Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 25 Preparation

"Well, I'll let go of your handsome face first. Where should it be next? Well, it's arm's turn first!" After saying that, she gently stretched out her hand and grabbed his arms, with a slight force, "clucking" twice, the sound of joint displacement, the night was so cold and sweating, but closed her lips without humming.

Tong Zhu and Molan beside them were stunned. Unexpectedly, Bai Lan was so cruel to Ye Qinghan and took off his arm joints.

The two were secretly shocked, thinking that they should not offend this little master in the future, otherwise they would suffer.

Mo Chen, who secretly followed outside the carriage, suddenly became anxious when he heard the rattling sound. He flew from outside the carriage to the frame, raised the curtain and flew in. "Your Majesty, are you all right!"

"I'm fine, you step back! The princess won't do anything to me. I'm her future husband. If she murders her own husband, won't she be widowed? Ye Qinghan endured the pain and calmly said to Mo Chen.

"Ha ha, your prince is right. I won't do anything to him! I will only do this to him! Slight punishment! You can't die!" With that, she moved her hands and clucked twice, which also pulled out the joints of her legs in the cold night.

Mo Chen looked at Ye Qinghan's cold sweat and his face** in pain. Unexpectedly, he didn't hum. He thought that his master had always been strong. When would he bow his head to people? What's more, he has never been close to women. He has never seen him look at any woman. Now he is willing to be bullied by this little woman. He is so important to her. I'm afraid he is really moved. He hurriedly kneel down on one knee to white and blue. Princess, please show mercy! I am willing to be punished on behalf of the prince!"

"Mo Chen, don't call me princess. I haven't married your prince yet! I'm upset to hear that, and maybe I will do too much on your prince! I'm not surprised! Ye Qinghan, if you really can't stand it, just hum. Maybe I will soften my heart for a moment and forgive you!"

The night light cold barely pulled the corners of his lips, showing an ugly smile than crying. Ha ha, Lan'er, as long as you can forgive, this pain is nothing, I can stand it!"

White and blue put their hands on their cheeks, and their flexible Moyu eyes stared at him closely. "By the way, when did you start setting up this bureau? When did you get the national book of Emperor Qi? Come out of the cold mountain? Or come out of Blue Spirit Valley?"

Looking at her innocent and flawless appearance, Ye Qinghan's heart shuddered. Under her flawless surface, there was a fierce spirit that could not be seen directly. "When I came out of the cold mountain, I asked people to send a letter back to my father for a letter of state. The day after we arrived in Xiangcheng, we were in the Piaoxiang Building."

"Ha ha, in the Piaoxiang Building? On my territory, your people actually dodged my eyes and ears! It seems that you are very good at it!"

"How can I be as good as Lan Er? There are many masters in the Piaoxiang Building, and my people are just a fluke. Laner, you have a large number of adults, and you won't care about such small things with me!"

White Blue waved his hand and said, "Wrong! I'm not an adult, I'm just a little girl! Don't you know that only women and villains are difficult to raise? And I am very vengeful. I usually don't make him feel better if I offend him. Although your people didn't hurt me, breaking into the Piaoxiang Tower without permission also offend me! Especially that man still sent that damn national letter! He is not here now, so you, the master, can only carry it for him!"

After saying that, the white and blue hands gently pinched the two arms of the cold night, and with a force, they clucked four times. The joints of the arms and legs were connected one after another, but it was even more painful that the night cold and sweated.

Mo Chen nervously squeezed a cold sweat for him, "Your Highness, are you... okay?"

"It's okay, Lan'er, can you relieve your anger?" Ye Qinghan endured the pain, but frowned slightly, turned to white and blue, and asked calmly.

White, blue and red lips pouted, "Huh, does this want me to relieve my anger? Wait, I won't let you live a good life in the future. I'm not a gentle daughter, and I never look at women's admonitions. I don't understand three virtues and four virtues, and I won't marry a husband! In this era of male superiority and female inferiority and polygamy, I am monogamous and equal. I don't care why you want to marry me. At this point, I am not interested in knowing. If you dare to take a concubine or provoke other women, don't blame me for not reminding you! You will bear the consequences!"

"With Lan'er, the women in the world are all air to me. I can't see it, let alone let other women shake in front of your eyes. You can rest assured about this!"

Hearing his promise, the white and blue face softened a little, leaned tiredly on the wall of the carriage, closed his eyes lazily and said lightly, "Remember what you said, Mo Chen, take your prince away!" Except for the Piaoxiang Tower and the General's Mansion, don't let me see you again in these ten days.

After saying that, Bai Lan ignored them and closed her eyes to rest.

Ye Qinghan frowned slightly, "Lan'er, this is my first time to come to Xiangcheng. How can I not live with you? How can you bear to leave me outside and be blown by the cold wind?"

"Get out! Don't bother me to sleep!" White and blue, cold and low drink.

"But you haven't untied my acupuncture point yet! I can't open your unique acupuncture technique with internal force!"

"It will be solved automatically in an hour!" After saying that, he didn't wait for Ye Qinghan to speak. Bai Lan closed his eyes and waved to him, and a strong airflow came to Ye Qinghan and Mo Chen.

