Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 19 Discussing Withdrawal

White and blue hold a jade pendant and press the five-e elements gossip array to find the birth door. Even if it is a stranger, it is just a blindfold and a lot of danger. Three or five steps a thin silk line that touches the mechanism, the people who arrange the array obviously want to trap them to death, so there is no absolutely safe way to live in this array.

Bai Lan smiled coldly, thinking that the owner of the ruthless palace was ruthless and talented, and could set up such a step-by-step killing array. He was afraid that Zhao Qianqian, the head of the Yin and Yang family, would also participate in the array.

Step by step, she was extremely slow, bowing her head, bending down, raising her hands and raising her legs.

The star soul supported the still weak night light chill and followed her closely. The two learned her movements and walked slowly.

I walked ten feet away all the way. Sure enough, I didn't encounter any more organs. Bai Lan stood up straight, took a gentle breath, and finally came out of the strange wooden array.

"Haha, this method is good, but it's a pity that it can't trap me white and blue! The ruthless palace owner is a talented person. Sooner or later, I will meet him!"

Ye Qinghan looked at her with an ignorant face, as if he was very interested in the ruthless palace owner. He suddenly felt uncomfortable and reminded her coldly. You don't have to meet him, I'm afraid he won't stop at you! What you should do is to strengthen your guard in case he makes other new moves next time!"

White and blue smiled, "Ha, I'm not afraid of him. These two times are unprepared, and I won't let him get it so easily in the future! Star Soul, let's return to the fragrant building! His residual poison is still dangerous!"

After saying that, she flew away first. The star soul took the night light cold in one hand and took him away with light kung fu.

Back to the Piaoxiang Tower, Mo Chen and Tong Zhu, the dark guards in the cold night, were waiting in his room urgently.

Mo Chen felt guilty when he saw Ye Qinghan's injury and hated his failure to protect his master.

The star soul put down the night light cold on the bed, and Bai Lan sat in front of his bed and turned her head to send a secret sound to the star soul: "Go to Mohong Mansion to find Molan, and use her medical skills to drive away the residual poison for the night cold."

"Yes, my subordinates will go immediately!" Star Soul answered, and then turned around and flew to the branch of Mohong Mansion on the street next to Piaoxiang Building. Molan is the head of this branch.

After a while, the star soul hurriedly came with Molan.

As soon as Molan saw the white and blue, her delicate face showed joy and bent down to salute: "Molan has seen her master!"

"Don't be polite. Help me see his injury!" White and blue looked sad, and put the position in front of the bed away and gave Molan a pulse.

At this time, Ye Qinghan's face is still pale. I think it was too much blood when he was poisoned last night. Although he was awake, he was weak.

Molan was slightly stunned when she saw the handsome face of the cold night. This man, even if he is weak, is still gorgeous, his eyebrows are picturesque and as warm as jade.

She lowered her head to take his pulse and pondered for a moment and said, "Master, this prince is a poison called Yixiang. If the poisoner does not detoxify within 12 hours, he will definitely lose his life. Fortunately, he was forced out the deadly poisonous blood in time. Only a few residual poison has not been removed. My subordinates prescribe a prescription to relieve the residual poison and take medicine for another day. , it's completely all right!"

Mo Lan then wrote a prescription, and then went down to grab the medicine. Half an hour later, she brought the medicine in. Bai Lan took it and fed it herself.

Seeing Bai Lan's concern for the light cold night, several people in the room understood the relationship between the two. After last night, they went further.

"Okay, Mo Chen and Xinghun go down and do your duty as a dark guard. I will take good care of him." White and blue waved their hands to let them down.

Tong Zhu and Molan also retreated, leaving only white and blue and light cold night in the house.

White and blue looked at his pale face and felt guilty. After all, he suffered for himself. Close your eyes and rest. We will stay in Fengcheng for three days. When your injury is healed, we will recuperate. Three days later, we will enter Xiangcheng. I will go outside to make a formation first, so that the stalker can't come again.

After saying that, she walked out of the room and came back two quarters of an hour later, pale and tired.

Ye Qinghan looked at her tired look and said in a warm voice. Lan'er, you didn't sleep last night! I lost my skills again. I must be very tired. Go back to my room and have a rest. I'm fine. Just ask Mo Chen to take care of me."

White and blue sat in front of the bed, "No, I'll just rest here. I'll just lie down by the bed and sleep for a while! Go to bed!"

"You'd better go to bed and sleep. It's not that we haven't slept together. Don't worry, I won't touch you. I'm powerless even if I have the heart!" Ye Qinghan smiled at her and moved her body inside, giving her half of the space outside the bed.

White and blue scolded. It's all hurt like this, and you still have a poor mouth! I think you deserve it!"

"Do I deserve it? I don't know who I blocked the poison needle for, and I was ungrateful so quickly!"

White and blue smiled and covered him with a quilt. I didn't ask you to help me block it. It was your own wishful thinking to block it for me. Why, do you regret it now?"

"Yes, I regret it, because I saved an ungrateful person. This poison, this suffering, is really worthless!" He joked.

