Princess of Special Forces

Chapter 38 Reunion

When Bai Lan opened her eyes and woke up again, she found herself in a strange room. Looking at the decoration of this room, it seemed that the identity of the person who took her away was not simple.

She sat up and found that her body had changed slightly. In addition to being unable to exert force, her abdomen showed slightly, as if she had been pregnant for more than four months.

She was stunned and remembered that she was only pregnant for more than a month when she was assassinated. Why did she wake up? How long did she sleep?

Just as she looked at this strange place doubtfully, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl came in from outside the door and saw Bai Lan sitting in a daze, and immediately smiled happily: "Miss, you are finally awake! The maidservant immediately went to tell the prince that he would be very happy to know that the young lady would wake up.

After saying that, the girl turned around and ran out. White and Lan laughed at herself. It seemed that the person who took her away still valued her very much!

Gently got out of bed, sat down at the tea table and poured herself a cup of tea, and slowly tasted it. She was not in a hurry to escape. Now she is powerless and can't use force. Even if she escapes, she can't escape. Instead, she calmed down and wants to see where the so-called prince is so blatantly that she is. What is the purpose of the forced ablu to the cold princess?

For a moment, there was a rapid footsteps outside the door, but when they arrived at the door, they paused, as if they hesitated, and then pushed the door in.

White and blue looked at the door curiously and waited for the man to come in. When the man's footsteps stopped at the door, she seemed to feel a familiar breath, penetrating the wooden door made of mahogany and coming head-on.

Across the door, she still felt the gasp of the person outside the door. Maybe it was because she walked in a hurry, or maybe it was because she was too excited and nervous. The man's hesitation made her sure that she was an acquaintance.

A young man in a moon-white brocade robe came in. The moment Bailan saw him, he was slightly stunned. This was a completely strange face. Bailan really couldn't remember where he had seen him. The man was about 18 years old, handsome, but he had a temperament that did not match his age.

The man has a familiar temperament, but it seems that he has known an acquaintance for a long time. Bai Lan stood up and thought of the man who had not appeared in her memory for a long time. She looked at the strange face in front of her in disbelief. Is it really him?

The man also stood there and looked at her as soon as he came in, as if he had forgotten to breathe, and his eyes fell into some kind of memory...

The two were only three meters apart and looked at each other. They lost their words for a moment and looked at each other motionlessly. For a long time, the man muttered, "Lan'er... Are you okay?"

"Are you...Anzhi?" Bai Lan looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. There was only one possibility of that familiar smell. He was Xiao Anzhi, the man who was smashed to pieces with her in his distant previous life.

The man nodded with a suppressed excitement in his voice: "Lan'er, 18 years, I... finally found you!"

As soon as his words fell, the white and blue ran over uncontrollably and rushed into his arms. She couldn't help crying bitterly. She lay on his shoulder and cried wantonly. For so many years, she thought she would never see him again...

He held her back with his back, patted her gently, and comforted her: "Lan'er, we finally met. We should be happy. Don't cry, okay? You are pregnant now. You should not cry. It's not good for the baby!"

White and blue ignored it. They just hugged him and cried bitterly and didn't listen to his advice at all. He could only let her hold him helplessly and let her cry happily.

I don't know how long she cried until when she stopped, Xiao Anzhi's moon-white robe, and a large part of her chest was wet with her tears.

He let go of her, put his hands on her shoulders, looked down at her crying red and swollen eyes, and laughed in a low voice: "Lan'er, I just found out that you can cry so much... Ha ha, anyway, we should be happy that we can meet again. I thought I would never see you again in my life."

The two let go of each other and sat at the tea table separately. White and Lan calmed down. Then they remembered and asked, "Anzhi, why am I here with you? You didn't take me?"

Xiao Anzhi smiled elegantly and said, "I wanted to take you away, but I was taken a step first. I followed the person who took you to the capital of Northern Qi before I found a chance to grab you."

"North Qi Capital? Is the person who abtain me traceless?" Bai Lan frowned when he heard the words. Except for him, he really didn't know who would rob her, but he didn't hurt her when she was unable to deal back.

"Who is Wuhen?" Xiao Anzhi is puzzled that he has never heard of this name.

"He is today's Qi Huangye Qingfeng. He has the same face as you in his previous life, so I saved him from the escape eight years ago and grew up with him. We are friends, but I didn't expect him to do such a thing today and take me away when I was unable to fight back." Bai Lan said and couldn't help but be disappointed. Although she knew that Wuhen was not safe, she had always regarded him as a friend because of that face and never thought that one day he would take action against her.

