Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 21 Presented by Beauty

"I wanted to come back quietly to surprise you! I didn't expect you to give me a big surprise in turn!" The night trace passed on coldly, with anger in the tone.

When Bai Lan saw his angry appearance, he was a little puzzled. He didn't know how he provoked him. After five years, he had never seen him so angry. No trace, what's wrong with you? What surprise can I give you?"

"I didn't expect that you would walk so closely with my third brother in just a month after I left you! Isn't that a surprise?"

Ye Wuhen saw her inexplicable face, and his heart was even more painful and wanted to roar. He tried to restrain himself, his hands tightly pinched himself, his nails fell into the flesh, and blood oozed out, and he still didn't realize it.

"No trace, it turns out that you are angry about this! I and Qinghan have gone through hardship together in this month. He saved me. We have only been together for a few days. If you can't accept this, I can only say sorry. We are in love with each other!" In order to divorce, she can't let Wuhen know about this play for the time being, and she can only continue to play it.

"Do the two love each other? Lan'er, how can you be so cruel to me?" The eyes without trace at night are full of pain.

"Why am I cruel? Wuhen, he is your third brother and I am your friend. Why don't we fall in love with each other?"

"Lan'er, five years, haven't you had any feelings for me in the past five years? Can't our five years together be worth a month with you and him? Hearing her light words, his eyes turned red with anger and stared at her without blinking for a moment.

"No trace, that's a different feeling. I think you misunderstood my feelings for you. Yes, I saved you because you looked like the person you once loved, but later I found that you are not him, and I have always regarded you as a friend and a partner. It's not love between us."

At this moment, Bai Lan suddenly realized that Ye Wuhen had feelings for her beyond super friendship. She felt guilty. In fact, for so many years, she had not paid much attention to him and ignored him. Although she was together, she spent more time on running Mohong Mansion and martial arts, and did not notice his feelings for herself. At this time, when he saw Ye Wuhen's look, he knew that he had fallen too deep, but he had always been good at hiding himself.

Ye Wuhen was about to say something more when the light and cold of the night came from his ear: "Fourth brother, you can't blame Lan'er! Emotional things have always been involutated. I fell in love with her first and pestered her! She is not wrong!"

Ye Wumu turned to Ye Qinghan fiercely, and his eyes were full of pain and hatred. Is she right? So is it me who is wrong? Third brother, you robbed my love. We have been separated for ten years. Is that how you came to reunite with me? I won't forgive you! Never!"

"No trace, you can't blame the light cold! It's my fault. I don't know you have this kind of feelings for me. I've misunderstood you for so many years! Calm down! You are brothers, and you must not turn against me! I'm not worth it!"

The night turned coldly to white and blue, "Brother turned against each other? Humph, I was born in the royal family without a brother, otherwise he would not have taken away my love! He is the first to be unkind. Don't blame me for my injustice in the future!"

I don't know why, when he heard Ye Wuhen's hatred for the light cold of the night, Bai Lan's heart trembled and suddenly raised an ominous foreboding, "Wuhen, what do you want to do? Do you want to attack him? No, I don't allow it! If you want to deal with him, then deal with me first! I am one with him and will never be separated again!"

"Okay! You won't separate, will you? Then I will definitely separate you! Wait! Laner, I won't give up on you! I won't die!"

White Blue was about to persuade him again, but Ye Qinghan stopped her. He took her hand and whispered close to her ear: "He is now angry. He can't listen to what you say. Forget it. When he calms down, he will figure it out one day. Besides, we are just acting. After this play, he will not be so extreme again! We were born in the royal family, and we didn't grow up together. We are already strange to each other! Even without you, we can no longer be as innocent and pure and love each other as we were children."

White and blue nodded and were speechless for a moment. She didn't expect today's situation. Ye Qinghan was right. Born in the royal family, the family was originally weak. Moreover, in such an era, people are relatively precocious. Only childhood can they have innocence and purity. When they are teenagers, they are still children, but most of them face life and death prematurely. Scatter and intrigue.

Thinking of this, Bai Lan only wanted to explain this matter to Wu Trace after she divorced Qin Shenran. After all, it was a five-year friendship, and she didn't want to lose it so easily.

At this time, there was a sharp voice from the eunuch: "The emperor is here! The Empress; Concubine Wen; Concubine Liu; Her Royal Highness; Prince Cheng is here!"

The crowd immediately calmed down and knelt down to worship!

White blue and Ye Qinghan clasped their fingers tightly and held each other, but bent down to salute without kneeling.

The Emperor of Qin came side by side with the Empress, followed by Concubine Wen; Concubine Liu, Prince Qin Shenran, and King Qin Chen.

This is the first time that Bai Lan has seen the legendary prince. He is dressed in a purple brocade robe, noble and extraordinary. He is more beautiful than a woman, but he has a cold and domineering appearance that people dare not look directly.