"Well, there is no regret selling medicine in the world. You should regret it slowly! I'm going to bed! Don't bother me again!" After saying that, I was really sleepy and couldn't stand it. I wanted to go back to my room to sleep, but I was worried about the man's injury. I had no choice but to climb into bed and lie outside with my clothes, with my back to the light cold of the night. After a while, there was a sound of even breathing and I fell asleep.

Ye Qinghan looked at her back and smelled the faint and familiar fragrance of fresh orchids on her body. He wanted to reach out and hug her from behind, but stopped. After last night's crisis, what reason did he have to hug her in such a comfortable **?

When they went through danger together, they could hug each other to warm up. Now, he has no excuse, let alone have no reason to reach out. He knows that there is a man named Anzhi in her heart, and he also has his own shoulder and his own way to go. It is impossible to keep moving forward with her, unless she has That identity, and I am willing to go with it all the time.

He has been stuck in thought and can't sleep.

By the time Bailan woke up, it was night, and she slept all day.

Molan had prepared dinner and had been waiting outside the door. Hearing her wake up, she also went to bring the soup in.

After drinking the medicine at night, Bailan saw that he looked much better, so he helped him up for dinner.

Molan makes medicinal diet, which is tonic vitality and blood deficiency. White and blue forced the night to eat a lot.

After dinner, Bai Lan looked much better and told his dark guard Mo Chen to take care of him. Then he returned to the Yunshui Pavilion next door to rest. That was her room, which was naturally more comfortable than his room.

The two lived leisurely in this Fengcheng for three days.

The night mild chill injury is intact, restoring power and physical strength, and white and blue have also recovered the damaged power.

Two days before the birthday of the Qin Emperor, the two set off for Xiangcheng. This time, because of a mild chill injury at night, the two changed to take a carriage to avoid bumps and walk slowly. They watched the scenery all the way, quarreled and laughed, and were very happy.

Tong Zhu naturally became a groom to drive a car. Molan rode and followed him. Mo Chen was a dark guard. He had no horse riding, so he could only follow the dark with light kung fu.

White Blue let Molan follow this time because of her good medical skills. Now there are two strong rivals, the ruthless palace and the Yin and Yang family. She should bring a doctor by her side, so as to leave the star soul in Fengcheng and take care of the business of the Mohong Mansion.

In terms of light martial arts, Molan may not be as good as the star soul, but Molan is a smart woman with a white and blue belt around her, and many points in life are always more convenient.

When she arrived in Xiangcheng, it was already dusk. Bai Lan looked up at the big characters in Xiangcheng and sighed in her heart: She left here a month ago and didn't expect to come back a month later. She had another identity and an extra responsibility.

Ye Qinghan looked at her expression and asked with a smile, "What? Do you have feelings?"

"Well, after all, I am now the young master of the Mo family. It's very different from when I left a month ago. It's time for me to get rid of my marriage with Prince Qin."

"How are you going to cancel this marriage? Prince Qin won't agree so easily, will he?"

"Prince Qin is not a problem. He is easy to deal with. The problem lies with Empress Qin. She bit me to death and will not allow Prince Qin to withdraw from marriage! Ye Qinghan, I have a way to cancel this marriage, but I need your help. Are you willing to help me?"

The night is light and cold, "It depends on how to help? Come and listen!"

"How about you play a play with me? Just think of it as entertainment! On the contrary, in the eyes of the world, Meng Hongxi is an arrogant, stupid and ugly girl. Her reputation is bad enough, and she is not afraid of adding another failure to have an affair with others. Five months later, I will be there. I really hate the title of the crown princess! Why don't you play the role of having an affair with me? I'd like to see how angry Qin Shenran and Empress Qin will be when they see me like this, and will they still let that marriage contract keep?" She smiled faintly, and a trace of cunning flashed in her eyes.

You mean you want me to pretend to fall in love with you? Are you not afraid that people in the world will scold you for not following the woman's way, and there is a fiance who has a private relationship with others, and your fiance is still the prince of the State of Qin and the future king? Ha ha, are you sure you want to withhold such a crime for yourself?" Seeing her cunning smile, Ye smiled playfully. The woman in front of her was really different. She didn't care so much about her reputation and didn't look like a lady in the general's mansion at all.

"Ha, I just want to damage my reputation, the worse the better, so that his majestic Prince Qin will not marry a defamous woman as the crown princess, and only then will the damn marriage contract be terminated, and I can be free."

"All the women in the world are fighting for the position of the crown princess, but you are afraid to avoid it! I really doubt if you are a woman! The behavior is too much like a woman!" Ye Qinghan said and looked at her up and down, and his eyes were full of doubts.

She made fun of him in turn. Haven't you seen me as a woman? Did you forget what you looked like when you blushed in the deep valley of the cold mountain?

Hearing her bold and explicit words, I remembered that when she was in the deep valley, the jade white and exquisite curves that were not completely wrapped under her belly pocket, but his jade-like face not only turned red in an instant, but also embarrassed for a moment and speechless.