Mo Chen was shocked and quickly picked up the unmovable night light cold and turned around. He flew out of the car and narrowly avoided the momentum.

When they stood up, they looked up and saw that the carriage had gone.

"Master, we..."

"Let's go back to the dark court!"

The two went in the other direction in an instant.

Bailan returned to the general's mansion. Mengbo has sent someone to clean up the elegant Mengqing courtyard in the east wing and let Bailan live in it. After all, Bailan is now the crowned Princess Hongxi, and ten days later she will be the Han princess of the State of Qi.

Even if Monpo and Madam Meng don't like her anymore, they can no longer let her live in the former dilapidated courtyard.

White and Blue didn't say anything. They asked Tongzhu and Molan to pack up a few clothes and some books, and moved into Mengqingyuan.

It is night. When the willows are on the moon, white and blue lie leisurely on a rocking chair in the yard, lazily tasting tea and enjoying the moon.

Tong Zhu and Molan stood behind her just because Bai Lan said: There will be guests tonight. The two were on full alert and did not dare to relax their vigilance and pay attention to the movement around them. Although this large general's mansion was heavily guarded, it could not stop the real master.

Sure enough, when they felt a fluctuation of airflow in the air, several figures had fallen in the yard, in front of their eyes.

"I've met the original poster!" Seven figures in blue knelt down on one knee and respectfully saluted the white and blue in unison.

White and blue shouted unhappily, "Get up, how many times have I said it! Don't kneel down to me anymore, you really are! Do you want to make me angry if you don't change it?

Seven people got up and stood side by side in front of the white and blue, which were the wind; snow; stars; shadows; plums; bamboo; chrysanthemums. In the Mohong Building, white and blue cronies.

Seven people lowered their heads in unison: "I dare not!"

Bailan waved his hand and said, "Forget, since you are all here, let's go into the room for a meeting. Tongzhu, you should now know that I am the identity of the owner of Mohong Building. These are all the masters of Mohong Building. I won't introduce them one by one. You can get to know each other slowly in the future. You are not from Mohong Building. Now you will Don't participate. Keep it in the yard."

Bailan said, slowly stood up from the rocking chair and stretched out lazily. When he entered the house, he ignored Tong Zhu's words. After hearing her words, he was shocked and stunned on the spot and could not recover.

The eight people have obviously been used to the new word "meeting" in white and blue.

Eight people followed each other into the room and sat around a round table. White and blue still lay lazily on the soft couch beside them, looking at the shadow and asking, "Shadow, did you come back from the State of Qi without trace? What is the situation in Qi? Where does Wuhen settle down in Xiangcheng now?

Shadow replied respectfully: "After his subordinate returned to the State of Qi with the traceless prince, the Emperor of Qi was very happy. He was awarded the title of King of Feng, gave the palace, and handed over the military power of 30,000 guards to King Feng, and then sent the King Feng to the State of Qin to celebrate the birthday of Qin Emperor. Although the Emperor of Qi trusted Prince Qi on the surface, he has always attached great importance to leaving in the heart of Qi Emperor. The cold king of the country for ten years is rumored that the cold king is the first wizard of the state of Qi. At the age of nine, he has won the first place. At the age of ten, he led the army to the battlefield. Now he has a 300,000 elite soldier, called the Han Iron Army. I heard that Emperor Qi had been calling the cold king back to China since five years ago, but he has been rejected by the cold king so far. Therefore, the premise of King Han's invitation to the country to ask for marriage was that he agreed to Emperor Qi. After marrying Princess Han, he returned to the imperial court and participated in political affairs. After his subordinates returned to Xiangcheng with King Feng, they settled down in the post hall in Xiangcheng of the State of Qi. The disciples of Mohong Building who went to the State of Qi with their subordinates temporarily stayed in the dark pile branch of the State of Qi. However, after King Feng came out of the palace, he did not return to the post office. His subordinates had just found out that King Feng had left the Feng City, only two guards, and hurried to the direction of the State of Qi.

After listening quietly, Bai Lan listened and smiled softly, "Oh, I didn't expect that the cold king, who had been away for ten years, would still win the heart of the emperor. Unexpectedly, the night light cold can't be underestimated. There are still 300,000 cold iron troops! Wuhen didn't stop at all. Obviously, he didn't want to see me again. Whether he returned to the State of Qi, my marriage with King Han had become a fore, lest he would watch me get married here, and everyone would be embarrassed. By the way, snow, what's going on in the past few days? How is the situation of the ruthless palace owner I asked you to check?

"My subordinates are incompetent, so they can only find out that the ruthless palace owner is ruthless. They arrived in Xiangcheng five days ago. In addition, the most mysterious dark pavilion master in the world also arrived in Xiangcheng in the next few days. As for where they are now, there is no way to know."

Hearing the words, Bai Lan smiled gently: "Oh, the leaders of the two organizations have come to Xiangcheng. It seems that there is a good show in Xiangcheng this time! I'm afraid that this trip of the ruthless palace will embarrass me. We have to prepare for a move, Xue; Mei; Zhu; chrysanthemum, the ears of your intelligence hall should be more open, and find out all the hidden piles of the ruthless palace in Xiangcheng and Fengcheng for me in two days!"