"Laner..." Xiao Anzhi stretched out his hand and covered her hand. "I was reborn in a small island country in the North Sea north of Northern Qi. It is also half a month away from Northern Qi by Clipper. It is called North Island. Since I came to this world, I have always felt that you are also in this world and have been secretly looking for you in various countries in the world until three years ago. When I heard the name of the young master of the Mo family, I knew that the young master of the Mo family was you, but when I came from the North Island, I had lost your trace. Then I returned to the North Island and soon heard about the battle of the young Master of the Mo family in Jiaheguan. I was more sure that it was you. When I went out of the North Island to find you again, you had disappeared, Lan Er, You don't know that in 18 years, I have searched all over the world. When you and the cold king sent troops a few months ago, I guessed that the cold princess Meng Hongxi was you..."

Hearing this, Bai Lan suddenly interrupted him: "Wait... Anzhi, you said a few months ago? How long have I been sleeping? Where the hell is this?"

Xiao Anzhi poured a cup of tea for the two, picked up the tea, and said slowly, "This is North Island. Your body was injured and almost slipped. When I grabbed you from the hands of the Northern Qi Dynasty, after a fierce battle, I took you far away to escape from the control of the Northern Qi Dynasty and sent you to the ship for a doctor. The doctor said You are physically and mentally damaged and extremely tired. After this rush, your fetus can't stand it, so you can only keep using drugs to calm the fetus, and you don't know when you will wake up. And the cold king is now fighting with Zhongcheng. Northern Qi is in the middle and chasing you. I can't deliver you safely to the cold king for a while. All countries in the world know that Princess Han is the young master of the Mo family. There are many people who want to get rid of you quickly. After thinking about it, I can only temporarily take you back to the North Island to be safer. So far, for Stop, you slept for three months."

"Three months?" Hearing this, Bai Lan stood up urgently and said eagerly, "Anzhi, I've been sleeping for so long. How's the fight with Qin Chen? No, I'm going back to the cold iron army! Anzhi, can you arrange a boat to take me back immediately?

Looking at her eager face, Xiao Anzhi's heart was sad, and a trace of glancholy flashed on his handsome face. Now, can she only hold that person in her heart? He is still late.

raising his eyebrows, Xiao Anzhi smiled and covered the gloomyness. "Lan'er, don't have to worry too much. I just received the news that King Han's army has won all the way. In the past three months, more than 30 cities in Zhongcheng have been captured. Now the Han King should have attacked Xiangcheng, the capital of Zhongcheng. I will arrange ships immediately. I'll send you back and take it myself. You hand it back to the cold king."

After he said that, Bai Lan grabbed his wrist and apologized a little: "I'm sorry, Anzhi, I can't stay here with you. I've been missing for three months. The light cold must be very anxious, and hundreds of thousands of cold iron soldiers are waiting for me to go back. I don't have time to accompany you. In the future, the Hanwang Mansion will not have to fight. I Shall we get together after giving birth to the baby?

Xiao Anzhi turned around and smiled, patted her hand soothingly, and said indifferently, "It's okay. Since you woke up, I won't leave you here again, lest someone hit my North Island to ask me for someone in the future. I'm not his opponent! I'd better send you back!"

Looking at Xiao Anzhi's disappeared back, the gap in Bailan's heart for many years has been filled, but it is slightly sour. Once she was so eager to find him, but now that she has met again, she can't stay with him, because her heart has put another person, and her body is pregnant with that person's flesh and blood. Anyway She knew that she would not leave that person. Even if she separated from Anzhi again, she would go back. Her country was there.

With the change of time, they meet again in another world. They can hug and cry, talk to each other's hearts, and recognize each other by their familiar breath, but it is impossible to move forward side by side. The previous life is far away, and the love is difficult to continue.

The little girl brought the food. After eating, Xiao Anzhi came in and took her out of the room where she had been asleep for three months.

On the big ship to Northern Qi, there were hundreds of guards on the ship. When Bai Lan saw those guards, he knew that Xiao Anzhi was worried that he would encounter the pursuit of Northern Qi again after arriving in Northern Qi.

As for Ye Qingfeng's action against her this time, she couldn't help sighing and finally reached the hostile time. It seemed that the friendships that grew up together were already insignificant. In front of the imperial power and the country, Ye Qingfeng easily abandoned the friendship.

When the big ship quickly traveled on the sea for half a month and arrived at the port of Northern Qi, from afar, Bailan saw a familiar figure standing on the shore waiting for her.

She got off the boat side by side with Xiao Anzhi and saw the familiar man standing there, the face of Xiao An's previous life, and Xiao Anzhi standing beside her in this life. White and blue couldn't help sighing their fate. These two men undoubtedly occupied an important position in her two lives, but now for her Speaking of people, he is not the most important person.