Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 17 Belly Black and Light Cold

"Good! Zixing is also very happy to get to know Young Master Bai!" Wu Zixing also has a cup to the bottom.

After drinking, he laughed loudly: "It's really good wine! Sweet and sour, mellow in the mouth! Good wine!"

White and Lan also laughed imagelessly: "Haha, since it's a good wine, you should drink more! We won't get drunk!"

"Good, it's rare to meet such a good wine! Don't get drunk and don't come back!"

The two laughed, pushed the cup for a moment, and talked happily.

White and blue usually love delicious food, but also love wine. She is good at drinking among women. Like this extremely low-grade red wine, she can drink two or three jars alone.

As a general, Wu Zixing naturally drank a lot. The two of them drank non-stop for an afternoon, and in the evening, they had already drunk eight altars. Most of it was drunk by Wu Zixing, and the white blue only drank about three jars.

At this time, both of them were a little drunk. They lay on the table and closed their eyes to rest. For a moment, the white and blue were drowsy.

Suddenly, the sound of the star soul sounded in my ear: "Master, are you all right? But do you want to rest in this room?"

White Blue raised her head and looked out of the window that it was getting late. She remembered that Tong Zhu was still waiting for her to return to Lanling Valley, but she was afraid that the night was also waiting for her.

She got up and saw that Wu Zixing had fallen asleep. She walked over and clicked his sleeping hole and called, "Star Soul, come out and help me help Wu Zixing to the inner ** to rest. I'll go back to Lanling Valley to rest."

The star soul flashed in from the window and was a little reluctant: "Master, this is your special room. It's enough for you to bring him here. Why do you let him sleep in your special bed? Why don't you take him to the next room to rest?"

"No, it's right here. He is a character. It's okay to let him sleep in my bed! Come and help him!"

The two helped Wu Zixing to bed and covered the quilt. Bai Lan told the shopkeeper to take good care of Wu Zixing and left a note to write:

Brother Zixing, I have something to do at home and need to go back urgently. In the future, I will definitely go to the State of Qi and get together with you for a thousand cups!

Then, he left the Piaoxiang Building with the Star Soul and returned to the Blue Spirit Valley.

At the door of the backyard of Lanling Valley, Tong Zhu and Ye Han were waiting there anxiously.

"What time is it now! Have you been drinking with a girl until now? Do you have the consciousness of being a woman? Ye Qinghan saw her coming back and saw her blushing wine, and her face was cold.

"The night is light and cold, you are too broad! I'm tired and don't want to quarrel with you! Let's go back to rest and leave for Xiangcheng tomorrow!" White and blue ignored him and walked straight into the yard.

Tong Zhu took her to one of the rooms. She closed the door tiredly and suddenly fell into **. Within a moment, there was a steady breathing sound and she fell asleep.

The light cold at night outside the door and Tong Zhu heard her fall asleep. The two sighed slightly and turned back to their rooms to rest.

White and blue slept well all night. At dawn, they woke up, freshened and walked out of the door. They saw that the night was cold and Tong Zhu were waiting at the door.

"The night is light and cold, and I'm going back to Xiangcheng. Let's say goodbye!" White and blue looked at the night.

I still feel a little reluctant. After all, the two have lived the ten days of adversity together. Although they have been bickering, they still have some strange feelings from bickering.

Ye Qinghan saw the slight reluctance on her face, her heart was warm, and her face was calm and elegant. He said in a warm voice, "I'm just going to go to Xiangcheng to attend Qinhuang's fiftieth birthday. We are on the same road. I have said goodbye to Lord Tang Gu! Let's go!"

After saying that, he walked forward first. White and blue were speechless and could only follow.

And Tongzhu and the star soul hidden in the dark can't help but **, thinking that the young master of the night is really reluctant to chase.

Tongzhu brought three horses and three of them went on horse.

When I slowly walked out of the Blue Spirit Valley, I saw two people waiting outside the valley. It was Chu Ge and his personal bodyguard.

"Ha ha, Hongxi, what a coincidence!" Chu Ge looked at the white and blue with a ruffian smile.

"Master Chu is deliberately waiting for Lan'er and me, right?" The night was light, cold and cold.

Chu Ge did not answer the light chill of the night and directly ignored him: "Hongxi, I'm going to Xiangcheng to celebrate the 50th birthday of the Qin Emperor. I'm on the same road with you. Let's go on the road together. There is also a care on the road. You have offended the ruthless palace and the Yinyang family now. I'm afraid this journey is not peaceful!"

"It's okay to go on the road together. Don't bother me if you have nothing to do, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will do anything!" White and blue rode past him without looking at him, leaving a word behind.

When Chu Ge saw her agree, he smiled and followed her.

Tong Zhu behind smiled with interest and said secretly: It seems that this journey will be very lively. They are all chasing their young master.

Ye Qinghan's face was cold, his lips moved slightly, and the sound was secretly transmitted to his dark guard: "Mo Chen!"

"Master, I'm there!" Mo Chen's voice came from the dark.

"You ordered the people in the dark pavilion to spread the news of Emperor Chu's serious illness all the way from the State of Chu to the State of Qin. Move quickly. I want Chu Ge to turn back to the State of Chu within a day!"

"Yes! I'm going to send a message!" Mo Chen disappeared behind him.

Although the star soul hidden in the dark did not hear what they said, it saw Ye Qinghan's lips move slightly, and then a figure flew away from the dark and immediately understood that it was Ye Qinghan who was ordering his dark guard to do things. As for what to do, it is unknown.

The group of five rode fast and slowly. They walked all morning and came to Fengcheng, a city in the State of Qin.

White Blue casually found a restaurant to eat, but did not go to Piaoxiang Restaurant.