It is said that King Cheng is the protector of the State of Qin. Fifteen years ago, when he was only 13 years old, he invited himself to go to the battlefield. For 15 years in the army, he established a military service and amnesty, which was deeply supported by the people.

Over the years, he has rarely returned to the imperial city. Because he guarded the land of the State of Qin on the border, the State of Qin can preserve its current land. Because of him, Wu Zixing, the god of war of the State of Qi, did not invade the cities he guarded.

Qinhuang loves and trusts this brother very much. He holds the 300,000 military power of the State of Qin. It can be said that in the State of Qin, this king is under one person and above 10,000 people.

Qinhuang and others sat down one after another, and the people kneeling below got up and sat down.

Bai Lan looked up at Empress Qin and saw her sitting next to the Qin Emperor. She was looking at herself with joy. Bai Lan was still a little sad. After all, she was her biological mother. She must be happy to see her safe return.

Bai Lan nodded to her and said hello. She turned her head to Prince Qin sitting at the head. Seeing that he was staring at herself with anger and disgust, Bai Lan gave him a cold look and ignored him and looked at Cheng Wang Qin Chen sitting next to him.

Similarly, Cheng Wang Qinchen's eyes also fell on her, but there was a trace of play and inquiry in his eyes. White and Lan smiled at him indifferently, thinking that it was just the first time I met him. Why did he look at me with this? Did he see through my disguise?

While wondering, her left hand suddenly felt a burst of warmth. Ye Han had gently grasped her hand and approached her ear and said, "Don't laugh at other men casually!" Looking at the eyes of the king, it is clear that he is interested in you. You should be careful of him in the future! Stay away from him!"

"Ha ha, you worry too much! How can an ugly woman like me fall into the eyes of the charming king? He is interested in my status as a princess. As long as this identity is removed, he won't look at me again!" Bai Lan whispered and said that the intimate whispering appearance of the two was even more eye-catching.

"Xi'er, this is the main hall. Please pay attention to it with the cold king!" Monpo couldn't stand it anymore. As her nominal father, she had to remind them in a low voice.

White and Lan were silent. At this time, the attention was enough. Seeing Qin Shenran staring at her all the time, the murderous eyes, she smiled secretly, moved her body slightly, and pulled a little away from the night light cold.

A moment later, the banquet was held, and all kinds of delicacies and delicacies were passed up to the hall by the maids of honor.

The envoys from various countries have presented congratulatory gifts one after another.

Then the princesses and the ministers take turns to perform their talents.

White and Blue buried her head in a wild meal. It was not until the performance was almost over that she was full and looked up at the scene.

At this time, there was a veil masked beauty, dancing. The woman's figure was enchanting, and she was dressed in a pink translucent veil, which made the exquisite curves loom. Her chest was high, her waist was like a snake, and her beautiful eyes flowed, showing charming feelings. After dancing, the beauty gently lifted the veil, revealing her beautiful face, and stood in In the field, all the men in the hall were stunned. Even the three thousand beautiful women in the harem and the 50-year-old Emperor Qin were dazzled and confused.

White and blue smiled softly, which is indeed a peerless beauty, but such a rare beauty, I'm afraid that ordinary men can't afford it.

Thinking so, Bai Lan turned his head and looked at the night light cold beside him. He lowered his head and tasted a glass of wine leisurely. He did not look up at the beautiful woman. Obviously, he was not confused by the beauty.

Bai Lan was a little surprised. When she thought about it, she was relieved and secretly said: This woman's figure is so hot that as long as she is a normal man, she will be fascinated, and she can't be confused by the cold of the night. Isn't he not a normal man? No wonder in the ten days in the deep valley, he slept with me every day, sometimes hugging and sleeping together. He has never responded. He dares to have a problem with that aspect.

At this time, the night was light and cold. If you knew that you were mistaken by Bai Lan, you wouldn't be dizzy by her.

I saw a man in blue and gorgeous clothes coming out of the scene. The man was holding a folding fan, with a romantic and beautiful appearance!

The man walked to the beautiful woman and said to Qin Huang, "Your Majesty Qin, this woman is still Lan Qing, the most beautiful woman in Eastern Yan. I was ordered by my father to dedicate this woman to your majesty to celebrate your majesty's birthday! Your Majesty, please accept it!"

"Haha, in that case, I'm not ungrate! Please thank the third prince of Yan for me! Xiao Dezi, take Miss Lan down to rest and be awarded the title of Concubine Lan from now on! Give Lanting Palace to live!" Qin Huang laughed and was obviously very satisfied with the first beauty presented by the affiliated country Dongyan.

East Yan and Southern Xinjiang are the vassal states currently under the State of Qin. Since the three division of the world a hundred years ago, these twohou states have paid tribute every year for a hundred years, and have never been two minds.