Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 40 Departure and Return

After looking at him for a moment, he saw that he was still sitting still. Bai Lan couldn't stand it and said angrily, "Night Qinghan, why are you still sitting? Why don't you get out? You're not going to sit here and watch me bathe all the time, are you?"

Ye Qinghan raised his head and looked at her angry little face, which was very cute. He couldn't help but move his heart and replied happily, "I didn't plan to go out. When you were in a coma yesterday, I bathed and change clothes for you. Lan'er, I can see every part of your body clearly. What are you afraid of? Besides, we are husband and wife, and it's okay to watch you bathe. On the contrary, this is the interest between husband and wife." What? Did you bathe and change clothes for me? The night is light and cold, and you are in danger! What kind of bullshit? You, now, right now, get out of here! Otherwise, I...uh...uh..."

After she finished speaking, he suddenly got up quickly, wrapped his arms around her waist with one hand, held the back of her head with the other hand, quickly covered her red lips, and kissed her deeply.

White Blue was dumbfounded for a moment and forgot to react. It was not until his spiritual tongue reached into her mouth and teased her that she came to her senses and reached out to push him away, but her hands were strongly imprisoned by his arm. At this time, she was too weak to use her strength at all. She was about to The internal force shook him away, but he saw through her intention and quickly put his hand up on her back and fixed her acupuncture point.

She couldn't move, so she could only stand stiffly. The dress in her hand fell to the ground, allowing him to do whatever he wanted and couldn't make a sound. He and her dumb hole also clicked it. It was really abominable! She gritted her teeth secretly: Night Light Cold, if you really dare to touch me today, I must pay you for what you have done today.

He kissed her deeply and couldn't stop. His hand couldn't help groping for the dress tie around her waist. With a slight force, her blue skirt fell gently to the ground.

Then, her white underwear and belly pocket were also taken off by him. For a moment, she was not an inch old, soft and fragrant, as soft as boneless. He still kissed her. In his tos and turning kiss, in the hot stroke of his big palm, the snowy skin and jade skin glowed with bursts of blush.

Just as she was kissed, he left her lips and looked down at her angry face. The big ink jade eyes burst out a fierce light that he wanted to kill him.

His voice was hoarse and smiled gently: "Lan Er, it seems that you still can't kiss. How can you breathe with your mouth when kissing? It should be breathing with your nose. Well, let's learn this slowly in the future. Now, let your husband serve you bathe. If you are tired, close your eyes and rest. Don't worry, I won't force you without your permission. We are husband and wife. Remember this. I take all this for granted now.

After that, when he saw her flawless face, he suddenly turned red, and the murderous spirit in his big eyes was reduced. He laughed happily. It turned out that his Lan'er would also be shy. It turned out that his Lan'er would not kiss. When she used to breathe artificially for him, she also said that she had kissed others before, which made him lose him for a long time. Now it seems that she is just so strong and angry with him.

He laughed and picked her up horizontally, walked behind the screen, then gently put her into the big barrel and gently bathed her.

He is very familiar with her body. At this moment, although she can't move, he can't help bathing her under her sober eyes. His body reacts naturally as early as he kissed her. He has been holding back. At this moment, touching her jade-like skin makes him blush.

When Bai Lan saw the painful expression on Ye Qinghan's face, she was suddenly in a good mood and laughed secretly: You are going to serve me to take a shower. Now you can see and touch it, but you can't eat it. Don't hold you to death? Haha, I will enjoy the service of beautiful men for free! Just bear with it slowly! Huh......

Thinking about this, she closed her eyes leisurely and enjoyed the feeling of a beautiful man taking a bath with satisfaction. The warmth soaked in hot water, coupled with the crispness and comfort of his warm palms touching her skin all over, and she was closing her eyes to enjoy it. After a moment, she actually breathed evenly, which was obviously comfortable to sleep.

The night was cold and smiled helplessly. In this warm and hot atmosphere, she could still fall asleep? Is it that he is not charming enough, or is she too determined to have no feeling at all in the face of a beautiful man like him? It seems that he still has a long way to go. If he wants to impress her and let her accept him from the bottom of his heart, he still has a long way to go.

No matter what road he will take in the future, he will not leave her side and will not allow her to leave.

gently picked her up, untied her acupuncture point, wiped her body, put on a coat and skirt, and put it on ** to cover the bedding.

When he walked out of the door, Lv Fang and Leng Moyi and Xiang Hua waited in the yard, sitting at the stone table drinking tea. He walked over and found a vacant seat to sit down.

"Han Wang, how is the princess's health? Are you feeling better?" Lu Fang just saw him sit down and asked urgently.

Ye Qing smiled faintly: "She is fine. She just fell asleep. General Lu doesn't have to worry. I will take her back to Qi tomorrow. General Lu will continue to guard this Jiahe Pass."