In a box on the second floor of the restaurant, as soon as I ordered food, I heard people eating in the lobby downstairs discussing yesterday's discussion conference.

Among them, white and blue are the most discussed, all about how she defeated the left guardian of the ruthless palace, how to break the first array in the world, and how to leave the head of the Yin and Yang family.

"Ha ha, Hongxi, after yesterday's conference, you are well known all over the world and a household name!" Chu Ge laughed.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone downstairs say, "Have you heard?" The Emperor of Chu is seriously ill. It is the news that has just come from the State of Chu!"

"I just heard that Emperor Chu is 60 now, right? Suddenly, he is seriously ill. I'm afraid he can't do it. Since he abolished the crown prince three months ago, he hasn't established a crown prince yet. He doesn't know that he will succeed to the throne!" Another person picked it up.

Chu Ge's face changed and said to the bodyguard behind him, "Go and find out if this news is true?"

As soon as his words fell, another man's voice came from the door: "Report to the Second Highness, the emperor suddenly became seriously ill and sent a letter asking the Second Highness to return to China as soon as possible!"

Chu Ge stood up quickly. It seems that there is no need to check it. This matter is true. He must leave for China immediately.

"Hongxi, young master Ye, my father is seriously ill and can't celebrate Qinhuang's birthday any more. Let's say goodbye!" Chu Ge's anxious face.

"Well, then go back to China quickly!" White and blue waved their hands and said lightly.

"Master Chu, it's easy to go!" Light and cold at night also waved.

"Hongxi, when I return to China and stabilize the situation, I will come to Qin to find you. You have to wait for me!" After saying this, Chu Ge turned around and quickly left with the two guards.

At this time, the second child of the shop came to eat, and the white and blue bowed his head to eat.

Ye Qinghan watched her eat with a smile on his face, obviously in a good mood.

"Why are you so happy! Shouldn't Emperor Chu be seriously ill? Did you spread the news? Do you want to take the opportunity to take him away?" How smart a white and blue person is. When he sees his smile, he immediately understands it.

The night smiled warmly and said, "Ha ha, Lan'er is really smart! I know you hate him, so I tried to get him away, so that he won't shake in front of you all the time and disturb you all the way!"

"You hate him, don't you? You are so dark! How can you cheat others like this!"

Bai Lan looked at him and re-examined him. The light cold of the night was by no means as warm and harmless as it looked. His secret power was not small, and he actually spread such important news from the State of Chu to the State of Qin within half a day.

This is by no means the work of Confucian disciples. Does he have other forces?

It seems that there are also his people in the court of Chu, otherwise it is impossible to send a letter to Chu Ge, and it can make Chu Ge believe it. It seems that his hand has reached to the court of various countries. I'm afraid that there are also people in the Qin Dynasty.

As the third prince of the State of Qi, he has always been invisible in Confucianism and seems to have no dispute with the throne. What is the purpose of these forces he secretly cultivated? Is it possible that he is also competing for that high position?

Isn't there one more opponent? And he is a stronger opponent than Prince Qi.

It seems that in the decade when he was invisible in Confucianism, he only kept his light and kept a low profile, secretly stored his power, and could become a young master of Confucianism, and had martial arts strength that he could not even defeat himself. This man with a warm surface was too simple.

Remembering that the last time they discussed the sword with him in the deep valley, the two of them recovered their skills and then competed. He must have hidden something and did not do his best. He must not be his opponent.

The so-called second place in the list of masters must also be deliberately conceited. With his current unfathomable skills, I'm afraid that Ye Siya, who ranks first, may not be his opponent.

When thinking about this, Bai Lan smiled gently and looked at him with a slightly cold look. He stopped talking and buried himself in eating.

Ye Qinghan knew that she was confused, but she didn't explain anything much and ate it gracefully.

Tong Zhu was also pulled by white and blue to sit down and eat together. After suffering from the dark satellite soul and Mo Chen outside, they could only eat dry food on their own side.

After dinner, several people continued to rush, and their journey accelerated a little. They had nothing to say anything all the way. Five days later, they went to Fengcheng, the prosperous commercial city of Qin, and a hundred miles ahead was Xiangcheng.

I had dinner and stayed at Yunshui Pavilion in Fengcheng.

Ye Qinghan and Tongzhu were arranged in the next room by the shopkeeper. The Star Soul has informed the shopkeeper in advance to pretend that they don't know white and blue.

At night, as soon as Bailan was about to fall asleep, he heard a slight sound outside the window, and the voice of the star soul came: "Master, I found someone following me!" Go down and chase him."

White and blue jumped up and flew out of the window: "I'll chase it!"

There are no people in the dark night outside the window, but the breath moved slightly. Obviously, the star soul has caught up, and the white and blue flew away in the direction of the breath.

As soon as I chased out of the woods outside the city, I saw a familiar white figure in front of me. Under the faint moonlight, white and blue could see that it was cold at night.

"Why are you here?" White Blue stopped beside him and asked doubtfully.

"I was about to go to bed. When I heard a noise outside your room, I got up and chased him out. I lost his trace here. It seems that the person's light work is excellent!" Light cold at night.

"Master, my subordinates followed Young Lord Ye here, and there was no one to come!" Star Soul Transmission.

"Since you haven't caught up, let's go back to bed!" Bai Lan turned around and came back. When she was about to carry light work, she was pulled by Ye Qinghan. She stopped puzzled and looked at him.

"Lan'er, wait a minute, this forest is a little strange! Don't carry light work, or you may fall into a trap! There are hidden weapons hidden in the surrounding trees. Be careful and walk slowly. Don't touch the hidden weapon switch!" The night's cold face explained solemnly.