folding fan. In an instant, the muscles and veins were broken, and the whole hand hung down weakly, which made his face pale.

"Today is just a small punishment. I won't kill you! Please go back and tell the lord of your palace that if you want to find me, please invite him to come next time. If someone else comes, I will definitely kill him!"

White and blue looked at Wufeng, and the flowing sword was still cut. Her cold eyes swept over his pale face. Her beautiful little face showed a noble and compelling atmosphere. Her tone was awe-inspiring, and the king was domineering, which made people afraid from the bottom of her heart.

Wufeng gritted his teeth and couldn't hide his fear in his eyes: "Thank you, young master Bai for not killing! If Master Bai doesn't kill you today, he will definitely repay today's kindness!"

After saying that, he jumped off the ring and immediately two young people in blue came forward to help him.

White and blue was about to turn around and walk down the ring. Suddenly, a figure flashed in the air, and a girl in pink stood in front of her. The girl was about ten * years old, beautiful and delicate, but a trace of grimness flashed in her eyes when she looked at the white and blue.

This woman is Zhao Qianqian, the new head of the Yin and Yang family.

"Master Bai, take your time first. I have asked for advice!" Zhao Qianqian said.

"What does the Zhao family give you any advice?" Bai Lan smiled gently and naturally saw the grimness that flashed in Zhao Qianqian's eyes.

"Master Bai is brave and has profound skills. I don't know how good he is in Qimen Dunjia?"

"Qimen Dunjia is the head of the Yin and Yang family. Bai Lan only knows a little about it and dares to play an axe with the front class. If the Zhao family owner wants to compete with Bai Lan, Bai Lan will not retreat!"

"The young master Bai is really magnificent! Then Qianqian put a formation on the stage. If the white young master can break this array and come out from this array, naturally the white young master will win! If it can't be broken, then my yin and Yang family, in the status of the seven masters of martial arts, should naturally rank ahead of the Mo family! Do you dare to take it?"

"Ha ha, although the owner of the Zhao family is arrayed, the white and blue are followed!!" She still smiled, as if she didn't pay attention to Zhao Qianqian at all.

This smile pierced Zhao Qianqian and surprised everyone present. They all secretly said that although the young master of the Mo family had profound skills, it was really an arrogant move to escape from the yin and Yang family.

Zhao Qianqian sneered and waved to the stage, and twelve male disciples of the Yin and Yang family in black flew to the stage.

Twelve people stood in one direction and surrounded the white and blue in the middle in an instant.

Zhao Qianqian jumped to the stage and waved his hand gently. The twelve people quickly changed their bodies one after another. Their bodies were strange and fast, changing positions with each other.

For a moment, everyone only felt dazzled. The twelve people were like a cloud of smoke, encircling the ring. The white and blue figures in the circle could no longer be seen. They could only see a big fog running like a vortex in the stage, getting faster and faster, and the scene could no longer be seen.

Ye Qinghan and Ye Siya, Tong Zhu and the three of them were stunned when they saw this scene and stood up.

"What kind of formation is this? So powerful?" Tong Zhu asked in shock.

"This is the first fog and shadow array in the world. It was created by the former head of the Yin and Yang family. For more than 30 years, countless masters have challenged this array, but those who enter the array will be trapped in it and have hallucinations, lose consciousness and self-harm, and will not return for a lifetime!" The night was light and cold with a solemn face.

"Yes, this array is extremely weird! Master Bai is afraid that there will be danger!" Ye Siya was bothering.

"I didn't expect this Yin and Yang family to be so vicious! Using this cruel formation to deal with the young master is obviously prepared to at least die! Two, help me find a way to save my young master! I'm afraid the young master has lost consciousness! I hurt myself!" Tong Zhu looked at the two anxiously, and now only these two masters can save the young master.

"We can't go in to save her. Once this array is activated, even a peerless master can't enter, because they can't find the entrance to enter at all." Ye Siya said.