As soon as Lv Fang heard that they were leaving tomorrow, he was immediately anxious: "The cold king didn't know that the princess had bet with the veteran before and promised to retreat in five days, but now he has done it. The veteran and the remaining 50,000 soldiers in Jiahe Pass are determined to follow the princess in the future. The only princess is the order to obey. Therefore, please wait for the princess to wake up. , how about making arrangements for us and so on?

Ye Qinghan poured himself a cup of tea and looked at Lv Fangcai seriously and said, "General Lv, although you are determined to follow Lan'er, you are still from the State of Qin after all. You can't let this Jiahe Pass go back to Qi with us. She doesn't need you now, so it must be her intention to leave you to guard. In this battle, I and Lan'er don't want people to know that it was defeated by Princess Meng Hongxi. General Lu only needs to be called the white and blue leader of the Mo family. White and Lan is Princess Meng Hongxi. Few people know that there will be relatively less trouble. In a few days, the reinforcements of General Meng and Prince Qin will come, and also Don't let them know about it."

"Please rest assured that the veteran knows what to do. The old man will continue to stay here and wait for the princess's dispatch at any time." Lv Fangcai bowed respectfully to Ye Qinghan and retreated. When he turned around, he was secretly surprised: Even Mengbo didn't know that Bai Lan, the young master of the Mo family, was his daughter? It seems that the princess not only closed the eyes of the world, but also her father and former fiance Prince Qin.

Ye Qinghan nodded, turned his head and smiled warmly at Leng Moyi, "Mo Yi, since you have nothing to do, how about going back to Qi with me? After many years away from China, there must be a lot of things that need your help after I go back. Moreover, Lan'er's body is still very weak and needs your help to recuperate.

"Well, I'm also idle. I'll go with you." Leng Mo nod and agreed.

Ye Qinghan turned to Xianghua like a piece of wood and called him like white and blue: "Brother Xiang, you are also tired. Go and have a rest first. You will leave for Qi tomorrow."

Xiang Hua nodded and answered, then turned back to the guest room to rest. He had just learned that the white and blue was the princess Meng Hongxi, but it didn't seem to be so surprised. Maybe he was like this, a rigid look, like a piece of wood, but it was also difficult to see through what he thought.

Ye Qinghan and Leng Moyi drank tea and talked for a while. Leng Moyi went back to his room.

As soon as Leng Mo entered the room, Mo Chen's figure flashed out and whispered, "Prince, the State of Qi sent an urgent letter, and the emperor sent a decree to order the prince to return to China as soon as possible."

"Isn't the king planning to return to China tomorrow? The old guy seems to be unable to hold on. When the eldest brother saw the fourth brother and I returned to China one after another, he probably lost patience and wanted to force the old man to give up his seat in advance. Has the team to welcome him back arrived?

"Your Majesty, the welcoming team returned to Qingyang City, 100 miles away from Kyoto in the State of Qi, yesterday."

"You send the king's order to stop the welcoming team and the 10,000 cold iron army escorted in Qingyang City for half a month. When I return to Qingyang City, we will go to Beijing together. In addition, the dark guards escorted by the dark pavilion can be withdrawn."

"Yes, my subordinates are going to send a message." Mo Chen was about to turn around to send a message when he was stopped by Ye Qinghan: "Wait, you will prepare two carriages tomorrow, one of which will be covered with felt and prepare bedding to make the princess sit comfortably."

"Yes!" Mo Chen took the order to retreat, thinking about when his master became so careful?

The next day, at dawn, at the beginning of the day, at the gate of the general's mansion.

Two carriages pulled by the sweat-blooded BMW of Ye Qinghan and Mo Chen said goodbye to Lv Fangcai and the eight generals, left the general's mansion and headed north.

The carriage behind sat Leng Moyi and drove to China.

The carriage in front was driven by Mo Chen, a dark guard who had rarely appeared at night. In the spacious carriage, a soft couch was specially arranged. White and blue fell asleep peacefully. The night cold lay sideways beside her, gently wrapped around her waist and looked at her carefully.

She was really able to sleep, and she didn't even wake up from the carriage from the general's mansion. It seems that she has indeed been exhausted these days. The war was originally between men and caused by men's ambition and desires. She was a weak woman, but she shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the country. This time, if she hadn't rushed to Jiahe in advance. Guan, I'm afraid that now Jiahe Pass has been broken by 300,000 troops in Southern Chu, and the State of Qin will face the dilemma of losing its city and pool.

Now the State of Qin is getting weaker and weaker militarily. Except for King Qin Chen, there are indeed no useful generals. Even without the joint plan of Chu Ge and the King of Southern Xinjiang, I'm afraid it may not be very stable.